Velika podjela


Došao sam da zapalim zemlju,
i kako bih volio da već bukti!…

Mislite li da sam došao uspostaviti mir na zemlji?
Ne, kažem vam, nego podjela.
Od sada će petočlano domaćinstvo biti podijeljeno,
tri protiv dva i dva protiv tri...

(Luke 12: 49-53)

Zbog njega je nastala podjela u masi.
(John 7: 43)


VOLIM ta Isusova reč: “Došao sam da zapalim zemlju i kako bih volio da već bukti!” Naš Gospod želi Narod koji gori sa ljubavlju. Narod čiji život i prisustvo podstiču druge da se pokaju i traže svog Spasitelja, šireći na taj način mistično Tijelo Kristovo.

Pa ipak, Isus slijedi ovu riječ uz upozorenje da će ova Božanska Vatra zaista biti podelite. Nije potreban teolog da bi shvatio zašto. Isus je rekao, "Ja sam istina" i svakodnevno vidimo kako nas Njegova istina dijeli. Čak i kršćani koji vole istinu mogu ustuknuti kada ih taj mač istine probode vlastiti srce. Možemo postati ponosni, odbrambeni i argumentirani kada se suočimo s istinom Sami. I zar nije istina da danas vidimo kako se Tijelo Kristovo lomi i ponovo dijeli na najneverovatniji način dok se biskup suprotstavlja biskupu, kardinal stoji protiv kardinala – baš kao što je Gospa predvidjela u Akiti?


Veliko pročišćenje

U protekla dva mjeseca, dok sam se mnogo puta vozio tamo-amo između kanadskih provincija da bih preselio svoju porodicu, imao sam mnogo sati da razmišljam o svojoj službi, šta se dešava u svijetu, šta se dešava u mom vlastitom srcu. Ukratko, prolazimo kroz jedno od najvećih pročišćenja čovječanstva od Potopa. To znači da smo i mi prosijan kao pšenica — svi, od siromaha do pape.

Simon, Simon, behold Satan has demanded to sift sve of you like wheat… (Luke 22:31)

The reason is that Jesus is preparing for himself a People who will set the earth on fire — a Bride who is without spot or blemish; a Bride who will regain her inheritance and the lost gifts of Adam and Eve, namely, to live again in the Divine Will with all its rights of divine sonship.[1]cf. Istinsko Sonship And what a Fire it will be when the Kingdom descends upon this People so that His will be done “on earth as it is in heaven”!

And it’s not just for His children’s sake; it is for God’s delight too.

The will, the intellect, the memory — how many harmonies and happinesses do they not contain? It is enough to say that they are part of the happiness and harmony of the Eternal One. God created His own personal Eden in the soul and the body of man — an Eden all celestial; and then He gave him the terrestial Eden as residence. —Jesus to Servant of God Luisa Piccarreta, Volume 15, May 29th, 1923

Thus, it is a beautiful and terrifying moment — much like the hard labor pains that usher in a new birth.[2]cf. Velika tranzicija i Bolovi na radu su stvarni There is great suffering here and coming due to rampant apostasy, and yet, great joy is to follow. And just as a baby “divides” the mother as it passes through the birth canal, so too, we are witnessing the painful division of humanity, a sifting of cosmic proportions.


Velika divizija

The divisions among us are one of the ključ signs of the times — far more than earthquakes, weather events, man-made plagues or even the manufactured “famine” that is now following upon its heels (caused, in large part, by reckless and nemoralna zatvaranja).  What has been most shocking to many laymen, scientists, and health care workers is how quickly the masses handed their bodies over to the government to be experimented on in the name of “safety” and the “common good” in what has been described as a “psihoza masovnog formiranja"Ili"jaka zabluda".[3]„Postoji masovna psihoza. To je slično onome što se dogodilo u njemačkom društvu prije i za vrijeme Drugog svjetskog rata gdje su normalni, pristojni ljudi pretvoreni u pomoćnike i mentalitet tipa „samo slijedeći naredbe“ koji je doveo do genocida. Sada vidim da se ta ista paradigma dešava.” (Dr Vladimir Zelenko, 14.; 2021:35, Izložba Stew Peters).

“To je smetnja. Možda je grupna neuroza. To je nešto što je palo na umove ljudi širom svijeta. Šta god da se dešava, dešava se na najmanjem ostrvu na Filipinima i u Indoneziji, najmanjem malom selu u Africi i Južnoj Americi. Sve je to isto — stiglo je preko cijelog svijeta.” (Dr. Peter McCullough, MD, MPH, 14. avgust 2021; 40:44, Pogled na pandemiju, 19. epizoda).

„Ono što me je prošle godine zaista šokiralo do srži je da je, suočen s nevidljivom, naizgled ozbiljnom prijetnjom, racionalna diskusija otišla kroz prozor... Kada se osvrnemo na COVID eru, mislim da će to izgledati kao drugi ljudski odgovori na nevidljive prijetnje u prošlosti su viđeni kao vrijeme masovne histerije.” (Dr. John Lee, Patolog; Otključani videozapis; 41:00).

„Psihoza formiranja mase… ovo je kao hipnoza… To se dogodilo njemačkom narodu.” (Dr. Robert Malone, MD, izumitelj tehnologije mRNA vakcine Kristi Leigh TV; 4:54). 

“Obično ne koristim ovakve fraze, ali mislim da stojimo na samim vratima pakla.” (Dr. Mike Yeadon, bivši potpredsjednik i glavni naučnik za respiratorne organe i alergije u Pfizeru; 1:01:54, Pratite nauku?)
But this was a lie from the start since the common good is never served by injustice; the common good is never advanced by control and coercion. The result could only be a massive rupture in the social fabric and actually great harm to the common good. I say this not to scorn my “vaccinated” readers but to warn all of us of the precipice on which we now stand. 

The battlefield is still warm, following Canada’s war on the unvaccinated. The mandates have let up, and both sides stumble back into something that looks like the old normal — except that there is a fresh and present injury done to the people we tried to break. And no one wants to talk about it.

Only weeks ago, it was the admitted goal of our own leaders to make life unlivable for the unvaccinated. And as a deputized collective, we force-multiplied that pain, taking the fight into our families, friendships, and workplaces. Today, we face the hard truth that none of it was justified — and, in doing that, uncover a precious lesson.

It was a quick slide from righteousness to cruelty, and however much we might blame our leaders for the push, we’re accountable for stepping into the trap despite better judgement.

We knew that waning immunity put vast numbers of the fully vaccinated on par with the shrinking minority of unvaccinated, yet we marked them for special persecution. We said they hadn’t “done the right thing” by turning their bodies over to state care — even though we knew that principled opposition to such a thing is priceless in any circumstance. And we truly let ourselves believe that going into another ineffectual lockdown would be their fault, not the fault of toxic policy.

And so it was by the wilful ignorance of science, civics, and politics that we squeezed the unvaccinated to the degree that we did.

We invented a new rubric for the good citizen and — failing to be one ourselves — took pleasure in scapegoating anyone who didn’t measure up. After months of engineered lockdowns, having someone to blame and to burn simply felt good.

So we cannot hold our heads high, as if believing we had logic, love, or truth on our side while we viciously wished death upon the unvaccinated. The best we can do is sit in the awareness of our rabid inhumanity for having cast so many aside. —Susan Dunham, What We Learned From Hating the Unvaccinated

Many capitulated to the “narrative” out of fear for their reputation, fear of losing their lifestyle, fear of being “cancelled”, or fear of being ridiculed and not belonging. This has been a global phenomenon and one that has revealed the vulnerabilities and dependence of milijardi upon just a handful of powerful billionaires and mega-corporations. St. John warned that, someday, powerful men with massive wealth would use “sorcery” or pharmakeia (“the use of lijek, drugs or spells”) to deceive and control the nations.

... vaši trgovci su bili zemaljski velikani, vaši su sve narode zalutali magije. (Rev 18:23; NAB version says “magic potion”; cf. Ključ Caduceusa)

Here again, the words of St. John Newman are becoming more relevant by the hour, especially as new “waves” and even new viruses become the obsession of governments who have aligned themselves with the World Economic Forum.

Satan may adopt the more alarming weapons of deceit — he may hide himself — he may attempt to seduce us in little things, and so to move the Church, not all at once, but by little and little from her true position. I do vjerujem da je mnogo učinio na ovaj način u posljednjih nekoliko stoljeća ... Njegova je politika podijeliti nas i podijeliti, postupno izbaciti iz naše stijene snage. A ako bude došlo do progona, možda će biti i tada; onda, možda, kad smo svi u svim dijelovima kršćanstva tako podijeljeni, tako smanjeni, puni raskola, tako blizu herezi. Kad se bacimo na svijet i ovisimo o zaštiti od njega, te se odreknemo svoje neovisnosti i snage, tada će [Antihrist] puknuti na nas od bijesa koliko mu Bog dopusti. Tada se odjednom Rimsko Carstvo može raspasti, a Antikrist se pojavljuje kao progonitelj, a varvarski narodi okolo se probijaju. —Sv. John Henry Newman, Propovijed IV: Progon antikrista

I have mixed emotions as I walk through the new town where we live. On the one hand, I see beautiful smiles again — but they are tentative smiles. Many people are still afraid to shake hands, to exchange the “sign of peace”, to even be near each other. We have been drilled for two years to view the other as an existential threat (even though the survival rate is on par with and even higher than seasonal flu[4]Evo starosno stratificirane statistike o stopi smrtnosti od infekcije (IFR) za bolest COVID-19, koju je nedavno sastavio John IA Ioannides, jedan od najprestižnijih bio-statičara na svijetu.

0-19: 0027% (ili stopa preživljavanja od 99.9973%)
20-29 .014% (ili stopa preživljavanja od 99,986%)
30-39 .031% (ili stopa preživljavanja od 99,969%)
40-49 .082% (ili stopa preživljavanja od 99,918%)
50-59 .27% (ili stopa preživljavanja od 99.73%)
60-69 .59% (ili stopa preživljavanja od 99.41%)
). And we know that this present reprieve is soon going to vanish since it is established now that billions can be corralled and controlled with the mere wave of a presidential hand. It has become the perfect Storm to dismantle this present order so as to “build back better” — so say the globalists in one harmonious, acrid voice. Indeed, Canadian[5]27. septembra 2021, i UK[6]3. januara 2022. authorities both admitted to pushing boundaries to see how far people can be manipulated. The answer is jako daleko. And this has set the stage for the Great Divide… 


The Great Dividers

Jesus did not come to bring peace but podjela. Drugim riječima, truth of the Gospel would divide families, communities, and nations — even though it would set them free.

But there is another who divides and that is the Antichrist. Paradoxically, he will claim to bring mir not division. But precisely because his reign is predicated on lies and not truth, it will be a false peace. It will divide, nonetheless. For Jesus demands that we renounce the inclinations of our fallen nature — the neumjereno attachment to property, family, and even one’s own life — in order to be His disciple. In return, He offers a share in His eternal Kingdom in communion with the saints. The Antichrist, on the other hand, demands that you predati your property, family rights and freedom in order to učestvovati in his kingdom — in a cold, sterile “equality” with everyone else.[7]cf. Isaijino proročanstvo o globalnom komunizmu We have already experienced a foretaste of this, of how tempting it is to just “go along” with the programme. This is why I believe the times of the Antichrist are not far off: a great portion of humanity has already proven they are willing to exchange their autonomy for a false peace and security. And the infrastruktura for such a system is almost completely in place as we transition to a digital currency.[8]cf. Velika korelacija

Kad ljudi govore: „Mir i sigurnost“, onda ih zadesi iznenadna katastrofa, poput porođajnih muka nad trudnicom, i neće pobjeći. (1. Solunjanima 5: 3)

Ultimately, however, it will not be just our freedom but the Church and her teachings that will be cancelled. In fact, when the Lord spoke in my heart years ago that a Great Storm was going to pass over the earth, He pointed to Revelation Chapter Six — the seven “seals” — as being that Storm.[9]cf. Oporavak za udarMy Lord, how we are seeing this literally unfold now with war, inflation, food shortages, new plagues, and soon, a minor persecution of the Church that will break out (keep an eye on America, especially if the Supreme Court in the United States overturns Roe vs. Wade) before the sixth seal — the Upozorenje. The violence, church burnings, and hatred we have seen to this point will pale in comparison. Moreover, we are already beginning to witness the fracturing of the Body of Christ as wayward bishops and priests openly and boldy foster a false Gospel and Anti-milosrđe. Međutim, ovo ima to happen; the Great Divide must come as the final stage in the purification of the obstinate and rebellious from the face of the earth. 

Dolazak bezakonika djelovanjem Sotone bit će sa svom snagom i s pretvaranim znakovima i čudima i sa svom opakom obmanom za one koji će propasti, jer su odbili voljeti istinu i tako biti spašeni. Stoga Bog šalje na njih snažnu zabludu kako bi ih natjerao da povjeruju u ono što je lažno, tako da mogu biti osuđeni svi koji nisu vjerovali u istinu, ali su uživali u nepravdi. (2. Sol 9: 5-12)

So, dear Christian, you must prepare yourself — not by stockpiling weapons — but by casting your fears and anxiety completely upon the Lord.[10]cf. 1 Kućni ljubimac 5: 7 By increasing in love, not withholding it. But striving for unity and fellowship with one another, not withdrawing it.

Ako ima bilo kakvog ohrabrenja u Hristu, bilo kakve utehe u ljubavi, bilo kakvog učešća u Duhu, bilo kakvog saosećanja i milosrđa, upotpunite moju radost time što sam istog uma, sa istom ljubavlju, sjedinjen u srcu, misleći jedno. Ne činite ništa iz sebičnosti ili iz taštine; radije, ponizno smatrajte druge važnijim od sebe, pri čemu svako ne vodi računa o svojim interesima, već [takođe] svima o interesima drugih. (Fil 2:1-4)

In other words, light the fires of love sada. For those who remain faithful,[11]cf. To the Victors a new era of peace — true peace — will dawn.[12]cf. Priprema za doba mira And a Divine Fire will rage from coast to coast…

Pobjedniku, koji se drži mojih puteva do kraja, Ja ću dati vlast nad narodima. (Otkrivenje 2:26)

Pobjednik će tako biti obučen u bijelo, i ja nikada neću izbrisati njegovo ime iz knjige života, već ću priznati njegovo ime u prisustvu mog Oca i njegovih anđela. (Otkrivenje 3:5)

Pobjednika ću pretvoriti u stup u hramu Boga moga, i on ga više nikada neće napustiti. Na njemu ću upisati ime Boga svoga i ime grada Boga moga... (Otkrivenje 3)

Daću pobjedniku pravo da sjedi sa mnom na prijestolju mom... (Otkrivenje 3:20)




We have lost nearly a quarter of our monthly
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These are hard times. If you are able to help
not only by your prayers but financial support,
I am most grateful. God bless you!


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1 cf. Istinsko Sonship
2 cf. Velika tranzicija i Bolovi na radu su stvarni
3 „Postoji masovna psihoza. To je slično onome što se dogodilo u njemačkom društvu prije i za vrijeme Drugog svjetskog rata gdje su normalni, pristojni ljudi pretvoreni u pomoćnike i mentalitet tipa „samo slijedeći naredbe“ koji je doveo do genocida. Sada vidim da se ta ista paradigma dešava.” (Dr Vladimir Zelenko, 14.; 2021:35, Izložba Stew Peters).

“To je smetnja. Možda je grupna neuroza. To je nešto što je palo na umove ljudi širom svijeta. Šta god da se dešava, dešava se na najmanjem ostrvu na Filipinima i u Indoneziji, najmanjem malom selu u Africi i Južnoj Americi. Sve je to isto — stiglo je preko cijelog svijeta.” (Dr. Peter McCullough, MD, MPH, 14. avgust 2021; 40:44, Pogled na pandemiju, 19. epizoda).

„Ono što me je prošle godine zaista šokiralo do srži je da je, suočen s nevidljivom, naizgled ozbiljnom prijetnjom, racionalna diskusija otišla kroz prozor... Kada se osvrnemo na COVID eru, mislim da će to izgledati kao drugi ljudski odgovori na nevidljive prijetnje u prošlosti su viđeni kao vrijeme masovne histerije.” (Dr. John Lee, Patolog; Otključani videozapis; 41:00).

„Psihoza formiranja mase… ovo je kao hipnoza… To se dogodilo njemačkom narodu.” (Dr. Robert Malone, MD, izumitelj tehnologije mRNA vakcine Kristi Leigh TV; 4:54). 

“Obično ne koristim ovakve fraze, ali mislim da stojimo na samim vratima pakla.” (Dr. Mike Yeadon, bivši potpredsjednik i glavni naučnik za respiratorne organe i alergije u Pfizeru; 1:01:54, Pratite nauku?)

4 Evo starosno stratificirane statistike o stopi smrtnosti od infekcije (IFR) za bolest COVID-19, koju je nedavno sastavio John IA Ioannides, jedan od najprestižnijih bio-statičara na svijetu.

0-19: 0027% (ili stopa preživljavanja od 99.9973%)
20-29 .014% (ili stopa preživljavanja od 99,986%)
30-39 .031% (ili stopa preživljavanja od 99,969%)
40-49 .082% (ili stopa preživljavanja od 99,918%)
50-59 .27% (ili stopa preživljavanja od 99.73%)
60-69 .59% (ili stopa preživljavanja od 99.41%)

5 27. septembra 2021,
6 3. januara 2022.
7 cf. Isaijino proročanstvo o globalnom komunizmu
8 cf. Velika korelacija
9 cf. Oporavak za udar
10 cf. 1 Kućni ljubimac 5: 7
11 cf. To the Victors
12 cf. Priprema za doba mira
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