Fatiga profètica


SÓN et sents aclaparat pels "signes dels temps"? Cansat de llegir profecies que parlen d'esdeveniments terribles? Et sents una mica cínic sobre tot això, com aquest lector?

Sé que l'Església Catòlica i l'Eucaristia són veritables. I sé que les revelacions privades, com ara al vostre lloc de compte enrere per al regne, són reals i importants. És molt descoratjador preparar-se per a aquestes profecies, recollir aliments i subministraments, i després no es compleixen. Sembla que Déu deixa ofegar el 99 mentre espera que l'1 torni. Els teus pensaments s'agraeixen.

Another reader commented on my last reflection: Creation’s “I Love You” and remarked, “This is the first non-negative article we have received in a LONG time. What a refreshing blessing!” I have also heard friends and family members speak of people they know saying they simply “can’t read that stuff” and that they need to “live their lives.”



Well, I get it. I, too, took the past few months and the occasion of moving our family to another province to step back from it all to a certain degree. I had just spent the last two years putting in thousands of hours of research, escrit I produir . I a documental on one of the most divisive and damaging developments in our generation. At the same time, we launched Compte enrere per al Regne (CTTK) where suddenly I was responsible, in part, for posting messages from around the world from Our Lord and Our Lady. The news was dark and laden with propaganda; the heavenly messages were at times foreboding. It was hard for me, too, to not let it “get to my head.” The antidote I found, however, was not turning it off. I couldn’t. Rather, the answer was prayer — daily prayer, rooted in God’s Word, and just loving the Lord and letting Him love me. For me, prayer is the “great reset” that restores my relationship and harmony with the Lord. 

Still, when this past summer came, I found myself not wanting to look at the headlines nor wanting to read many of the prophecies that my colleagues continued to post on Countdown. I needed this summer to decompress, to reconnect with nature (I took the photo on the left while standing in the river near our farm; I was actually crying I was so happy to finally be living in nature again), to interact with unmasked faces, to go sit in a restaurant for the first time in two years, to play a game of golf with my sons, sit on a beach and just respira. 

I recently reposted on CTTK an important article called Profecia en perspectivaIt’s really a crucial read on how to approach prophecy, how to respond to it, and what our obligations are. There are literally thousands of messages from seers from around the world. Who could read them all? Are we supposed to read them all? The answer is cap. What St. Paul commands us is “do not despise prophetic utterances.” [1]1 Thess 5: 20 In other words, if one is compelled to read prophetic revelations then do so in a spirit of prayer and discernment as the Lord leads you. But are you required to check CTTK every hour on the hour? Of course not. In fact, if reading that website makes you anxious, I recommend you take a break, take a walk, smell a flower, go on a date, go fishing, watch an inspiring film, read a book, and above all, pray. It’s a matter of balance, and even holy things, when they are not properly ordered, are not so holy for you.   


Els signes dels nostres temps

That said, I want to address my reader’s comment that she is disheartened that the prophecies she has read have not “come to pass.” I beg to differ, and in spades. We are continuing the very hard and heavy work of documenting the “signs of the times” on my MeWe group called “The Now Word – Signs” aquí. My assistant researcher, Wayne Labelle, is doing an awesome and very arduous job scanning the headlines along with me. In truth, we are both amazed at the daily developments we are witnessing. The seeming opening of the seals of Revelation are happening before our very eyes; it is the unfolding Gran Tempesta I have written about for years. No, not all at once, but never have I seen things moving so quickly and all the pieces for a “perfect storm” coming together.

Are we supposed to do this work? On a personal level, for me, yes (see La cançó del vigilant i Benvolgut Sant Pare ... Ja ve!). But what about the rest of you? Just today, I posted a missatge allegedly from Our Lady to Gisella Cardia where she says:

Nobody, or few people, see everything that is happening on earth; heaven is sending you signs to pray more, but many continue in their blindness. —given on August 20th, 2022

I a partir del 2006:
Fills meus, no reconeixeu els signes dels temps? No en parles? —2 d’abril de 2006, citat a El meu cor triomfarà by Mirjana Soldo, a seer of Medjugorje, p. 299
And here again is why — if you are going to follow the signs of the times — that you must also be a person of Oració and in a process of Conversió:
Només amb una renúncia interior total, reconeixerà l’amor de Déu i els signes del temps en què viu. Seràs testimoni d’aquests signes i començaràs a parlar-ne. —18 de març del 2006, ibídem.

This is all to say that Our Lord and Our Lady want us to be awake.[2]cf. Truca Mentre Som Somni That’s all. You don’t have to read every headline and newstory; you don’t need to. What is crucial is that you are praying and discerning; in this way, you will see with your soul what cannot be seen with the eyes.


Les penes laborals

So, what of my reader’s perception that prophecy is not coming to pass (and she’s not the only one who has said this to me)?

When an expectant mother begins her labor pains and the birthing process, she discovers quickly that the contractions are not ongoing but spaced apart. But because a labor pain has ceased for the moment does not mean the labor has! So, too, we just experienced a massive labor pain with COVID-19. The divisions and damage to both the social and economic fabric of nations is deep and lasting. What this “pandemic” did was put into place the infrastructure for global surveillance and monitoring while, at the same time, dealing death blows to the economy, beginning a “mass psychosis”,[3]cf. L’engany fort and successfully convincing the hierarchy of the Church to cooperate with the new health technocracy. It’s a Masonic coup if there ever was one.[4]cf. La clau del Caduceu; Profecia d’Isaïes sobre el comunisme global; Quan torna el comunisme But now, we’ve had this little lull this past summer. It does not mean that prophecy has failed, not at all. It means that we have been given this opportunity to rest, to catch our breath, and prepare for the next contraction, the next labor pains, which every sign tells us are approaching quickly. 

In that regard, the Scripture comes to mind:

El Senyor no endarrereix la seva promesa, ja que alguns consideren "endarrerir-se", però és pacient amb vosaltres, no desitjant que ningú pereixi, sinó que tots arribin al penediment. (2 Pere 3: 9)

So, if you are feeling a little fatigued by both the news and prophecy, the balanced response is not to outright ignore them; not to pretend that this present dysfunction in our world will work itself out and that life will continue as we know it. It already isn’t. Rather, it is to continue living in the present moment, working, playing, and resant while calmly reflecting and listening to the Lord speaking to your heart. And He is. But how few are listening any longer…[5]cf. Per què el món roman en dolor

I know you’re tired, but don’t give up. Perseverar.

Consider it all joy, my brothers, when you encounter various trials, for you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. And let perseverance be perfect, so that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing. (James 1:2-4)

You don’t need to be an expert in prophecy but an expert in love. On this, you will be judged. And if you love the Lord, then you will also listen to Him through His prophets too, right? 

Balance. Blessed balance. 

Repent and serve the Lord with joy.
Your reward will come from the Lord.
Be faithful to the Gospel of my Jesus
and to the true Magisterium of His Church.
Humanity will drink the bitter cup of sorrow
because men have departed from the truth.
I ask you to keep the flame of your faith alight
and to try to imitate my Son Jesus in everything.
Do not forget: it is in this life and not in another
that you must witness to your faith.
Dedica part del teu temps a l'oració.
Only by the power of prayer can you attain victory.
Endavant sense por! 

—Our Lady to Pedro Regis, August 20th, 2022

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