Autentični hrišćanin


Danas se često kaže da je sadašnji vijek žedan autentičnosti.
Pogotovo kada su u pitanju mladi ljudi, to se kaže
imaju strah od vještačkog ili lažnog
i da traže prije svega istinu i poštenje.

Ovi „znakovi vremena“ trebali bi nas učiniti budnima.
Bilo prećutno ili naglas - ali uvijek snažno - pitaju nas:
Da li zaista verujete u ono što proklamujete?
Živite li ono u šta vjerujete?
Da li zaista propovijedate ono što živite?
Svjedočenje života postalo je više nego ikada suštinski uslov
za stvarnu efikasnost u propovedanju.
Upravo zbog toga smo, u određenoj mjeri,
odgovorni za napredak Evanđelja koje objavljujemo.

—PAPA ST. PAUL VI, Evangelii nuntiandi, n 76


DANAS, toliko je blatnjavanja prema hijerarhiji u vezi sa stanjem Crkve. Da budemo sigurni, oni snose veliku odgovornost i odgovornost za svoja stada, a mnogi od nas su frustrirani njihovom silnom šutnjom, ako ne saradnja, uoči ovoga bezbožna globalna revolucija pod zastavom “Great Reset ”. Ali ovo nije prvi put u historiji spasenja da je stado bilo sve samo ne napušteno — ovaj put, vukovima iz “progresivnost"I"politička korektnost”. Međutim, upravo u takvim vremenima Bog gleda na laike, da se uzdigne u njima sveci koji postaju poput sjajnih zvijezda u najmračnijim noćima. Kada ljudi ovih dana žele da bičuju sveštenstvo, ja odgovaram: „Pa, Bog gleda u tebe i mene. Pa hajdemo s tim!”


Get With It!

Yes, we need to get with it, and by this I mean be authentic. Today, there is so much confusion over what this looks like. On the one hand, progressives believe that Christians today must be “tolerant” and “inclusive”, and hence, they go along with any and every thing that is proposed to them, whether or not it defies logic, good science, or even Catholic teaching. As long as the world applauds and the mainstream media approves, then all is well. But virtue and virtue-signalling are two very different things.

On the other hand, there are those who believe that what is really needed to fix the state of things is a return to the traditional (ie. Latin) Mass, Communion rails, and the like. But listen, it was precisely kada we had these very beautiful rites and practices that St. Piux X declared:

Tko ne može vidjeti da društvo u današnje vrijeme, više nego u bilo kojem prošlom dobu, pati od strašne i duboko ukorijenjene bolesti koja se, svakodnevno razvijajući se i izjedajući u svom najdubljem biću, vuče u propast? Shvatate, časna braćo, šta je ta bolest - otpadništvo od Boga ... —PAPA SV. PIUS X, E Supremi, Encyclical On the Restoration of All Things in Christ, n. 3, October 4th, 1903

The crisis at its heart, I believe, comes down to individual witness and authenticity. The witness to the world that is most powerful, most effective, most transformative is neither virtue-signalling nor external piety. Rather, it is a true interior conversion that is expressed in a life conformed to the Gospel. Let me repeat that: it is a heart so converted, so abandoned to the Lord, so desirous to be faithful, that they become, as it were, the living Word. Such souls are “živi bunari” who by their very presence move others to want to drink from their example, draw from their wisdom and knowledge, and satiate their thirst for love by seeking the very Source of these living waters within them. 


Your Witness is Key!

Today, the world can smell a hypocrite from a mile away, especially the youth.[1]“It is often said nowadays that the present century thirsts for authenticity. Especially in regard to young people it is said that they have a horror of the artificial or false and that they are searching above all for truth and honesty.” [Evangelii Nuntiandi, n. 76] And hence, St. Paul VI says:

The world expects from us simplicity of life, the spirit of prayer, obedience, humility, detachment and self-sacrifice. —PAPA PAUL VI, Evangelizacija u modernom svijetu, 22, 76

In other words, just as a well has an encasement to contain the water, so too, the Christian has to bear a visible witness from which the living waters of the Holy Spirit can flow. 

Vaša svjetlost mora zasjati pred drugima, kako bi mogli vidjeti vaša dobra djela i proslaviti vašeg nebeskog Oca ... Pokažite mi svoju vjeru bez djela, a ja ću vam pokazati svoju vjeru iz svojih djela. (Matej 5:16; Jakov 2:18)

The issue here is one of credibility. I may lead my children to Mass and pray the Rosary with them… but am I authentic with how I live my life, what I say, how I behave, how I work, how I enjoy entertainment, leisure, etc.? I may go to the local prayer meeting, donate to ministries, and join the CWL or Knights of Columbus… but what am I like when I’m with other women or men, friends or family?

But all this is really Christianity 101! Is St. Paul standing over us today, in 2022, and repeating his admonition to the Corinthians?

I fed you milk, not solid food, because you were unable to take it. Indeed, you are still not able, even now, for you are still of the flesh. (1 Cor 3:2-3)

We are in an even more urgent situation. For the plan of God nearing fulfillment at the end of this era is this: to prepare for himself a spotless and unblemished Bride, a People who are “all in”, that is, living in the Divine Will. That is the programme — whether you and I are going to be a part of it or not. 

Isus je zahtjevan, jer želi našu istinsku sreću. Crkvi su potrebni sveci. Svi su pozvani na svetost, a samo sveti ljudi mogu obnoviti čovječanstvo. —PAPA JOHN PAUL II, Poruka Svjetskog dana mladih za 2005. godinu, Vatikan, 27. kolovoza 2004., Zenit

I have to laugh in a certain way when I see some of the German bishops weaving sophistries in order to accommodate sodomy and gay marriage. For the entire momentum of Jesus right now is for His people to enter into His Divine Will in an all-new manner. This means excelling in fidelity — not rewriting the Word of God! Ah, let us pray for these poor, poor shepherds. 


Krst, krst!

The enduring trait of our generation is to find any and every way possible to escape suffering. Whether it’s through technology, medication, or outright killing our unborn babies or ourselves, this is the perennial lie that Satan has masterfully crafted in our times. We must be comfortable. We must be entertained. We must medicate. We must distract. But this is the antithesis of what Jesus teaches: 

Ako zrno pšenice ne padne na zemlju i ne umre, ono ostaje samo zrno pšenice; ali ako umre, rađa puno ploda. (Ivan 12:24)

The irony is that, the more we deny our inordinate desires and attachments, the more joyful we become (because we were made for God, not them). But more than that: the more we deny ourselves, the more we are transformed into Jesus, the more Living Water flows unobstructed, the more we stand in spiritual authority, the more we grow in Wisdom, the more we become autentičan. But if we are spending our days without sobriety, we become, as Jesus said in the Gospel todaythe blind leading the blind. 

How can you say to your brother, ‘Brother, let me remove that splinter in your eye,’ when you do not even notice the wooden beam in your own eye? (Luke 6:42)

How can we guide others into repentance and truth if we ourselves are worldly and living a lie? How do we offer Living Water to others when they can clearly see that we have polluted them with our sin and indulgence? What is needed today are men and women who have a “sold-out” heart for Christ:

Blessed the men whose strength you are! Their hearts are set upon the pilgrimage. (Today’s Psalm, Ps 84: 6)

And set upon saving souls. Says St. Paul in the first reading today: 

Although I am free in regard to all, I have made myself a slave to all so as to win over as many as possible. I have become all things to all, to save at least some. (1 Cor 9: 19)

In other words, St. Paul is careful that he gives scandal to no one. Do we let down our guard around our buddies? Our children? Our spouses? Or are we careful to be all things to all people so that we might save, at least, some of them? 

Our Lady has been crying out to us in recent months in her messages that we are not taking her ozbiljno — and we are running out of time, fast. O Mama, I’m as guilty as anyone. But today, I renew my commitment to Jesus, to be His disciple, to be your child, to belong to the holy army of God. But I also come in all my poverty, as though an empty well, that I may be filled again with the Holy Spirit. Fiat! May it be done, Lord, according to your will! Pray, O Holy Mother of God, that a new Pentecost may take place in my heart and that of all these dear readers that we may become true witnesses in these last days. 

Only, conduct yourselves in a way worthy of the gospel of Christ, so that, whether I come and see you or am absent, I may hear news of you, that you are standing firm in one spirit, with one mind struggling together for the faith of the gospel, not intimidated in any way by your opponents. This is proof to them of destruction, but of your salvation. And this is God’s doing. For to you has been granted, for the sake of Christ, not only to believe in him but also to suffer for him. (Phil 1:27-30)

Tako će svi znati da ste moji učenici ako imate ljubavi jedni za druge. (Ivan 13:35)


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1 “It is often said nowadays that the present century thirsts for authenticity. Especially in regard to young people it is said that they have a horror of the artificial or false and that they are searching above all for truth and honesty.” [Evangelii Nuntiandi, n. 76]
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