Die Wagter se Ballingskap


A sekere gedeelte in die boek Esegiël was verlede maand sterk op my hart. Nou, Esegiël is 'n profeet wat 'n belangrike rol gespeel het aan die begin van my persoonlike roeping in hierdie skrywe apostolaat. Dit was eintlik hierdie gedeelte wat my saggies van vrees tot aksie gestoot het:

As die wag die swaard sien kom en nie op die basuin blaas nie, sodat die volk nie gewaarsku word nie, en die swaard kom en neem een ​​van hulle; daardie man is weggeneem in sy ongeregtigheid, maar sy bloed sal Ek eis van die hand van die wag. (Esegiël 33:6)

Seventeen years later, I continue to remain in a place of mystery and amazement as to the things I’ve been compelled to write, as we now see the “Great Storm” the Lord spoke to me of unfolding pretty much as literally written in Revelation Chapter 6.[1]vgl Dit gebeur 



But a month ago, another passage from Ezekiel was laid upon my heart:

Die woord van die HERE het tot my gekom: Mensekind, jy woon in 'n wederstrewige huis; hulle het oë om te sien, maar hulle sien nie, en ore om te hoor maar nie hoor nie. Hulle is so 'n rebelse huis! Nou, mensekind, pak bedags terwyl hulle waak 'n tas vir ballingskap, en weer terwyl hulle waak, gaan in ballingskap van jou plek af na 'n ander plek; miskien sal hulle sien dat hulle 'n opstandige huis is. (Esegiël 12:1-3)

At the same time, both my wife and I felt a stirring happening. I was even going through our farm and organizing things, throwing out or giving away anything we didn’t need — simplifying without really knowing why. Then, in a flash, a small farm in another province came onto the market. We both felt God calling us there… and through one miracle after another, we are being called to move. We have poured our hearts into our present little farm, built practically from the ground up. There are so many memories here where we have raised our eight children… yet through tears, today, we are digging out our boxes and beginning to pack — in broad daylight — as soon as I finish this article. 

During the day, while they watch, bring out your bag, an exile’s bag. In the evening, again while they watch, go out as if into exile. (Ezekiel 12:4)

Look, I hardly understand all this myself. It has been a whirlwind the past few weeks; either we are crazy to uproot at this time in the world— or this is a brilliant move by the Divine. But it reminds me, too, of one of the first “now words” that the Lord gave me years ago[2]sien Die uur van die ballinge after hurricane Katrina made a direct hit on Lousiana: 

“New Orleans was a microcosm of what is to come… you are now in the calm before the Storm.” When Hurricane Katrina struck, many residents found themselves in exile. It did not matter if you were rich or poor, white or black, clergy or layman —if you were in its path, you had to move nou. There is a global “shake up” coming, and it will produce in certain regions exiles. (Sien Die komende toevlug en eensaamhede) — from Die uur van die ballinge

See! The Lord is about to empty the earth and lay it waste; he will twist its surface,and scatter its inhabitants: People and priest shall fare alike: servant and master, Maid and mistress, buyer and seller, Lender and borrower, creditor and debtor. (Isaiah 24:1-2)

As Die Sewe Seëls van die Revolusie literally unfold before our eyes, we are already seeing the displacement of millions of Ukrainians, for example, from that one regional conflict. What will happen when war, famine, and further biological weapons are released upon a hapless world? There will be exiles, oral. Of course, I am horrified by what I am writing; there is not an ounce of my soul attempting to be melodramatic. But it is clear that many of our global leaders have abandoned their people in order to participate in the “Groot herstel ”: higher carbon taxes, rising fuel costs, food shortages… this is all happening under their watch, and they are unphased by it. Why? Because, in their hubris, they believe we must destroy the present order “for the common good” in order to “build back better” — and this means destroying the middle class, enriching the top (so that they have the resources to rule us, of course), and making the rest of us “equal”.[3]vgl Jesaja se profesie van wêreldwye kommunisme Our Lady has been warning us for years that Communism would return.[4]sien Wanneer Kommunisme terugkeer How are they doing this? Orde in die chaos (“order out of chaos”) is the Masonic modus operandi. Thomas Jefferson het aan John Wayles Eppes Monticello geskryf:

…the spirit of war and indictment… since the modern theory of the perpetuation of debt, has drenched the earth with blood, and crushed its inhabitants under burdens ever accumulating. —24 Junie 1813; let.rug.nl

Klink bekend?

We think of the great powers of the present day, of the anonymous financial interests which turn men into slaves, which are no longer human things, but are an anonymous power which men serve, by which men are tormented and even slaughtered. They [i.e., anonymous financial interests] are a destructive power, a power that menaces the world. —POPE BENEDICT XVI, Nadenke na die deurlees van die kantoor vanoggend in die Sinode Aula, Vatikaanstad, 11 Oktober 2010

I confess that a certain righteous anger is rising up in my soul against the utter arrogance of these often unelected men who are manufacturing crises, dictating to us what to do with our bodies, taxing us to death, and deliberately destroying the infrastructure through lockdowns, inflation, war, etc. But here, I realize that God has also given them authority,[5]vgl. Rom 13: 1 and so it is my duty not to curse them but pray for their salvation.



And so, there is going to be a certain “chaos” in the Mallett family over at least the next couple of months as we go “into exile” from our comfort zone. I hope to be able to share the odd “now word” here and there during this move, but I cannot make any promises (although, I already have a “word” on my heart I hope to pen shortly….). What will not cease are my daily prayers and love for each and every one of you. 

The days of exile are upon us. It will look different from family to family. For some, we will eventually be called into toevlugsoorde; others are already there; and for all of us, it is primarily a geestelike toevlug.[6]vgl Die toevlug vir ons tye And yet, others will be called into great sacrifices for the sake of the Gospel. What matters is that we remain steadfastly in the Divine Will, no matter what. Heaven… keep your eyes on Heaven. That is where we are destined, and when we are there, all of this will seem but a blink in eternity. So do not be worried or anxious about anything; instead…

Werp al jou bekommernisse op hom, want hy sorg vir jou. (1 Petrus 5:7)

Pray for us… as we will for you. 


Die woord van die HERE het tot my gekom:
Son of man, listen! The house of Israel is saying,
“The vision he sees is a long time off;

he prophesies for distant times!”
Say to them therefore: Thus says the Lord GOD:
None of my words shall be delayed any longer.
Whatever I say is final; it shall be done… (Ezekiel 12-26-28)



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