Mirant a tots els llocs equivocats

per al 18 de gener de 2014

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WE sovint no som feliços perquè busquem la realització en tots els llocs equivocats. Sant Justí va buscar a les filosofies, Agustí al materialisme, Teresa d'Àvila als llibres de ficció, Faustina al ball, Bartolo Longo al satanisme, Adam i Eva al poder ... On cerqueu?

In today’s first reading, Saul and his servant go in search of his father’s missing “asses”—perhaps a fitting symbol of all those little things we endlessly search for during our day to give comfort, security, and happiness: food, entertainment, frivolous pleasures, excessive sports, television, video games, the internet….

Accordingly they went through the hill country of Ephraim, and through the land of Shalishah. Not finding them there, they continued through the land of Shaalim without success. They also went through the land of Benjamin, but they failed to find the animals.

They were looking in all the wrong places. In fact, God had more complint plans for Saul. It took a “prophetic word” to get him pointed in the right direction after he encountered “the seer,” Samuel. He sends Saul off to the “high place.” It is there that Saul finds more than he could have ever imagined—he is anointed a king.

So many Christians today go to church on Sundays, but chase “asses” throughout the rest of the week. And so we become joyless, empty, depressed…

Sempre que la nostra vida interior queda atrapada pels seus propis interessos i preocupacions, ja no hi ha lloc per als altres, ni lloc per als pobres. La veu de Déu ja no s’escolta, l’alegria tranquil·la del seu amor ja no se sent i el desig de fer el bé s’esvaeix. —PAPA FRANCIS, Evangelii Gaudium, n. 2

And the world around us loses its light, because Jesus said “tu ets the light of the world.” [1]cf. Mateu 5:14 Oh restless heart! What am I to do?

The first thing is to acknowledge that you are inquiet; second, recognize the “asses” for what they are—temporal things, passing moments or material molecules that cannot give you lasting joy; third, admit that you are impotent in overcoming your flesh. That last one carries good news:

Those who are well do not need a physician, but the sick do. I did not come to call the righteous but sinners. (Today’s Gospel)

The fourth thing is to search, like Saul, in “the high place.” After all, you are a “king” by virtue of your baptism. So, here is your “prophetic word” to send you off in the right direction:

If then you were raised with Christ, seek what is above, where Christ is seated at the right hand of God. Think of what is above, not of what is on earth… For all that is in the world, sensual lust, enticement for the eyes, and a pretentious life, is not from the Father but is from the world. Yet the world and its enticement are passing away. But whoever does la voluntat de Déu remains forever. (Col 3:1-2; 1 Jn 2:16-17)

There, my friend, is the right place to be looking.



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Notes al peu

Notes al peu
1 cf. Mateu 5:14