Promjena naše kulture

Mistična ruža, Tianna (Mallett) Williams


IT je bila zadnja kap koja je prelila čašu. Kad sam pročitao detalji nove crtane serije pokrenut na Netflixu koji seksualizira djecu, otkazao sam pretplatu. Da, imaju nekoliko dobrih dokumentarnih filmova koji će nam nedostajati ... Ali dio Izlazak iz Babilona znači da morate donositi odluke koje to bukvalno uključuju nesudjelovanje ili podržavanje sistema koji truje kulturu. Kao što piše u Psalmu 1:

Happy indeed is the man who follows not the counsel of the wicked; nor lingers in the way of sinners, nor sits in the company of scorners, but whose delight is the law of the Lord and who ponders his law day and night. (Psalm 1:1)

Seventeen years ago, we also canceled our cable TV—and, honestly, have never looked back. All of a sudden our children started reading books, playing instruments, and developing talents we never knew they had. Today, I want to share with you some of those fruits. Because not only are we called to "izađi iz Babilona", but we are to rebuild a new civilization of love upon its ruins: Kontrarevolucija

With Christmas drawing near, these are also some gift ideas for building up the heart and soul…



Our second daughter, Denise (Mallett) Pierlot, wrote a book called Drvo that has garnered some remarkable praise in the Catholic world. While I personally don’t have a lot of time for reading novels, I was absolutely mesmerized by the storytelling in Drvo. Few books have left me lingering with its images and characters two years after reading it! As Fr. Don Calloway said, “Mallett has penned a truly epic human and theological tale of adventure, love, intrigue, and the search for ultimate truth and meaning. If this book is ever made into a movie—and it should be—the world need only surrender to the truth of the everlasting message.” 

Denise is now in the finishing stages of writing its sequel called Krv while she and her husband Nick (who is studying philosophy and theology) prepare for their first child (and our second grandchild). Ako niste čitali Drvo yet, you can order it from moja trgovina by clicking the book cover:

Nazvati Denise Mallett nevjerovatno nadarenom autoricom je potcjenjivanje! Drvo je zadivljujuće i lijepo napisano. Stalno se pitam: "Kako neko može napisati ovako nešto?" Bez riječi.
- Ken Yasinski, Katolički govornik, autor i osnivač FacetoFace Ministries



The new painting above of Mistična ruža is one of a series of saints that my eldest daughter Tianna has recently finished. Her stunning artwork, featured on this website several times, is now available on Tianna’s website: 

…where you can order prints directly from her:



Our oldest son, Gregory, has just joined a missionary team in Canada called Čista ministarstva svjedoka. They are dedicating this next year to traveling to schools and parishes to share the Gospel through word, song, and drama. Our third daughter, Nicole, was recently with them for two years. It is a beautiful ministry, powerful witness, and “sign of contradiction” to young people in today’s Catholic schools. Gregory has to raise support for his missionary work. If you would like to make a tax-deductible contribution, go to and simply choose Gregory’s name in the donation list:


Dati nam je razlog da vjerujemo da će pred kraj vremena i možda prije nego što očekujemo Bog podići ljude ispunjene Duhom Svetim i prožete Marijinim duhom. Kroz njih će Marija, najmoćnija kraljica, učiniti velika čudesa na svijetu, uništavajući grijeh i uspostavljajući kraljevstvo Isusa, njenog Sina, na RUŠEVINAMA pokvarenog kraljevstva koje je ovaj veliki zemaljski Babilon. (Rev. 18:20) —St. Louis de Montfort, Traktat o istinskoj pobožnosti Blaženoj Djevici, n. 58-59

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