Protector i defensor



AS Vaig llegir l’homilia de la instal·lació del papa Francesc, no vaig poder deixar de pensar en la meva petita trobada amb les suposades paraules de la Santíssima Mare fa sis dies mentre pregava davant el Santíssim.

Assegut davant meu hi havia una còpia del P. El llibre de Stefano Gobbi Als sacerdots, els fills estimats de la Mare de Déu, missatges que han rebut la Imprimatur i altres recolzaments teològics. [1]Fr. Els missatges de Gobbi van predir la culminació del Triomf del Cor Immaculat per a l'any 2000. viouslybviament, aquesta predicció era errònia o retardada. Tot i això, aquestes meditacions encara ofereixen inspiracions oportunes i rellevants. Com diu sant Pau sobre la profecia: "Conserveu el que és bo". Em vaig tornar a asseure a la cadira i vaig preguntar a la Beata Mare, que suposadament va donar aquests missatges al difunt P. Gobbi, si té alguna cosa a dir sobre el nostre nou papa. El número "567" em va aparèixer al cap i, per tant, em vaig dirigir cap a ell. Va ser un missatge donat al P. Stefano a Argentina el 19 de març, festa de Sant Josep, fa exactament 17 anys, fins al dia que el papa Francesc ocupa oficialment l'escó de Pere. Aleshores vaig escriure Dos pilars i el nou timoner, No tenia cap còpia del llibre al davant. Però vull citar aquí una part del que diu la Santíssima Mare aquell dia, seguit de fragments de l’homilia del papa Francesc que es va fer avui. No puc deixar de sentir que la Sagrada Família ens envolta tots els braços en aquest moment decisiu del temps ...

From the “Blue Book”:

This land [of Argentina] is especially loved and protected by me, and I cultivate it with special care in the safe refuge of my Immaculate Heart.

Entrust yourselves to the powerful protection of my most chaste spouse, Joseph. Imitate his industrious silence, his prayer, his humility, his confidence, his work. Make your own his docile and precious collaboration with the plan of the Heavenly Father, in giving help and protection, love and support, to his divine Son Jesus.

Now that you are entering into the painful and decisive times, entrust also my Movement to him. He is the protector and defender of this, my work of love and mercy.

Protector and defender in the painful events that are awaiting you.

Protector and defender against the numerous snares which, in a subtle and dangerous way, my Adversary and yours is setting for you with increasing frequency.

Protector and defender during the moments of the great trial, which now awaits you, in the final times of the purification in the great tribulation.

…with Jesus and my most chaste spouse, Joseph, I bless you in the name of the Father, and of the son, and of the Holy Spirit.

And then from Pope Francis’ homily:

[Joseph] is to be the costos, the protector. The protector of whom? Of Mary and Jesus; but this protection is then extended to the Church, as Blessed John Paul II pointed out:

Just as Saint Joseph took loving care of Mary and gladly dedicated himself to Jesus Christ’s upbringing, he likewise watches over and protects Christ’s Mystical Body, the Church, of which the Virgin Mary is the exemplar and model. -Redemptoris Custos, Em

How does Joseph exercise his role as protector? Discreetly, humbly and silently, but with an unfailing presence and utter fidelity… In the end, everything has been entrusted to our protection, and all of us are responsible for it. Be protectors of God’s gifts!

Tragically, in every period of history there are “Herods” who plot death, wreak havoc, and mar the countenance of men and women… Let us not allow omens of destruction and death to accompany the advance of this world! But to be “protectors”, we also have to keep watch over ourselves!… To protect Jesus with Mary, to protect the whole of creation, to protect each person, especially the poorest, to protect ourselves: this is a service that the Bishop of Rome is called to carry out, yet one to which all of us are called, so that the star of hope will shine brightly. Let us protect with love all that God has given us! I implore the intercession of the Virgin Mary, Saint Joseph, Saints Peter and Paul, and Saint Francis, that the Holy Spirit may accompany my ministry, and I ask all of you to pray for me! —PAPE FRANCIS, Instal·lació Homilia, 19 de març de 2013



Christ will never forsake His Bride: “I am with you always, until the end of the age” our Lord said. [2]Matt 28: 20 But it has pleased Divine Providence to care for His people a través de the Communion of Saints, the angels, and at last, the Church itself.

The saints protect us through their example, interaction, and continued intercession for the mystical Body of Christ.

The angels protect us by divine command through the power invested in their heavenly ranks.

The Church on earth protects us against heresy and the Father of Lies by safeguarding and teaching the truth that Jesus imparted to the Apostles and by nurturing us with Christ’s very life through the Sacraments.

At the very center of all of this grace is Jesus! It is Jesus who builds the Church, Jesus who chooses His vicars, Jesus who lays the living stones of His Bride.

Déu no vol una casa construïda pels homes, sinó fidelitat a la seva paraula, al seu pla. És Déu mateix qui construeix la casa, però a partir de pedres vives segellades pel seu esperit. —PAPE FRANCIS, Instal·lació Homilia, 19 de març de 2013

Most especially, it is the Pope who lays his tiara at the feet of Christ, whom his life is devoted to in service to the truth.

Crist és el centre, no el successor de Pere. Crist és el punt de referència al cor de l’Església, sense ell, Pere i l’Església no existirien. L’Esperit Sant va inspirar els esdeveniments dels darrers dies. Va ser ell qui va inspirar la decisió de Benet XVI pel bé de l’Església. Va ser ell qui va inspirar l’elecció dels cardenals. —PAPE FRANCIS, 16 de març, reunió amb la premsa

El papa no és un sobirà absolut, els pensaments i desitjos del qual són llei. Al contrari, el ministeri del papa és el garant de l’obediència cap a Crist i la seva paraula. —PAPA BENEDICTE XVI, Homilia del 8 de maig de 2005; San Diego Union-Tribune



There has been, and to some extent, continues to be confusion and doubt among some Catholics, propogated in part by false prophecies and overzealous Protestants, as to whether or not Pope Francis will turn out to be some kind of antichrist figure or a “false prophet.” [3]cf. Possible ... o no? i La pregunta sobre qüestionar la profecia People are carefully examining his past, his relationships, what he wears, what he eats for breakfast… looking for that “smoking gun” that proves this pontiff is an impostor.

But all of this panic and fear betrays one single thing: doubt in Jesus Christ, who builds His Church, not on sand, but on rock. Pope Francis was elected by over 90 cardinals (he only needed 77 votes). He is therefore a validly elected pontiff, not an anti-pope. As of today, he has been formally handed the Keys of the Kingdom. It is now Christ who will guide Him, for Christ has already prayed for Peter and his successors…

I have prayed for you that your faith may not fail… (Luke 22:32)

Will [Pope Francis] change Church doctrine? That he can’t do. We have to remember the job description of the Pope is to preserve, to conserve the integrity of the Faith, and pass it on…. he’s not going to tamper with the immutable teaching of the Church. —Cardinal Timothy Dolan, interview CBS News, 14 de març de 2013



As Pope Francis alluded to in his homily, we are living in decisive times when there are ‘”Herods” who plot death, wreak havoc, and mar the countenance of men and women.”‘ [4]cf. El cor de la nova revolució The “omens” of this are before our eyes as we continue to witness an astonishing power grab unfolding right now in Europe, [5]"Socialists ready to make power grab of citizens’ money"I"Ha començat" which is a presage of the coming global economic collapse. [6]c. La falsificació que ve The other serious omen is the “culture of death” that continues to spread “so much darkness” throughout the world. [7]cf. El Gran Culling Lastly, the popes have referred over the last century to an “apostasy” in our times.

Apostasía, la pèrdua de la fe, s'estén per tot el món i als nivells més alts de l'Església. —PAPA PAUL VI, Discurs sobre el seixantè aniversari de les aparicions de Fàtima, 13 d’octubre de 1977

This word, used only once in the New Testament, refers to a rebellion that will occur in the “end times”, culminating in the Antichrist, before “the Day of the Lord”. [8]cf. 2 Thess 2:1-12 also Dos dies méss St. Paul then writes something significant about the apostasy and coming of “the lawless one”:

Therefore, God is sending them a deceiving power so that they may believe the lie, that all who have not believed la veritat but have approved wrongdoing may be condemned. (2 Thess 2:11-12)

Clearly then, in the times of Antichrist, the “truth” will be a choice laid before the world to either accept or reject. And where is that truth to be found? Immediately after St. Paul’s discourse on the times of the Antichrist and the lies and deceptions that will accompany it, he writes:

Per tant, germans, manteniu-vos ferms i mantingueu ferms les tradicions que us han ensenyat, ja sigui mitjançant una declaració oral o per una carta nostra. (2 Tess 2:15)

These oral and written “traditions” have been faithfully preserved for 2000 years in the Catholic Church, under the “visible Lighthouse_in_Stormsource and foundation of unity”, which is the successor of Peter. St. Paul, in a word, is telling us to stand firm on the rock.

Hoping against hope! Today too, amid so much darkness, we need to see the light of hope and to be men and women who bring hope to others… It is a hope built on the rock, which is God. —POPE FRANCIS Installation Homily, March 19th, 2013

God—who then declares Peter to be a rock on which He builds His Church.

Today’s installation of Pope Francis is a sign that Jesus has not abandoned the Church in her hour of Passion, and that the Barque of Peter, the rock, will be the safest place to stand in the Great Storm that is here and coming. For she too is a Protector and Defender, even if she be reduced to a remnant…

... tothom que escolta aquestes paraules meves però no hi actua serà com un ximple que va construir la seva casa sobre sorra. Va caure la pluja, van venir les inundacions i els vents van bufar i van colpejar la casa. I es va ensorrar i es va arruïnar completament. (Mateu 7: 26-27)

Certainly, Jesus Christ conferred power upon Peter, but what sort of power was it? Jesus’ three questions to Peter about love are followed by three commands: feed my lambs, feed my sheep. Let us never forget that authentic power is service, and that the Pope too, when exercising power, must enter ever more fully into that service which has its radiant culmination on the Cross. —POPE FRANCIS, Installation Homily, March 19th, 2013




Mark Mallett parlarà i cantarà a Califòrnia
Abril de 2013. Se li acompanyarà el P. Serafins Michalenko,
vice postulador de la causa de canonització de Santa Faustina.

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Notes al peu

Notes al peu
1 Fr. Els missatges de Gobbi van predir la culminació del Triomf del Cor Immaculat per a l'any 2000. viouslybviament, aquesta predicció era errònia o retardada. Tot i això, aquestes meditacions encara ofereixen inspiracions oportunes i rellevants. Com diu sant Pau sobre la profecia: "Conserveu el que és bo".
2 Matt 28: 20
3 cf. Possible ... o no? i La pregunta sobre qüestionar la profecia
4 cf. El cor de la nova revolució
5 "Socialists ready to make power grab of citizens’ money"I"Ha començat"
6 c. La falsificació que ve
7 cf. El Gran Culling
8 cf. 2 Thess 2:1-12 also Dos dies méss
publicat a INICI, SIGNES i etiquetada , , , , , , , , , , , , .