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"TAN, el que acaba de passar?"

Mentre flotava en silenci sobre un llac canadenc, mirant cap al blau profund passant les cares que es transformaven als núvols, aquesta era la pregunta que em passava pel cap recentment. Fa més d’un any, el meu ministeri va prendre de sobte un gir aparentment inesperat en examinar la “ciència” que hi ha darrere dels tancaments sobtats mundials, els tancaments d’esglésies, els mandats de màscares i els passaports de vacuna. Això va sorprendre alguns lectors. Recordeu aquesta carta?

Segueixo el vostre lloc perquè sou molt proper a la vostra interpretació sobre alguns aspectes dels "temps". De fet, són moments interessants i és bo que alerteu els fidels. Dit això, els vostres antimàscares (terribles ciències), antipatologia, abans de tenir una vacuna, són força equivocats i perillosos. Sembla que heu estat presa d'algunes interpretacions molt dolentes dels temps finals i el control ... esteu equivocats. Pregueu més. Hipotetitzeu menys. En nom de la caritat cristiana, vesteix-te una màscara amic meu, la vida que salves pot ser teva. —Cf. Per què parlar sobre ciència?

As it turns out, those “ravings” have been correct all along according to top scientists who appeared in my new documentary Després de la ciència?, an exposé which summarized over a thousand hours of research. Still, even recently, some asked why I am not focusing more on spiritual topics, etc…. Well, “in the name of Christian charity”, how does one simply ignore the fact that hundreds of thousands around the world are being maimed or killed by the current “vaccines” (ie. gene therapies) now being forced on the population? Most of the global populace doesn’t even know this is happening as the censorship is beyond anything we’ve ever seen in our generation! What kind of “Christian” turns a blind eye to the suffering of others, especially when they have the opportunity to help others avoid that suffering?

Religion that is pure and undefiled before God and the Father is this: to care for orphans and widows… If a brother or sister has nothing to wear and has no food for the day, and one of you says to them, “Go in peace, keep warm, and eat well,” but you do not give them the necessities of the body, what good is it? (James 1:27, 2:15-17)

We cannot fold our hands in piety in a kind of self-preservationist way when our brothers’ hands are being chained in a prison — whatever that enslavement looks like. I believe anyone who has spent even a single hour this past year trying to understand what my writings or documental are really saying understands that we are in the midst of an “end game” by our satanic foe that looks an awful lot like genocidi. In fact, today, it will only take you a few minutes. The highly cited Dr. Peter McCullough MD, MPH, recently summarized the gravity of what is happening throughout the world right now in a seminar for The Méditerranée Infection Foundation in France. Starting at about 15:50 into the video posted below, you can listen as to why the current mass vaccination of the world must immediatament Atura. 

Furthermore, those who invoke Pope Francis’ exhortation to take the “vaccine” do not understand that a pope no pot mandate a medical intervention as such (as explained by the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith’s own guidelines), especially based on his reasoning that the vaccines have “no special dangers” and that it would be “suicidal denialism” not to.[1]PAPA FRANCIS, Entrevista pel programa d'informatius TG5 d'Itàlia, el 19 de gener de 2021; On the contrary, we know now that there are numerous “special dangers” and that, in fact, it is suïcidi for some to take the injections. I am certain when Francis learns the facts (ie. daily mounting xifres de morts), he will tearfully retract those words (see To Vax or Not To Vax). 

... l'Església no té cap experiència especial en ciència ... l'Església no té cap mandat del Senyor per pronunciar-se sobre qüestions científiques. Creiem en l’autonomia de la ciència. —Cardinal Pell, Servei de Notícies Religioses, 17 de juliol de 2015;

... la raó pràctica fa evident que la vacunació no és, per regla general, una obligació moral i que, per tant, ha de ser voluntària. -“Note on the morality of using some anti-Covid-19 vaccines”, n. 6, Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith

In May 2020, long before several scientists came forward to warn of what we now know are lethal dangers in the “vaccines” being injected in the global population, I wrote El nostre 1942. There, I echoed the prophetic warnings of St. John Paul II who foresaw that science and medicine have the potential to be used in a massive programme of global depopulation. In fact, you’ll recall that John Paul II invoked the twelfth chapter of the Book of Revelation and the battle between the Woman and the dragon, comparing it to the “culture of life” vs. the “culture of death.”

Aquesta lluita és paral·lela al combat apocalíptic descrit a [Apocalipsi 11: 19-12: 1-6, 10 sobre la batalla entre "la dona vestida de sol" i el "drac"]. Batalles de la mort contra la vida: una "cultura de la mort" busca imposar-se al nostre desig de viure i viure al màxim ...  —PAPE ST. JOHN PAUL II, Dia Mundial de la Joventut, Homry Cherry Creek State Park, Denver, Colorado, 1993

It’s precisely “in the name of Christian charity” that I have spent a year warning my readers of what was coming. In fact, many times over the past year, I have sensed the Lord telling me to go back and take more literalment many of the “now words” He has given me over the years, starting with the one that called me to this writing apostolate some sixteen years ago:

Per tant, fill d’home, he fet vigilant per a la casa d’Israel; sempre que escolteu una paraula de la meva boca, els avisareu de mi ... si el vigilant veu venir l’espasa i no fa sonar la trompeta, de manera que no s’adverte el poble i arriba l’espasa i en pren algú; aquell home és endut per la seva iniquitat, però la seva sang la requeriré de la mà del vigilant. (Ezequiel 33: 7,6)

The sword, as it turns out, is not a metaphor. 

En el context cultural i social actual, en què la ciència i la pràctica de la medicina corren el risc de perdre de vista la seva dimensió ètica inherent, els professionals de la salut poden ser fortament temptats de convertir-se en manipuladors de la vida, o fins i tot en agents de la mort. —ST. JOAN PAUL II, Evangelium vitae, n. 89

Many times over the past few months, including in rewatching the documentary, I have wept at my computer as I watched the suffering of many souls across the world whose stories have been censored by Google, YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and so-called “fact-checkers” — the shameless propagandists of our generation who are now complicit in crimes against humanity. So I even started a group on the (as of now) uncensored MeWe platform where we continue to daily post their stories (see the “Covid Vaccine Reaction Testimonies” grup).

No participeu en les infructuoses obres de la foscor; més aviat exposar-los ... (Efesis 5:11)

While penning this article, another message entered my email box, this time from Jesus Himself to the Italian seer Valeria Copponi. We hear the Lord’s concern for not only the soul but our cossos també.

My daughter, it is I, Jesus, the Victorious One; let man not dare to destroy what I and My Father have given to the whole world with such love. I consider the things that I have given you to be precious; I allow what I have created from nothing to be discovered; but let man not discard or demolish things and people as he pleases. You have begun to destroy instead of building, and this will soon lead you to your eternal end. My children, you who are my little remnant, continue with your prayers, especially for your brothers and sisters who are offending God without even knowing Him. Pray for all sinners that they would allow me to enter into their hearts so that they might be healed of the world’s evil… you are destroying yourselves with your own hands. —Jesus to Valeria Copponi on July 7th, 2021; cf.

As Catholics, we do not “chase” after apparitions or live by prophecy alone. The teachings of our Faith, the Sacraments, the Scriptures, etc. are the edifice upon which we build our lives, and prophecy has a role in supporting and strengthening that foundation. But we are manat by St. Paul to “test” prophecy.[2]1 Thess 5: 20-21 And there is no greater test than simply whether or not it has come true. In that light, no matter what you may think of the following seers, the messages they received appear to be mort és:

Estudieu, prepareu-vos, escrutineu i conegueu allò que creieu que és lluny o impossible per a l’home. Alimenteu-vos amb coneixement; se us està enverinant lentament i sense la vostra consciència, no només per les coses que mengeu, però també mitjançant vacunes preparades en laboratoris amb l’únic propòsit de causar malalties greus a l’organisme humà per eliminar-lo ...—La Santíssima Mare de Déu a Luz de Maria de Bonilla, 14 de gener de 2015

Fills, torno a advertir-vos i ajudar-vos a no equivocar-vos, evitant allò que no ve de Déu; tot i així, mireu al vostre voltant confós sense adonar-vos dels morts que hi ha i que hi haurà a la terra, tot per la vostra obstinació a escoltar només les decisions humanes. Moltes vegades he dit als meus fills que tinguin cura de les vacunes, però no escolteu. -La nostra Senyora a Gisella Cardia el 16 de març de 2021

Una gran foscor embolcalla el món i ara és el moment. Satanàs atacarà el cos físic dels meus fills que vaig crear a la meva imatge i a la meva semblança ... Satanàs, a través dels seus titelles que governen el món, vol inocular-te el seu verí. Empènyerà el seu odi contra tu fins a la imposició obligatòria que no tindrà en compte la teva llibertat. Una vegada més, molts dels meus fills que no poden defensar-se seran els màrtirs del silenci, com va ser el cas dels Sants Innocents. Això és el que sempre han fet Satanàs i els seus secuaces ... —Déu el Pare a P. Michel Rodrigue , 31 de desembre de 2020

And then there is this prescient warning given decades ago, which is arguably beginning to unfold in some fashion as “vaccine passports” are being rolled out across Europe and several other countries:

... ara s’ha desenvolupat una vacuna per combatre una nova malaltia, que serà obligatòria i es marcarà els que la prenguin ... Més endavant, qualsevol persona que no estigui marcada amb el número 666 no podrà comprar ni vendre, per obtenir un préstec, per obtenir una feina, etc. El meu pensament em diu que aquest és el sistema a través del qual l'Anticrist ha optat per fer-se amb el món sencer i que les persones que no formen part d'aquest sistema no podran trobar feina, etc., ja sigui negre o blanc o vermell; en altres paraules, tothom prendrà el relleu mitjançant un sistema econòmic que controli l'economia global i només aquells que hagin acceptat el segell, la marca del número 666, podran participar en les relacions comercials. —St. Paisios of Mt. Athos (1924–1994), Elder Paisios - The Signs of the Times, p.204, Holy Monastery of Mount Athos / Distributed by AtHOS; 1st edition, January 1, 2012

In that regard, my ministry has really not departed at all from its mission from proclaiming the “now word” for our times, which has for over a decade included warnings on a masonic Revolució global. While I would love to write more about “living in the Divine Will”, butterflies and petunias… earlier this year, there was a bold and clear word in my heart while praying before the Blessed Sacrament:

Have I called you from the watchman’s wall? Continue to watch and pray…

Benvolguts joves, depèn de tu vigilants del matí, qui anuncia la sortida del sol que és el Crist ressuscitat! —POP JOHN PAUL II, Missatge del Sant Pare a la Joventut del Món, XVII Dia Mundial de la Joventut, n. 3; (vegeu Is 21: 11-12)

This means speaking about the “signs of the times” but, yes, also how to grow in the Lord and thus acquire divine saviesa precisely in order to navigate these times as true disciples of Jesus. So, it’s a fine balance that I am trying my best to follow, writing the “now word” (not the “Mark word”).



In that message to Valeria, I suspect the Lord is playing off of the globalists mantra to “build back better” and “reset” the world (see El gran restabliment). But this Global Revolution is literally going to tear most everything down first in order to rebuild the world in the elite’s image. Everyday now, I am hearing disturbing stories of how the supply chain is falling apart, food is left rotting because truckers can’t deliver goods[3]Crafting the Post Covid World ”, 29 de maig de 2020; Com s’escriu això abans que la “pandèmia” gairebé no hagi començat? or farmers are being locked down and unable to harvest their vegetables; how many companies cannot get parts for their automobiles, combines, hardware stores;[4]cf. “The Third Seal” in L’obertura dels segells how lumber and other commodities are beginning to skyrocket in price, etc.[5]cf. “The Third Seal” in L’obertura dels segells Aquesta és la raó Our Lady has warned several times now, as did Our Lord in the Gospels,[6]cf. Matt 24:7; Rev 6:5-6 that famine is coming in many places.

As we speak, the World Economic Forum (WEF), who “predicted” the pandemic through running a scenario (just weeks before the outbreak), is now supposedly preparing for a “cyber attack” as they run another scenario July 9th, 2021.  The WEF — surprise, surprise — is comparing it to “A cyber-attack with COVID-like characteristics”.

I suppose we can thus expect a similar draconian response by our political leaders for “our own good.” In fact, such an attack may be very the tool to deliver the final blow to the present world order and take whatever freedom we have left and corral it into a completely digitized, monitored, and controlled world.[7]cf. El Gran Corralling That, and of course, we will continue to hear how every weather anomaly, heat wave, tornado, hurricane, hailstone, cold front and snow fall is the result of man-made “global warming.”[8]veure Confusió climàtica i El canvi climàtic i la gran il·lusió What the global pandemic revealed to world leaders is that the propaganda not only works, but works increïblement bé to drive billions into submission. Satan, said Jesus, is a liar and the “father of lies.”[9]cf. Joan 8:44 Today, we are being lied to daily, hour by hour, minute by minute on a grand scale, to the point that it is nearly impossible to expose it all.[10]cf. Velocitat, xoc i temor de l’ordit In Canada, for instance, churches are being cremat a terra for the Catholic Church’s sad role in residential schools as supposed “mass graves” (which are often old unmarked cemeteries in most cases with unknown origins, etc.) are being discovered. A perfect storm of truth and lies is rapidly bringing about the other goal of the globalists, and that is the attempted destruction of Catholicism. The prophecy of Isaiah predicting global communism is coming true in spades (see aquí). 



But that means the Era de la pau that Isaiah predicted to follow, and that the Church Fathers wrote about, is likewise coming. Yesterday, as the Psalmist reminds us, these nefarious plans, ultimately, will not succeed:

The LORD brings to nought the plans of nations; he foils the designs of peoples. But the plan of the LORD stands forever; the design of his heart, through all generations.
R. Lord, let your mercy be on us, as we place our trust in you. (salm 33)

What a glorious time to be alive: to witness the labor pains that will bring about the birth of a purified and unified Body of Christ and the Triumph of the Hearts of Jesus and Mary. And so, we ought to remember that we are like wild grass, here today and gone tomorrow, but not forever. We have an eternal destiny, and Heaven is where we ought to fix our eyes moment by moment by indeed “viure a la Divina Voluntat.” In this way, no matter what the globalists concoct, we can remain fixed in peace because the Moment present (ie. the intersection between Heaven and Earth) is precisely where Jesus is. That is by no means a call to pacifisme — our hands folded in false piety and our eyes closed to suffering.[11]cf. Prou de bones ànimes Rather, it is in fact the way by which we draw upon grace in order to confront the Storm in a truly effective, powerful, and divine way. 

All are invited to join my special fighting force. The coming of my Kingdom must be your only purpose in life. My words will reach a multitude of souls. Trust! I will help all of you in a miraculous way. Do not love comfort. Do not be cowards. Do not wait. Confront the Storm to save souls. Give yourself to the work. If you do nothing, you abandon the earth to Satan and to sin. Open your eyes and see all the dangers that claim victims and threaten your own souls. —Jesus a Elizabeth Kindelmann, La Flama de l'amor, pàg. 34, publicat per la Fundació Children of the Pare; Imprimir L’arquebisbe Charles Chaput

Off to cut my hay field! Peace be with your spirit…


Nota: Many are reportedly not receiving my emails. If you cannot find them in your junk or spam folder, that means your internet service provider is blocking them. Indeed, it’s becoming increasingly harder to be visible on the Internet these days…


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Notes al peu

Notes al peu
1 PAPA FRANCIS, Entrevista pel programa d'informatius TG5 d'Itàlia, el 19 de gener de 2021;
2 1 Thess 5: 20-21
3 Crafting the Post Covid World ”, 29 de maig de 2020; Com s’escriu això abans que la “pandèmia” gairebé no hagi començat?
4 cf. “The Third Seal” in L’obertura dels segells
5 cf. “The Third Seal” in L’obertura dels segells
6 cf. Matt 24:7; Rev 6:5-6
7 cf. El Gran Corralling
8 veure Confusió climàtica i El canvi climàtic i la gran il·lusió
9 cf. Joan 8:44
10 cf. Velocitat, xoc i temor de l’ordit
11 cf. Prou de bones ànimes
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