Waak en bid ... vir wysheid


IT was 'n ongelooflike week terwyl ek voortgaan om hierdie reeks te skryf Die Nuwe Heidendom. Ek skryf vandag om u te vra om met my te volhard. Ek weet in hierdie era van die internet dat ons aandag strek tot net sekondes. Maar wat ek glo dat Onse Heer en Vrou aan my openbaar, is so belangrik dat dit vir sommige kan beteken om hulle uit 'n verskriklike misleiding te pluk wat al baie mense mislei het. Ek neem letterlik duisende ure se gebed en navorsing deur en kondenseer dit elke paar dae tot net 'n paar minute se leeswerk. Ek het oorspronklik gesê dat die reeks uit drie dele sal bestaan, maar teen die tyd dat ek klaar is, kan dit vyf of meer wees. Ek weet nie. Ek skryf net soos die Here leer. Ek belowe egter dat ek probeer om dinge op die punt te hou sodat u die kern het van wat u moet weet.



And that’s the second point. All of what I’m writing is kennis. What is really necessary, however, is that with that knowledge you also have wysheid. Knowledge gives us facts, but wisdom teaches us what to do with them. Knowledge reveals the kinds of mountains and valleys ahead but wisdom reveals which path to take. And wisdom comes by way of gebed.

Kyk en bid dat u nie die toets mag ondergaan nie. Die gees is gewillig, maar die vlees is swak. (Markus 14:38)

Watch means to gain the knowledge; bid means to gain the grace to know how to respond to it, which God will give you through wysheid since in Him “are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge.” [1]Kolossense 2: 3 Without wisdom, knowledge alone can sometimes leave one consumed by anxiety and fear such that he or she becomes “like a wave of the sea that is driven and tossed about by the wind.” On the other hand, the one who acquires wisdom plunges beneath the surface to the depths of God’s heart where it is calm and still, for wisdom…

…is first of all pure, then peaceable, gentle, compliant, full of mercy and good fruits, without inconstancy or insincerity. (James 3:17)

Last, I can’t think of anywhere in Scripture where it Beloftes that, if you pray for a specified thing, you are sure to get it as it does for wisdom.

But if any of you lacks wisdom, he should ask God who gives to all generously and ungrudgingly, and he will be given it. (James 1:5)

That’s why I pray for wisdom every day. I know that’s God’s will for certain!



I am also excited to tell those of you who read my daughter Denise’s powerful and critically acclaimed novel Die boom, that she is now in the final stages of editing her sequel Die Bloed. She is reaching out to an award-winning professional to assist with this, but needs your help. I calculated that, if all my subscribers donated just 15 cents each, she can pay for the editing. I know, I know… we ask too much.

You can encourage this beautiful young Catholic by making a donation to her GoFundMe campaign na hierdie skakel.

I am off to Texas to speak at two conferences tomorrow (details below). Will you pray for all of us there? I will continue to stay in touch with you through my writings. Know how deeply I love and care for each of you. How much more then does the One who created you.

You are loved…



MARK sal praat en sing in Texas

hierdie November op twee konferensies in die omgewing van Dallas / Fortworth.

Sien hieronder ... en sien julle daar!




'N Dag terugtog ...


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1 Kolossense 2: 3