Francis en die groot skeepswrak


... die ware vriende is nie diegene wat die Pous vlei nie,
maar diegene wat hom met die waarheid help
en met teologiese en menslike bekwaamheid. 
—Kardinaal Müller, Corriere della Sera, 26 November 2017;

van die Moynihan Briewe, # 64, 27 November 2017

Liewe kinders, die Groot Vaartuig en 'n groot skeepswrak;
dit is die [oorsaak van] lyding vir geloofsmanne en -vroue. 
—Ons dame aan Pedro Regis, 20 Oktober 2020;


BINNE die kultuur van Katolisisme was 'n onuitgesproke 'reël' dat 'n mens nooit die pous moet kritiseer nie. Oor die algemeen is dit verstandig om daarvan af te sien kritiseer ons geestelike vaders. Diegene wat dit egter in 'n absolute toestand maak, ontbloot 'n erg oordrewe begrip van pouslike onfeilbaarheid en kom gevaarlik naby 'n vorm van afgodery-pousery-wat 'n pous verhef tot 'n keiseragtige status waar alles wat hy uitspreek onfeilbaar goddelik is. Maar selfs 'n beginner -historicus van die Katolisisme sal weet dat pouse baie mense is en geneig is tot foute - 'n werklikheid wat by Petrus self begin het:

And when Cephas [Peter] came to Antioch, I opposed him to his face because he clearly was wrong. (Galatians 2:11)

Die Petrus na die Pinkster ... is dieselfde Petrus wat, uit vrees vir die Jode, sy Christelike vryheid verloën het (Galasiërs 2 11–14); hy is dadelik 'n rots en 'n struikelblok. En is dit nie so deur die geskiedenis van die kerk dat die pous, die opvolger van Petrus, tegelykertyd was nie? Petra en Skandalon- beide die rots van God en 'n struikelblok? —POPE BENEDICT XIV, van Die nuwe Volk Gottes, bl. 80ff

Pouste het foute gemaak en begaan, en dit is geen verrassing nie. Onfeilbaarheid word voorbehou ex cathedra [“Vanaf die sitplek” van Petrus, dit wil sê proklamasies van dogma gebaseer op die Heilige Tradisie]. Geen pouse in die geskiedenis van die Kerk het nog ooit gemaak nie ex cathedra foute. —Opp. Joseph Iannuzzi, teoloog en patristiese kenner

That is both a reassuring but also cautionary statement.

As ons dit in die feite van die geskiedenis sien, vier ons nie mense nie, maar prys ons die Here, wat die kerk nie verlaat nie en wat deur Petrus, die klein struikelblok, die rots is: 'vlees en bloed' red nie, maar die Here red deur vlees en bloed. Om hierdie waarheid te ontken, is nie 'n pluspunt van geloof nie, nie 'n pluspunt van nederigheid nie, maar om af te skrik van die nederigheid wat God herken soos hy is. Daarom bly die Petrine-belofte en die historiese verpersoonliking daarvan in Rome op die diepste vlak 'n steeds hernieude motief vir vreugde; die magte van die hel sal nie daarteen seëvier nie... —Kardinaal Ratzinger (POPE BENEDICT XVI), Geroep tot Nagmaal, die kerk vandag verstaan, Ignatius Press, p. 73-74

However, Christ’s Petrine promises do not guarantee that a pope cannot make serious errors in judgment or fall into grave sin. As such, even the laity may be required to publicly address these contradictions when the salvation and welfare of our fellow man are at stake:

Christus se getroues staan ​​vry om hul behoeftes, veral hul geestelike behoeftes, en hul wense aan die leraars van die kerk bekend te maak. Hulle het inderdaad die reg by tye die pligom, in ooreenstemming met hul kennis, bekwaamheid en posisie, hul standpunte aan die heilige Pastore te openbaar oor aangeleenthede wat die beswil van die Kerk betref. Hulle het ook die reg om hulle sieninge aan Christus se getroues bekend te maak, maar sodoende moet hulle altyd die integriteit van geloof en sedes respekteer, hul pastore behoorlik eerbied betoon en rekening hou met die gemeenskaplike welsyn en waardigheid van individue. -Kode van Kanoniese reg, 212

Recently, the Pope has made statements in books and media that have created tremendous controversy and confusion. But theologian Fr. Tim Finigan states:

... as u bekommerd is oor sommige uitsprake wat pous Franciskus in sy onlangse onderhoude gemaak het, is dit nie ontrou of 'n gebrek aan Romaniet om nie saam te stem met die besonderhede van sommige van die onderhoude wat buite die boeg gekry is nie. As ons nie met die Heilige Vader saamstem nie, doen ons dit natuurlik met die diepste respek en nederigheid, in die bewussyn dat ons miskien reggestel moet word. Pouslike onderhoude vereis egter ook nie die toestemming van die geloof wat gegee word nie ex cathedra verklarings of daardie interne onderwerping van die verstand en wil wat gegee word aan die uitsprake wat deel uitmaak van sy nie-onfeilbare, maar outentieke magisterium. —Vr. Tim Finigan, tutor in Sacramental Theology at St John's Seminary, Wonersh; van Die Hermeneutiese van die gemeenskap, “Instemming en pouslike magisterium”, 6 Oktober 2013;

Forgive me for such a lengthy introduction, but it is necessary. For what needs to be said, while grave in nature, is intended to help the Church “with the truth and with theological and human competence,” insofar as I am able. For what is unfolding this hour is the spread of global Communism under two pretences which, tragically, have been wholly endorsed by Pope Francis himself…




I. Climate Change

In his Encyclical Letter Laudato si ', Pope Francis warns about the limitations of the Church’s voice in secular matters:

Hier sou ek nogmaals verklaar dat die Kerk nie veronderstel om wetenskaplike vrae te besleg of die politiek te vervang nie. Maar ek is bekommerd om 'n eerlike en oop debat aan te moedig, sodat spesifieke belange of ideologieë nie die algemene voordeel benadeel nie. -Laudato si 'N. 188

At the same time, the document then takes a position on the controversial and fraud-ridden science behind man-made (anthropogenic) “global warming.”[1]vgl Klimaatsverandering en die groot misleiding 

The same mindset which stands in the way of making radical decisions to reverse the trend of global warming also stands in the way of achieving the goal of eliminating poverty. -Laudato si 'N. 175

This led Cardinal George Pell to issue a balancing statement:

Dit het baie, baie interessante elemente. Daar is dele daarvan wat mooi is. Maar die Kerk het geen besondere kundigheid in wetenskap nie ... die Kerk het geen mandaat van die Here om wetenskaplike aangeleenthede uit te spreek nie. Ons glo in die outonomie van die wetenskap. —Cardinal Pell, Religious News Service, 17 Julie 2015;

At the heart of the encyclical is a belief that unmitigated anthropogenic warming would harm the poor, and hence, “radical decisions” must be taken. As such, Francis went on to openly promote Die Parys-ooreenkoms, which actually imposes taxes on the poor (such as increased fuel costs) and is attached to the population control agendas of the United Nations “sustainable development goals” that frequently have the “overpopulation” of third world countries in their sights. 

Liewe vriende, die tyd raak min! ... 'n Koolstofprysbeleid is noodsaaklik as die mensdom die skeppingsbronne verstandig wil gebruik ... die gevolge vir die klimaat sal katastrofies wees as ons die drempel van 1.5 ° C oorskry wat in die Parys-ooreenkomsdoelwitte uiteengesit word. —POPE FRANCIS, 14 Junie 2019;

This plea left many Catholic faithful perplexed. For while encouraging “honest and open debate” the Holy Father was now decidedly aligning with global forces with “particular interests or ideologies” that not only contradicted Catholic teaching but were actively crushing any attempt at honest and open debate.

The Vatican’s position was based on the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) data, which is troubling, since the IPCC has been discredited on numerous occasions. Dr. Frederick Seitz, a world-famous physicist and former president of the U.S. National Academy of Sciences, criticized the 1996 IPCC report that used selective data and doctored graphs: “I have never witnessed a more disturbing corruption of the peer review process than events that led to this IPCC report,” he lamented.[2]vgl In 2007 moes die IPCC 'n verslag regstel wat die tempo van smelt van die Himalaja-gletsers oordryf en wat verkeerdelik beweer dat hulle almal teen 2035 kon verdwyn.[3]vgl Die IPCC is onlangs weer betrap deur data oor aardverwarming te oordryf in 'n verslag wat gehaas is om die ooreenkoms van Parys te beïnvloed. Die verslag het gefundeerde data om nee te suggereer 'breek in global warming has occurred since the turn of this millennium.'[4]vgl; en 22 Januarie 2017,; uit studie: In fact, IPCC member Ottmar Edenhofer admitted altogether:

... mens moet jouself bevry van die illusie dat internasionale klimaatbeleid omgewingsbeleid is. In plaas daarvan gaan die beleid oor klimaatsverandering oor hoe ons herverdeel de facto die wêreld se rykdom ..., 19 November 2011

Let that sink in. Because you’re going to hear this theme re-emerge again.

What has followed in the mainstream media is by now incredibly familiar: fear-mongering, exaggerated predictions, fudged statistics, and censorship as those controlling the global warming narrative have forbidden debate and punished climatologists who would dare disagree. Perhaps most appalling is that “greenhouse gases” have been treated as if they are toxic. On the contrary, higher concentrations of carbon dioxide mean better growing conditions around the globe. Ironically, it was environmentalists sounding the alarm, warning that the poor would be hurt the mees by adopting expensive and environmentally destructive energy alternatives such as solar power and wind mills. 

Ons het geen wetenskaplike bewys dat ons die oorsaak is van die aardverwarming wat die afgelope 200 jaar plaasgevind het nie ... Die alarmisme dryf ons deur bangmaakstaktieke om energiebeleid aan te neem wat 'n groot hoeveelheid energie-armoede by die arme mense. Dit is nie goed vir mense nie en ook nie vir die omgewing nie ... In 'n warmer wêreld kan ons meer voedsel produseer. —Dr. Patrick Moore, co-founder of Greenpeace, Fox Besigheidsnuus met Stewart Varney, Januarie 2011;



Then came the “pandemic.”

From day one, just a basic reading of the daily news suggested something utterly bizarre was afoot — from the origins of the virus,[5]In 'n referaat van die Suid-Chinese Universiteit van Tegnologie word beweer 'die moordenaarskoronavirus is waarskynlik afkomstig van 'n laboratorium in Wuhan.' (16 Februarie 2020; Vroeg in Februarie 2020 het dr. Francis Boyle, wat die Amerikaanse 'Wet op Biologiese Wapens' opgestel het, 'n gedetailleerde verklaring gegee en toegegee dat die Wuhan Coronavirus van 2019 'n aanstootlike wapen vir biologiese oorlogvoering is en dat die Wêreldgesondheidsorganisasie (WGO) daarvan reeds weet. (vgl. 'N Israeliese ontleder vir biologiese oorlogvoering het baie dieselfde gesê (26 Januarie 2020; Dr Peter Chumakov van die Engelhardt Instituut vir Molekulêre Biologie en die Russiese Akademie vir Wetenskap beweer dat 'die Wuhan-wetenskaplikes se doel om die koronavirus te skep, nie kwaadwillig was nie - in plaas daarvan het hulle probeer om die patogeniteit van die virus te bestudeer ... Dit het absoluut gedoen mal dinge ... Byvoorbeeld, insetsels in die genoom, wat die virus die vermoë gegee het om menslike selle te besmet. ”( Professor Luc Montagnier, 2008 Nobelpryswenner vir geneeskunde en die man wat die MIV-virus in 1983 ontdek het, beweer dat SARS-CoV-2 'n gemanipuleerde virus is wat per ongeluk uit 'n laboratorium in Wuhan, China, vrygestel is (vgl. A. nuwe dokumentêr, wat verskeie wetenskaplikes aanhaal, wys op COVID-19 as 'n ontwerpte virus. ( 'N Span Australiese wetenskaplikes het nuwe bewyse gelewer dat die nuwe koronavirus tekens toon "van menslike ingryping." ( Voormalige hoof van die Britse intelligensie-agentskap M16, Sir Richard Dearlove, het gesê dat hy glo dat die COVID-19-virus in 'n laboratorium geskep is en per ongeluk versprei is. ( 'N Gesamentlike Britse-Noorse studie beweer dat die Wuhan-koronavirus (COVID-19) 'n' chimera 'is wat in 'n Chinese laboratorium gebou is. ( Professor Giuseppe Tritto, 'n internasionaal bekende kundige in biotegnologie en nanotegnologie en president van die Wêreld Akademie vir Biomediese Wetenskappe en Tegnologieë (WABT) sê dat 'dit geneties ontwerp is in die P4-laboratorium van die Wuhan-instituut vir virologie (' high-containment ') in 'n program onder toesig van die Chinese weermag.' ( Die gerespekteerde Chinese viroloog, dr. Li-Meng Yan, wat uit Hongkong gevlug het nadat hy Bejing se kennis van die koronavirus blootgelê het voordat berigte daaroor verskyn het, het gesê dat 'die vleismark in Wuhan 'n rookskerm is en dat die virus nie van die natuur is nie ... kom van die laboratorium in Wuhan. ”( ) En die voormalige CDC-direkteur Robert Redfield sê ook dat COVID-19 'waarskynlik' uit die Wuhan-laboratorium gekom het. ( to the way governments responded, to the way established science was utterly discarded and draconian measures implemented against the entire general public (watch Na aanleiding van die wetenskap?). Once again, anyone who questioned the media’s narrative was censored, punished, and marginalized — as if “honest and open debate” would kill people. As a result, many protested against the government’s obvious overreach of quarantining the healthy, of forcing them to wear masks contrary to science (and causing gedokumenteer harm), and closing churches while liquor stores and abortuaries remained open.

But instead of rebuking governments, the faithful were stunned to watch nearly every cleric from the Pope, down to the village pastor, agree to restricting the faithful’s access to the sacraments.

Wat dink u sou die Here sê oor die universele sakramentele stilstand in die Kerk wat die gelowiges - onder hulle baie bejaardes en sterwendes - van die sakramente regoor die wêreld ontneem het? So iets het nog nooit in die 2,000-jarige geskiedenis van die Kerk gebeur nie, selfs nie in die moeilikste tye van oorlog, plaag en vervolging nie. Wat sou gebeur het as die Kerk sy sakramentelewe verskerp het? Maar in plaas daarvan het dit opgetree volgens die algemene sekulêre logika, wat geloof nie ken nie en onder meer die sakramente laat stilstaan ​​en die pelgrimstogte verwoes (vgl. Die leë Petrusplein). Pous Francis het ons egter op 25 Maart verlede jaar aangespoor om God te vra vir die einde van die pandemie wêreldwyd. Waarna moet ons geloof en rede verwys: vertroue in ons eie maatreëls wat nie die gewenste effek bereik het nie, maar groot skade berokken het, of God se bonatuurlike hulp? - Sy Eksellensie Marian Eleganti, hulpbiskop van Chur, Switserland; 22 April 2021;

In fact, two United Nations agencies warned that the unprecedented lockdown of healthy populations could lead to a “doubling of world poverty” and a further “135 million” to starve to death.[6]vgl Toe ek honger was How could world leaders, much less the Pope, think this was a good idea? What happened to our “preferential option for the poor”? What about those hul besighede en lewensbestaan ​​verloor due to prolonged lockdowns? And what about those thousands who were dying because of vertraagde operasies? Wat van die hoogtepunte geestesgesondheidskwessies en 'n potensiële ontploffing van selfmoorde?[7]Toename van 44% in selfmoorde in Nepal; Japan het in 2020 meer sterftes as gevolg van selfmoord as COVID gesien; sien ook bestudeer; vgl "Selfmoordsterftes en koronavirussiekte 2019 - 'n perfekte storm?" Wat van die sterftes deur 'n pandemie van dwelmmisbruik? David Redman, a former head of the Alberta Emergency Management Agency, writes in his recent paper: “Kanada se dodelike reaksie op COVID-19”:

Die Kanadese "lockdown" -reaksie sal ten minste tien keer meer doodmaak as wat dit moontlik van die werklike virus, COVID-10, kon red. Die gewetenlose gebruik van vrees tydens 'n noodgeval, om te verseker dat dit nagekom word, het 'n skending van vertroue in die regering veroorsaak wat 'n dekade of langer sal duur. Die skade aan ons demokrasie sal minstens 'n generasie duur. —Julie 2021, bladsy 5, “Kanada se dodelike reaksie op COVID-19”

Is the Pope unaware of all these realities? If so, that is not the case with every shepherd. French Bishop Marc Aillet warned that the dangerously myopic approach to “health” by government officials, focusing solely on COVID-19 to the exclusion of everything else, is leading to a social disaster.

There are many testimonies concerning the psychological disturbance and even the premature death of our elders. Little is said about the significant increase in depression among individuals who were unprepared. Psychiatric hospitals are overloaded here and there, psychologists’ waiting-rooms are crowded, a sign that French mental health is worsening – a cause for concern, as the Health Minister has just publicly acknowledged. There have been denunciations of the risk of “social euthanasia”, given estimations that 4 million of our fellow citizens find themselves in situations of extreme loneliness, not to mention the additional million in France who, since the first confinement, have fallen below the poverty threshold. And what about small businesses, the suffocation of small traders who will be forced to file for bankruptcy? …man is “one in body and soul”, it is not right to turn physical health into an absolute value to the point of sacrificing the psychological and spiritual health of citizens, and in particular to deprive them of freely practicing their religion, which experience proves to be essential for their equilibrium. Vrees is nie 'n goeie raadgewer nie: dit lei tot slegte advies, dit stel mense teen mekaar, dit skep 'n klimaat van spanning en selfs geweld. Ons kan wel op die punt staan ​​van 'n ontploffing! —Biskop Marc Aillet vir die bisdomstydskrif Notre Eglise (“Ons Kerk”), Desember 2020;

But instead of coming to the defence of these vulnerable groups and those demanding “honest and open debate” of the questionable “scientific” policies of governments, the Pope berated and belittled those sounding the alarm in a shocking rebuke:

Some of the protests during the coronavirus crisis have brought to the fore an angry spirit of victimhood, but this time among people who are victims only in their own imagination: those who claim, for example, that being forced to wear a mask is an unwarranted imposition by the state, yet who forget or do not care about those who cannot rely, for example, on social security or who have lost their jobs. With some exceptions, governments have made great efforts to put the well-being of their people first, acting decisively to protect health and to save lives… most governments acted responsibly, imposing strict measures to contain the outbreak. Yet some groups protested, refusing to keep their distance, marching against travel restrictions—as if measures that governments must impose for the good of their people constitute some kind of political assault on autonomy or personal freedom!… We spoke earlier of narcissism, of armor-plated selves, of people who live off grievance, thinking only of themselves… they are incapable of moving outside of their own little world of interests. - Pous Franciscus, Laat ons droom: die pad na 'n beter toekoms (bl. 26-28), Simon & Schuster (Kindle-uitgawe)

That Pope Francis appeared completely out of touch with the valid concerns within his flock became an ominous sign that something was wrong at the Vatican. Those who thought the Church was going to stand in the corner of medical truth, freedom, and defence of the poor, were gravely mistaken — the teenoorgestelde was happening. As Peter once denied and abandoned Christ, so too, many felt abandoned from that moment on by the Pope and those shepherds who, like him, would now simply echo the media’s highly controlled narrative.



But all this would take on apokaliptiese proportions when the Pope would state on Italian television:

Ek glo dat eties almal die entstof moet neem. Dit is die etiese keuse, want dit gaan oor jou lewe, maar ook oor die lewens van ander. Ek verstaan ​​nie waarom sommige sê dat dit 'n gevaarlike entstof kan wees nie. As dokters dit aan u voorgehou het as iets wat goed sal verloop en geen spesiale gevare inhou nie, waarom neem u dit dan nie? Daar is 'n selfmoordontkenning wat ek nie sou weet hoe om te verduidelik nie, maar vandag moet mense die entstof neem. - Pous Franciscus, onderhoud vir Italië se TG5-nuusprogram, 19 Januarie 2021;

This was a contradiction of the very guidelines of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith (CDF), charged with doctrinal orthodoxy in the Catholic Church:

…practical reason makes evident that vaccination is not, as a rule, a moral obligation and that, therefore, it must be vrywillige. - “Note on the morality of using some anti-Covid-19 vaccines”, n. 6 (emphasis mine)

The confusion was immediate. For one, many bishops weren’t convinced that taking a “vaccine” that utilized aborted fetal cells was ethical, period. 

Ek sal nie 'n entstof kan neem nie, ek sal net nie broers en susters doen nie, en ek moedig u aan om dit nie te doen as dit ontwikkel is met materiaal uit stamselle wat afkomstig is van 'n baba wat geaborteer is nie ... dit is moreel onaanvaarbaar vir ons. —Biskop Joseph Brennan, bisdom Fresno, Kalifornië; 20 November 2020;

... diegene wat sulke entstowwe willens en wetens ontvang, tree in 'n soort aaneenskakeling, hoewel baie afgeleë, met die proses van die aborsiebedryf. Die misdaad van aborsie is so monsteragtig dat enige vorm van aaneenskakeling met hierdie misdaad, selfs 'n baie afgeleë misdaad, immoreel is en onder geen omstandighede deur 'n Katoliek aanvaar kan word as hy eers daarvan bewus geword het nie. —Biskop Athanasius Schneider, 11 Desember 2020;

Second, the Holy Father surprisingly ran roughshod over individual conscience, which is a violation of Catholic teaching and basic medical ethics.

Man has the right to act in conscience and in freedom so as personally to make moral decisions. “He must not be forced to act contrary to his conscience. Nor must he be prevented from acting according to his conscience, especially in religious matters.” -Kategismus van die Katolieke Kerk, 1782

The consequences of the Pontiff’s statement have been catastrophic. For one, countless doctors, nurses, professors, etc. and even priests are being fired from their positions as vaccine mandates sweep throughout the world.

Ek het 'n ander visioen gehad van die groot verdrukking ... Dit lyk vir my dat 'n toegewing van die geestelikes geëis word wat nie toegestaan ​​kon word nie. Ek het baie ouer priesters gesien, veral een wat bitterlik gehuil het. 'N Paar jongeres huil ook ... Dit was asof mense in twee kampe verdeel het.  —Geseënde Anne Catherine Emmerich (1774–1824); Die lewe en onthullings van Anne Catherine Emmerich; boodskap van 12 April 1820

I am daily hearing agonizing stories now of fathers and mothers facing nearly impossible odds as they are left in the cold for deciding against this medical intervention. In fact, while typing this paragraph, my nephew called to say his wife is going to be dismissed from her college unless she is injected. She’s already had COVID and most likely has strong and durable immunity, which no longer apparently matters (which is a complete contradiction of the science of immunology). And then there is this Canadian University Professor of Ethics…

Some are even being told that a religious exemption is null and void since “The Pope said that they are mandatory.” In fact, in France and Columbia, people are being banned from buying groceries without this forced injection or an expensive PCR test.[8]2 Augustus 2021; The utter silence of the hierarchy in the face of this medical apartheid is inexplicable. That such a gross injustice is taking place, sometimes abetted by biskoppe or kardinale themselves, is perhaps one of the greatest signs of our times that a mass deception is taking place. Ironically, it’s not the shepherds but wetenskaplikes who are warning the flock of the gathering wolves of medical tyranny:

Daar is 'n massapsychose. Dit is soortgelyk aan wat in die Duitse samelewing voor en tydens die Tweede Wêreldoorlog gebeur het, waar normale, ordentlike mense verander is in hulpverleners en 'net volgens bevele' tipe mentaliteit wat tot volksmoord gelei het. Ek sien nou dieselfde paradigma gebeur. -Dr. Vladimir Zelenko, besturende direkteur, 14 Augustus 2021; 35:53, Stoof Peters Skou

Dit is 'n steuring. Dit is miskien 'n groepneurose. Dit is iets wat oor die hele wêreld by mense opgekom het. Wat ook al aan die gang is, is aan die gang op die kleinste eiland in die Filippyne en Indonesië, die kleinste klein dorpie in Afrika en Suid -Amerika. Dit is alles dieselfde - dit het oor die hele wêreld gekom. -Dr. Peter McCullough, besturende direkteur, MPH, 14 Augustus 2021; 40:44, Perspektiewe oor die pandemie, Episode 19

As one person asked, “What is the difference between a Yellow Star and a Vaccine Passport? 82 jaar. "

The very arguments the Pope used to state that an ethical obligation exists were also flawed from the start. To begin with, these so-called “vaccines”, which are actually gene therapies according to the Food and Drug Administration in the U.S., [9]"Tans word mRNA deur die FDA as 'n genteraproduk beskou." —Moderna se registrasie, bl. 19,  are still in clinical trials until 2023. By definition, they are eksperimentele until all the safety data is reported and the long term effects evaluated. Therefore, to suggest that they have no “special dangers” is a contradiction.

In order to even consider these particular injections, that utilized the remains of an aborted child, the CDF said they may net be considered under specific conditions, including the following:

By gebrek aan ander maniere om die epidemie te stop of selfs te voorkom, the common good may recommend vaccination… - “Note on the morality of using some anti-Covid-19 vaccines”, N. 6

This is not the case. Many antivirale behandelings — most of them suppressed and censored by the mainstream media and even health bodies — are curing people and reducing hospitalizations by as much as 85% (see n.9 in Top tien pandemiese fabels). That these effektiewe behandelings have been withheld from the public is criminal… and yet, the Church has remained silent about it — presumably because no one has researched this at the Pontifical Academy of Sciences?

Finally, in what is the most tragic irony — it turns out that it actually is suicidal for some to take these injections, as we now see in government data from around the world that reveals astonishing and unprecedented deaths and injuries na injection (see Die Tol). The mainstream media, obsessed with counting “cases” and “COVID deaths”, are suddenly stone quiet about these disturbing statistics, which has led one of the most cited doctors in the National Library of Medicine to conclude:

It’s going to go down in history as the most dangerous biological-medicinal product rollout in human history. —Dr. Peter McCullough, MD, MPH, July 21st, 2021, Bredie Peters Show, by 17: 38

Why, then, are world leaders recklessly pushing this experiment forward? Just as there are indeed ideologies driving climate change policy, so too, with vaccines; just as “global warming” is a front for Marxist economic reform,[10]vgl The New Paganism – Part IIII so too, are these “vaccines” that the public is being forced to line up for, in what will be an endless stream of mandatory booster shots (and massive profits for pharmaceutical companies and their investors.[11]vgl Die saak teen hekke ) In a recent statement by Kristalina Georgieva, Head of the International Monetary Fund (IMF), we get an honest confession of what the overarching goal really is — and it’s not health:

This year, next year, vaccine policy is ekonomiese policy, and it is even a higher priority than the traditional tools of fiscal and monetary policy. Why? Because without it, we cannot turn the fate of the world economy around. —27 Augustus 2021;

en “for the love of money is the root of all evils,” het St. Paul geskryf. [12]1 Tim 6: 10 This is not about turning a pandemic around, but turning the world upside down in what is called the “Groot herstel ”. According to global leaders, we must throw every caution to the wind and rush at “Warp spoed"In die"Vierde Industriële Revolusie".[13]vgl Die versoeking om op te gee 

Die vierde industriële revolusie is letterlik, soos hulle sê, 'n transformerende revolusie, nie net in terme van die instrumente wat u sal gebruik om u omgewing te verander nie, maar ook vir die eerste keer in die mensegeskiedenis om mense self te verander. -Dr. Miklos Lukacs de Pereny, navorsingsprofessor vir wetenskap en tegnologiebeleid aan Universidad San Martin de Porres in Peru; 25 November 2020;

Sonder vinnige en onmiddellike optrede teen 'n ongekende tempo en omvang, sal ons die geleentheid mis om 'te herstel' vir ... 'n meer volhoubare en inklusiewe toekoms. Met ander woorde, die wêreldwye pandemie is 'n wekroep wat ons nie kan ignoreer nie ... Met die dringendheid wat tans bestaan ​​om onomkeerbare skade aan ons planeet te vermy, moet ons onsself op 'n oorlogsgrondslag stel., September 20th, 2020



So they were scattered for lack of a shepherd,
and became food for all the wild beasts. (Ezekiel 34:5)

There is no easy way to say it. Whether the Pope is aware of what he’s promoting or not (and we give him the benefit of the doubt), the office of the Holy See is presently abetting one of the most subversive revolutions in world history — one, his predecessors warned of for over a century.

In hierdie tydperk lyk dit egter asof die partydiges van die kwaad saamstaan ​​en sukkel met 'n verenigde heftigheid, gelei deur of bygestaan ​​deur daardie sterk georganiseerde en wydverspreide vereniging, die Vrymesselaars. Hulle maak nie meer 'n geheim van hul doel nie, maar staan ​​nou met vrymoedigheid op teen God self ... dit wat hul uiteindelike doel is, dwing homself tot die oog - naamlik die totale omverwerping van daardie hele godsdienstige en politieke bestel van die wêreld wat die Christelike leer geproduseer word, en die vervanging van 'n nuwe stand van dinge in ooreenstemming met hul idees, waarvan die grondslae en wette uit blote naturalisme getrek sal word. - Pous Leo XIII, Humanum geslag, Encyclical on Freemasonry, n.10, 20 April 1884

Hoe belangrik is die bedreiging van spekulatiewe vrymesselary? Agt pousies in sewentien amptelike dokumente het dit veroordeel ... meer as tweehonderd pouslike veroordelings wat die Kerk formeel of informeel uitgereik het ... in minder as driehonderd jaar. —Stephen, Mahowald, Sy sal u kop verpletter, MMR Uitgewersmaatskappy, p. 73

Make no mistake: those billionaire financiers pulling the strings of the IPCC, the WHO, the IMF, and the majority of national governments, see these “crises” as the perfect fodder for their global revolution.

Even before the pandemic hit, I realized that we were in a revolusionêre oomblik waar wat in normale tye onmoontlik of selfs ondenkbaar sou wees, nie net moontlik geword het nie, maar waarskynlik absoluut noodsaaklik. En toe kom Covid-19, wat mense se lewens totaal ontwrig het en baie ander gedrag vereis het. Dit is 'n ongekende gebeurtenis wat waarskynlik nog nooit in hierdie kombinasie plaasgevind het nie. En dit stel werklik die voortbestaan ​​van ons beskawing in gevaar ... ons moet 'n manier vind om saam te werk aan die bestryding van klimaatsverandering en die nuwe koronavirus. —George Soros, 13 Mei 2020;

Freemason, Sir Henry Kissinger, says the “new normal” will be according to their “Enlightenment” values:

Die werklikheid is dat die wêreld nooit weer dieselfde sal wees na die koronavirus nie. Om nou oor die verlede te redeneer, maak dit net moeiliker om dit te doen wat moet gedoen word... Om die noodsaaklikhede van die oomblik aan te spreek, moet uiteindelik gepaard gaan met 'n wêreldwye samewerkingsvisie en program ... Ons moet nuwe tegnieke en tegnologieë ontwikkel vir infeksiebeheer en gelyke entstowwe in groot populasies [en] die beginsels beskerm van die liberale wêreldorde. Die grondlegende van die moderne regering is 'n ommuurde stad wat beskerm word deur magtige heersers ... Verligtingsdenkers het hierdie konsep opgekram en aangevoer dat die doel van die wettige staat is om in die fundamentele behoeftes van die volk te voorsien: veiligheid, orde, ekonomiese welstand en geregtigheid. Individue kan hierdie dinge nie op hul eie beveilig nie ... Die wêreld se demokrasieë moet verdedig en handhaaf hul verligtingswaardes... -Die Washington Post, 3 April 2020

This is the same Kissinger who said:

Ontvolking behoort die hoogste prioriteit van die Amerikaanse buitelandse beleid teenoor die Derde Wêreld te wees. — voormalige Amerikaanse minister van buitelandse sake, Henry Kissinger, Nasionale Veiligheidsmemo 200, 24 April 1974, “Implikasies van wêreldwye bevolkingsgroei vir Amerikaanse veiligheid en oorsese belange”; Nasionale Veiligheidsraad se Ad Hoc Groep oor Bevolkingsbeleid

What has to be done — so we are told by the “philanthropist” almost singlehandedly funding the mass vaccination of the globe — is to reduce population growth: 

Die wêreld het vandag 6.8 miljard mense. Dit beloop ongeveer nege miljard. As ons nou regtig goeie werk doen met nuwe entstowwe, gesondheidsorg, reproduktiewe gesondheidsdienste, kan ons dit miskien met 10 of 15 persent verlaag. -Bill Gates, TED praatjies, 20 Februarie 2010; vgl. die 4:30-punt

Die waarheid is dat Gates sedert sy kindertyd 'n obsessie het om die wêreld se bevolking te beperk, volgens sy vader:

Dit is 'n belang wat hy van kleins af gehad het. En hy het vriende wat belangstel om navorsing oor wêreldbevolkingsprobleme te ondersteun, mense wat hy bewonder ... —William Henry Gates, Sr., 30 Januarie 1998;

So why has the Vatican become the unofficial religious advertising agency for Gates and his fellow revolutionaries, many who are unequivocally pro-abortion/contraception and population control advocates (and invited to speak at the Vatican!)? Why is the Church giving its total trust and unwavering loyalty to the very global organizations that are invested in eugenics?[14]vgl Die pandemie van beheer



Nearly a hundred years earlier, Our Lady appeared in Fatima, Portugal where she warned just weeks before the Communist revolution there that, if the world did not repent, Russia “will spread her errors throughout the world.” Her message was by and large ignored, and thus twenty years later, Pope Pius XI would write of the…

... outeurs en aanhangers wat Rusland as die beste voorbereide veld beskou het om te eksperimenteer met 'n plan wat dekades gelede uitgewerk is, en wat van daar af voortgaan om dit van die een einde van die wêreld na die ander te versprei ... Ons woorde kry nou jammerlike bevestiging van die skouspel van die bitter vrugte van ondermynende idees, wat ons voorspel en voorspel het, en wat elke ander land van die wêreld bedreig. - Pous PIUS XI, Divini Redemptoris, n. 24, 6

But part of Our Lady’s revelations involved a “third secret” — a message from Our Lady, apparently enclosed in an envelope, and then given to the popes by the seer Sr. Lucia. It was to be read after 1960. However, one-by-one, the popes decided not share it with the faithful. Rumours abounded that they found the content too troubling to make public. Perhaps the closest we came to learning its contents, or at least, an example of them, were in comments made to German pilgrims by the late St. John Paul II:

Given the seriousness of the contents, my predecessors in the Petrine office diplomatically preferred to postpone publication so as not to encourage the world power of Communism to make certain moves. On the other hand, it should be sufficient for all Christians to know this: if there is a message in which it is written that the oceans will flood whole areas of the earth, and that from one moment to the next millions of people will perish, truly the publication of such a message is no longer something to be so much desired… The Still Hidden Secret, Christopher A. Ferrara, p. 37; cf. Fulda, Germany, Nov. 1980, published in the German Magazine, Stimme des Glaubens; vgl [15]Stimme Des Glaubins (Voice of Faith), October 1981. This translation was made by Rev. M. Crowdy for benaderings magazine, edited by Mr. Hamish Fraser of Scotland. It was translated from an Italian publication by the Roman priest Father Francis Putti, publisher of Si Si No No. All three magazines are credible sources. In his 2007 television appearance, which is the subject of Chapter 8, Cardinal Bertone, confronted by the Pope’s reported statements at Fulda, avoided any comment, while Giuseppe de Carli, co-author of the Cardinal’s book attacking Socci, offered the explanation that Cardinal Ratzinger had offered an “interpretation” of the Pope’s remarks that eliminated any apocalyptic reading. No one on the show, however, denied that the Pope had spoken as he did at Fulda. The verbatim transcript of the Pope’s remarks in Stimme Des Glaubins matches in all particulars the detailed notes taken by a German priest who attended the same conference.

Then, in the year 2000, the Vatican published the supposed Third Secret in the form of a vision the children saw of an angel hovering above the earth with a flaming sword:

Die engel het met 'n harde stem uitgeroep: 'Boete, boete, boete!'. En ons het in 'n ontsaglike lig gesien wat God is: 'iets soortgelyk aan hoe mense in 'n spieël verskyn wanneer hulle voor dit verbygaan' 'n Biskop geklee in Wit 'ons het die indruk gehad dat dit die Heilige Vader was'. Ander biskoppe, priesters, mans en vroue Godsdienstiges wat teen 'n steil berg opgaan, op die top waarvan daar 'n groot kruis was van grofgekapte stamme soos van 'n kurkboom met die bas; voordat die Heilige Vader daar aangekom het, het hy half in puin en half bewend van stilstand, geteister deur pyn en droefheid deur 'n groot stad gegaan, en vir die siele van die lyke wat hy op sy pad ontmoet het, gebid; nadat hy die top van die berg bereik het, is hy op sy knieë aan die voet van die groot Kruis doodgemaak deur 'n groep soldate wat koeëls en pyle op hom afgevuur het, en op dieselfde manier het die een na die ander die ander biskoppe, priesters, gesterf, mans en vroue Godsdienstiges, en verskeie leke van verskillende range en posisies. Onder die twee arms van die Kruis was daar twee Engele elk met 'n kristal aspersorium in sy hand, waarin hulle die bloed van die Martelare versamel het en daarmee die siele besprinkel het wat op pad was na God. -Die boodskap van Fatima, 13 Julie 1917;

in 'n statement on the Vatican’s website, Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone provided an interpretation suggesting that the vision had already been fulfilled by the attempted assassination of John Paul II. To say the least, many Catholics were left perplexed and unconvinced. Many felt there was nothing in this vision that was too astonishing to be revealed. What exactly disturbed popes so much that they kept the secret hidden all those years? It’s a fair question. American lawyer and journalist, Christopher A. Ferrara, investigated the many controversies surrounding the Third Secret. Among them, he recounts a conversation between Pope John Paul II and Sr. Lucia. 

As Sister Lucia informed Cardinal Oddi, while the Cardinal was in Fatima for the annual May 13th celebration of the apparitions in 1985, the Pope told her that the Secret had not been divulged “because it could be badly interpreted.” Here the Pope provided a further hint that the Secret would be embarrassing to Church authorities because it concerns a crisis of faith and discipline for which they themselves are responsible. -The Still Hidden Secret, Christopher A. Ferrara, p. 39

In 1995, Cardinal Luigi Ciappi, no less than the papal theologian to Popes Pius XII, John XXIII, Paul VI, John Paul I and John Paul II—a span of 40 years—made this revelation concerning the contents of the Secret, quotes Ferrara: “In the Third Secret it is foretold, among other things, that the great apostasy in the Church begins at the top.” [16]Ibid. p. 43, Personal communication to Professor Baumgartner in Salzburg, Austria On May 13th, 2000, John Paul II linked Our Lady of Fatima to the “Woman clothed in the sun” in Revelation Chapter 12.[17]zeden preek, Two things of note is that the dragon’s tail sweeps “a third of the stars in the sky and hurled them down to the earth,” an allusion to the apostasy of the shepherds (Rev 12:4; cf. As die sterre val). Second is that the dragon, who opposes the Woman, wishes to devour her offspring (Rev 12:4, 17) — a “conspiracy against life”, John Paul II would later write, that in “today’s cultural and social context, in which science and the practice of medicine risk losing sight of their inherent ethical dimension, health-care professionals can be strongly tempted at times to become manipulators of life, or even agents of death.”[18]vgl Evangelium Vitae, n. 12, 89; Die vyand is binne die poorte

According to Ferrara, it is believed that Our Lady included woorde along with the vision described by Sr. Lucia — and that this suppression of the text may be what actually contains the “too controversial” message. One can only speculate — and Ferrara builds a convincing case. But is it possible that Our Lady was describing a colossal failure of a future pope — one that would lead to a collapse in the faith?  

One could endlessly speculate, of course… a pope caught in sexual scandal, a pope acting for monetary gain, or a pope selling his authority for power, etc…. Sadly, these things have already happened in the Church’s history. But what would cause a massive “collapse of faith” or, as Our Lady has said repeatedly to Pedro Regis of Brazil this year, a massive "skipbreuk gely" van die "Great Vessel”, the Barque of Peter? Is it possible that it could be the faithful discovering, far too late, that the Pope had unwittingly led them into a massive depopulation programme and economic slavery to a global health dictatorship (ie. the “beast”)? 

Recall again in the Fatima vision that the children saw this bishop in white, whom they perceived to be the pope: “half trembling with halting step, afflicted with pain and sorrow, he prayed for the souls of the corpses he met on his way…” It’s not a matter of “if” this will happen. Already, open source government data shows that 14,000 have reportedly died after being inoculated in the United States; in Europe, that number is oor 23,000 with millions of others reporting adverse injuries, tens of thousands of them permanently (see Die Tol). And this is just the beginning. As was stated by several leading scientists and experts in my documentary Na aanleiding van die wetenskap?they fear that these mRNA gene therapies being mass injected into the population may actually be used for nefarious purposes. No less than the former Vice President of Pfizer, Dr. Mike Yeadon, warns:

…if you wanted to introduce a characteristic which could be harmful and could even be lethal, you can even tune [the booster shot] to say ‘let’s put it in some gene that will cause liver injury over a nine-month period,’ or, ’cause your kidneys to fail but not until you encounter this kind of organism [that would be quite possible].’ Biotegnologie bied u onbeperkte maniere om miljarde mense te beseer of dood te maak…. Ek is baie bekommerd ... daarvoor sal die pad gebruik word massa-ontvolking, omdat ek aan geen goedaardige verklaring kan dink nie ...

Die eugeniste het die hefbome van mag in die hande gekry, en dit is 'n baie kunstige manier om u te laat optree en 'n ongespesifiseerde ding te ontvang wat u skade sal berokken. Ek het geen idee wat dit eintlik gaan wees nie, maar dit sal nie 'n entstof wees nie, want u het nie een nodig nie. En dit sal jou nie aan die einde van die naald doodmaak nie, want jy sal dit raaksien. Dit kan iets wees wat normale patologie sal oplewer, dit sal op verskillende tye wees tussen inenting en die geleentheid, sal dit aanneemlik ontkenbaar wees, want daar sal op daardie tydstip iets anders in die wêreld aan die gang wees, in die konteks waarvan jou afsterwe, of die van jou kinders lyk normaal. Dit is wat ek sou doen as ek van 90 of 95% van die wêreldbevolking ontslae wou raak. En ek dink dit is wat hulle doen.

Ek herinner u aan wat in Rusland in die 20 gebeur hetth Eeu, wat in 1933 tot 1945 gebeur het, wat in Suidoos-Asië in sommige van die aakligste tye in die na-oorlogse era gebeur het. En wat gebeur het in China met Mao ensovoorts. Ons moet net twee of drie geslagte terugkyk. Oral rondom ons is daar mense wat so sleg is soos die mense wat dit doen. Hulle is oral om ons. Dus, sê ek vir mense, dit is die enigste ding wat hierdie een regtig merk skaal —Interview, 7 April 2021;

Here we recall the warning of Pope John Paul II that “genetic manipulation” can only be considered desirable “provided it is directed to the true promotion of the personal well being of man and does not infringe on his integrity or worsen his conditions of life.” As it is, the long term effects of the current mRNA gene therapies are unknown, and hence, they cannot possibly “fall within the logic of the Christian moral tradition” much less be forced upon mankind through vaccine mandates.[19]Address to the World Medical Association, October 29th, 1983; 

Dr. Igor Shepherd is an expert on bio-weapons, counter-terrorism, Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear, and high yield Explosives (CBRNE) and Pandemic preparedness. He worked in the Communist Soviet Union before becoming a Christian and emigrating to the United States to work for the government. In an emotional address, Dr. Shepherd pulls no punches:

Ek wil 2 - 6 jaar van nou af soek [na nadelige reaksies] ... Ek noem al hierdie inentings teen COVID-19: biologiese wapens van massavernietiging ... wêreldwye genetiese volksmoord. En dit kom nie net na die Verenigde State nie, maar na die hele wêreld ... Met hierdie soort entstowwe, wat nie behoorlik getoets word nie, met revolusionêre tegnologie en newe-effekte wat ons nie eens ken nie, kan ons verwag dat miljoene mense weg sal wees. Dit is 'n droom van Bill Gates en eugenetika., 30 November 2020; 47:28 merk van video

He lost his job for speaking out. Then there is Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi, MD, who has published over three hundred articles in the fields of immunology, bacteriology, virology, and parasitology, and received numerous awards and the Order of Merit of Rhineland-Palatinate. He was equally blunt:

There is going to be an auto-attack… You are going to plant the seed of auto-immune reactions… The dear Lord did not want humans, not even Fauci, going around injecting foreign genes into the body… it’s horrifying, it’s horrifying. -Die Highwire, 17 Desember 2020

Someday, will the Pope (or a future pontiff) realize that the present unfettered endorsement of the United Nations “sustainable development goals”, of global warming, vaccine mandates and the slippery slope of civil unions, etc. will have brought about an unprecedented persecution and suffering of the Church… and that in the sorrow of that moment, he will lead those who blindly followed these deceptions — “other Bishops, Priests, men and women Religious going up a steep mountain” — to his and their martyrdom? 

In the preface of a new book titled Beyond the Storm, Pope Francis stated:

We must find hope and trust in science today too: thanks to the vaccine, we are slowly returning to see the light again, we are emerging from this ugly nightmare… —8 September 2021;

Ironically, according to some of the best immunologists, virologists, and microbiologists in the world,[20]vgl Na aanleiding van die wetenskap? it’s actually the “vaccines” that are creating a perfect multi-faceted storm that is becoming a disastrous nightmare for humanity. If only someone would alert the Pope that yes, indeed, we ought to trust the science — the huidige science — and denounce those who are censoring it. 

How we are living the fulfillment of the Fatima vision in these moments is something we may never know fully until we have the wisdom of hindsight. What is certain is that the present course of the Barque of Peter is headed into rocky shoals… 

Dear children, do not be afraid. I love you and am with you. You are heading towards a painful future, but those who are with the Lord should not be afraid of anything. You are living in times of sorrow. You are heading for a great shipwreck of faith, and few will remain in the truth. Give me your hands. I want to help you, but what I do depends on you. I do not want to force you. Be obedient and accept God’s Will for your lives. You will yet have long years of hard trials. Find strength in prayer, in listening to the Words of my Jesus, and in the Eucharist. I know each one of you by name, and I will pray to my Jesus for you. Courage! Your victory is in the Lord. Onward with joy. This is the message I give you today in the name of the Most Holy Trinity. Thank you for having allowed me to gather you here once more. I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Be at peace. —Our Lady to Pedro Regis, September 4th, 2021;



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1 vgl Klimaatsverandering en die groot misleiding
2 vgl
3 vgl
4 vgl; en 22 Januarie 2017,; uit studie:
5 In 'n referaat van die Suid-Chinese Universiteit van Tegnologie word beweer 'die moordenaarskoronavirus is waarskynlik afkomstig van 'n laboratorium in Wuhan.' (16 Februarie 2020; Vroeg in Februarie 2020 het dr. Francis Boyle, wat die Amerikaanse 'Wet op Biologiese Wapens' opgestel het, 'n gedetailleerde verklaring gegee en toegegee dat die Wuhan Coronavirus van 2019 'n aanstootlike wapen vir biologiese oorlogvoering is en dat die Wêreldgesondheidsorganisasie (WGO) daarvan reeds weet. (vgl. 'N Israeliese ontleder vir biologiese oorlogvoering het baie dieselfde gesê (26 Januarie 2020; Dr Peter Chumakov van die Engelhardt Instituut vir Molekulêre Biologie en die Russiese Akademie vir Wetenskap beweer dat 'die Wuhan-wetenskaplikes se doel om die koronavirus te skep, nie kwaadwillig was nie - in plaas daarvan het hulle probeer om die patogeniteit van die virus te bestudeer ... Dit het absoluut gedoen mal dinge ... Byvoorbeeld, insetsels in die genoom, wat die virus die vermoë gegee het om menslike selle te besmet. ”( Professor Luc Montagnier, 2008 Nobelpryswenner vir geneeskunde en die man wat die MIV-virus in 1983 ontdek het, beweer dat SARS-CoV-2 'n gemanipuleerde virus is wat per ongeluk uit 'n laboratorium in Wuhan, China, vrygestel is (vgl. A. nuwe dokumentêr, wat verskeie wetenskaplikes aanhaal, wys op COVID-19 as 'n ontwerpte virus. ( 'N Span Australiese wetenskaplikes het nuwe bewyse gelewer dat die nuwe koronavirus tekens toon "van menslike ingryping." ( Voormalige hoof van die Britse intelligensie-agentskap M16, Sir Richard Dearlove, het gesê dat hy glo dat die COVID-19-virus in 'n laboratorium geskep is en per ongeluk versprei is. ( 'N Gesamentlike Britse-Noorse studie beweer dat die Wuhan-koronavirus (COVID-19) 'n' chimera 'is wat in 'n Chinese laboratorium gebou is. ( Professor Giuseppe Tritto, 'n internasionaal bekende kundige in biotegnologie en nanotegnologie en president van die Wêreld Akademie vir Biomediese Wetenskappe en Tegnologieë (WABT) sê dat 'dit geneties ontwerp is in die P4-laboratorium van die Wuhan-instituut vir virologie (' high-containment ') in 'n program onder toesig van die Chinese weermag.' ( Die gerespekteerde Chinese viroloog, dr. Li-Meng Yan, wat uit Hongkong gevlug het nadat hy Bejing se kennis van die koronavirus blootgelê het voordat berigte daaroor verskyn het, het gesê dat 'die vleismark in Wuhan 'n rookskerm is en dat die virus nie van die natuur is nie ... kom van die laboratorium in Wuhan. ”( ) En die voormalige CDC-direkteur Robert Redfield sê ook dat COVID-19 'waarskynlik' uit die Wuhan-laboratorium gekom het. (
6 vgl Toe ek honger was
7 Toename van 44% in selfmoorde in Nepal; Japan het in 2020 meer sterftes as gevolg van selfmoord as COVID gesien; sien ook bestudeer; vgl "Selfmoordsterftes en koronavirussiekte 2019 - 'n perfekte storm?"
8 2 Augustus 2021;
9 "Tans word mRNA deur die FDA as 'n genteraproduk beskou." —Moderna se registrasie, bl. 19, 
10 vgl The New Paganism – Part IIII
11 vgl Die saak teen hekke
12 1 Tim 6: 10
13 vgl Die versoeking om op te gee
14 vgl Die pandemie van beheer
15 Stimme Des Glaubins (Voice of Faith), October 1981. This translation was made by Rev. M. Crowdy for benaderings magazine, edited by Mr. Hamish Fraser of Scotland. It was translated from an Italian publication by the Roman priest Father Francis Putti, publisher of Si Si No No. All three magazines are credible sources. In his 2007 television appearance, which is the subject of Chapter 8, Cardinal Bertone, confronted by the Pope’s reported statements at Fulda, avoided any comment, while Giuseppe de Carli, co-author of the Cardinal’s book attacking Socci, offered the explanation that Cardinal Ratzinger had offered an “interpretation” of the Pope’s remarks that eliminated any apocalyptic reading. No one on the show, however, denied that the Pope had spoken as he did at Fulda. The verbatim transcript of the Pope’s remarks in Stimme Des Glaubins matches in all particulars the detailed notes taken by a German priest who attended the same conference.
16 Ibid. p. 43, Personal communication to Professor Baumgartner in Salzburg, Austria
17 zeden preek,
18 vgl Evangelium Vitae, n. 12, 89; Die vyand is binne die poorte
19 Address to the World Medical Association, October 29th, 1983;
20 vgl Na aanleiding van die wetenskap?
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