Die roeping van Christus se profete


Liefde vir die Romeinse pous moet in ons 'n heerlike passie wees, want in hom sien ons Christus. As ons in gebed met die Here omgaan, sal ons vorentoe gaan met 'n duidelike blik wat ons in staat sal stel om die werking van die Heilige Gees raak te sien, selfs in die lig van gebeure wat ons nie verstaan ​​nie en wat sugte of droefheid veroorsaak.
- St. José Escriva, Verlief op die kerk, n. 13


AS Katolieke, ons plig is nie om na volmaaktheid in ons biskoppe te soek nie, maar om luister na die stem van die Goeie Herder in hulle s’n. 

Gehoorsaam u leiers en stel hulle daarop uit, want hulle hou toesig oor u en sal moet rekenskap gee, sodat hulle hul taak met vreugde en nie met droefheid kan uitvoer nie, want dit is vir u geen voordeel nie. (Hebreërs 13:17)

Pope Francis is the “chief” shepherd of Christ’s Church and “…he carries out among men that task of sanctifying and governing which Jesus entrusted to Peter.” [1]St. Escriva, Die Forge, N. 134 History teaches us, beginning with Peter, that the successors to that first Apostle carry out that office with varying degrees of competence and holiness. The point is this: one can quickly get stuck on their faults and failings and soon fail to hear Jesus speaking through them, despite.  

For indeed he was crucified out of weakness, but he lives by the power of God. So also we are weak in him, but toward you we shall live with him by the power of God. (2 Corinthians 13:4)

The “conservative” Catholic media has, for the most part, been stuck for some time now on the ambiguous or confusing aspects of Francis’ pontificate. As such, they often miss or completely omit reporting on the often powerful and anointed statements of the Pontiff—words that have deeply touched, not only me, but many of the Catholic leaders and theologians I converse with behind the scenes. The question we must each ask ourselves is this: Have I lost the capacity to hear the Voice of Christ speaking through my shepherds—despite their shortcomings? 

Though this is not the main point of today’s article, it almost has to be said. Because when it comes to quoting Pope Francis these days, I sometimes have to preempt his words with such caveats as above (trust me… articles like these are almost always followed with emails telling me how blind and deceived I am). As the head of one well-known apostolate said to me recently regarding those who have taken a position to criticize Pope Francis publically:

Their tone leads a person to feel as though you are betraying Christ’s Church if you don’t disagree or even somewhat “bash” Pope Francis. At the very least, it is implied, we must receive everything he says with a grain of salt and question it. Yet I have been very nourished by his gentle spirit and call to compassion. I know the ambiguities are concerning, but it just makes me pray for him all the more. I’m afraid schism will come from all this ultra-conservatism in the Church. I don’t like playing into the hands of Satan, the Divider.  



My spiritual director once said, “The prophets have short careers.” Yes, even in the New Testament Church, they are often “stoned” or “beheaded,” that is, silenced or sidelined (see Maak die profete stil).  

Pope Francis has not only cast the stones aside but has deliberately called the Church to step up her prophetic voice. 

Prophets, true prophets: those who risk their neck for proclaiming “the truth” even if uncomfortable, even if “it is not pleasant to listen to”… “A true prophet is one who is able to cry for the people and to say strong things when needed.” —POPE FRANCIS, Homily, Santa Marta; 17 April 2018; Vatikaan Insider

Here, we have a beautiful description of a “true prophet.” For many today have the idea that a prophet is someone who always begins their sentences saying, “Thus sayeth the Lord!” and then pronounces a strong warning and rebuke to their listeners. That was often the case in the Old Testament and is sometimes necessary in the New. But with the Death and Resurrection of Jesus and the revelation of God’s profound love and salvific plan, a new era of mercy was opened to humanity: 

In die Ou Verbond het Ek profete met donderslae na my volk gestuur. Vandag stuur Ek jou met My genade aan die mense van die hele wêreld. Ek wil nie die seer op die mensdom straf nie, maar ek wil dit genees deur dit tot My barmhartige hart te druk. Ek gebruik straf as hulle My self dwing om dit te doen; My hand is huiwerig om die swaard van geregtigheid aan te gryp. Voor die dag van geregtigheid stuur ek die dag van genade.—Jesus tot St. Faustina, Goddelike Genade in my siel, Dagboek, n. 1588

So what is prophecy today?

Witness to Jesus is the spirit of prophecy. (Revelation 19:10)

And what should our witness to Jesus look like?

This is how all will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another… Your every act should be done with love. (John 13:35; 1 Corinthians 16:14)

Thus, Pope Francis goes on to say:

Die profeet is nie 'n professionele 'smaad' nie ... Nee, hulle is mense van hoop. 'N Profeet verwyt as dit nodig is en maak deure oop wat uitkyk oor die horison van hoop. Maar die ware profeet, as hulle hul werk goed doen, hul nek in gevaar stel ... Profete is nog altyd vervolg omdat hulle die waarheid gepraat het.

Persecution, he adds, for having said it in a “direct” and not “lukewarm” way. As such, 

When the prophet preaches the truth and touches the heart, either the heart opens or it becomes stone, unleashing anger and persecution…

He concludes his homily saying:

The Church needs prophets. These kinds of prophets. “I will say more: She needs us almal om profete te wees. ”

Ja, elkeen van ons is called to share in Christ’s prophetic office. 

... die gelowiges, wat deur die doop opgeneem word in Christus en geïntegreer word in die volk van God, word op hul besondere manier deelagtig gemaak in die priesterlike, profetiese en koninklike amp van Christus, en hulle het hul eie rol in die missie van die hele Christenmense in die Kerk en in die Wêreld. -Kategismus van die Katolieke Kerk, N. 897

The “key” to being a faithful prophet in these times is not one’s capacity to read headlines and post links about the “signs of the times.” Neither is it a matter of publically pronouncing the faults and errors of others with a right mix of indignation and doctrinal purity. Rather, it is the ability to lay one’s head upon the breast of Christ and luister to His heartbeats… and then direct them to whom they are intended. Or as Pope Francis put it so eloquently: 

The prophet is that who prays, who looks at God and at the people, and feels pain when the people are wrong; the prophet cries—they are able to cry over the people—but they are also able to “play it out well” to tell the truth.

That might get you beheaded. You might be stoned. But…

Geseënd is jy as hulle jou beledig en vervolg en valslik teen My vals maak. Wees bly en wees bly, want u loon sal groot wees in die hemel. So het hulle die profete vervolg wat voor u was. (Matt 5: 11-12) 



Roep van die profete!

Maak die profete stil

Die steniging van die profete

Wanneer die klippe uitroep

Kan ons God se genade uitput?


Na die muur geroep

Rasionalisme en die dood van misterie

Toe hulle geluister het

Medjugorje ... Wat jy dalk nie weet nie



Seën jou en dankie!
Your prayers and support are so deeply appreciated.


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1 St. Escriva, Die Forge, N. 134
Posted in HOME, TEKENS.