Una transmissió en línia profètica ...?


L' la major part d’aquest apostolat escrit ha estat transmetent “la paraula d’ara” que s’està parlant a través dels papes, les lectures de missa, la Mare de Déu o visionaris de tot el món. Però també ha implicat parlar el ara paraula això s'ha posat al meu cor. Com va dir una vegada la Mare de Déu a Santa Caterina Labouré:

Veuràs certes coses; doneu compte del que veieu i escolteu. Us inspirareu en les vostres oracions; dóna compte del que et dic i del que entendràs en les teves oracions. -St. Catherine, Autograph, 7 de febrer de 1856, Dirvin, Santa Caterina Labouré, Arxiu de les Filles de la Caritat, París, França; pàg.84

Such was the case with a webcast from 2009 (which I felt strongly during prayer that I should look at again today). One of the “words” the Lord put on my heart back then was about “forced” vaccines. I can tell you right now that I scarcely knew even then the dimensions of what we are seeing unfold before us today, as “mandatory” vaccines are fast becoming a reality… tied to “digital ID’s” or “immunity passports.” There’s some other quite interesting things said in that webcast at the same time that, together as a whole, speak to the hour in which we are living. See what you think…

Here is that webcast again from my old show Abraçant l’esperança, recorded almost 10 years earlier to the day from when the first case of COVID-19 was officially identified.


Available also at Vimeo.

 Note: apologies to those readers who are hearing challenged.
This webcast has no subtitles.


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