La gran mentida


…el llenguatge apocalíptic que envolta el clima
ha fet un profund flac favor a la humanitat.
Ha provocat una despesa increïblement inútil i ineficaç.
Els costos psicològics també han estat immensos.
Molta gent, especialment els més joves,
Viu amb por que el final sigui a prop,
massa sovint condueix a una depressió debilitant
sobre el futur.
Una mirada als fets enderrocaria
aquelles angoixes apocalíptiques.
—Steve Forbes, Forbes revista, 14 de juliol de 2023


UN of the more curious “now words” which came to me some eight years ago became the title of a reflection: El canvi climàtic i la gran il·lusió. The title is somewhat self-explanatory: the narrative that man is causing catastrophic climate change will become part of greater deception, what St. Paul calls a “strong delusion” or “deceiving power” that will ultimately sift the weeds from the wheat.[1]2 Thess 2: 11 What I didn’t see then, but which is now rapidly coming to the forefront, is that the narrative of anthropogenic or man-made “global warming” is becoming a key lever to control how mankind will “buy and sell” based on their “carbon footprint.” And this will be tied to one’s “digital ID”.[2]cf. La Revolució Final

The problem is that the global warming narrative is utterly false. In fact, I’m calling it La gran mentida.

Enter, a new documentary: A Climate Conversation. It is a succinct, clear, and scientific refutation of what is rightly called a climate “cult”, lead by Greta Thunberg and the same group of elites behind the pseudo-science of COVID-19. I really encourage you to take the 55 minutes to watch this.

Beneath the documentary, I have posted the latest research that I have gathered over the years so that this article can become a kind of “one stop shop” for you to find clear answers and research to this growing threat to human freedom.

Remember, behind every lie is rooted in the “father of lies”, whom Jesus said “was a murderer from the beginning.” Understand that, and you’ll know why it is so important to oppose this second pillar of the “Great Reset” — La gran mentida of man-made “global warming.”



La gran mentida

TU HAS heard what TV news anchors and pundits have had to say about “global warming.” You’ve read the YouTube and Facebook propaganda banners. Now, here’s what you might not have heard…


Not “settled science”

The entire push behind so-called “green energy”, such as wind farms, is the claim that traditional forms of energy, such as coal, oil or gas, are heating the planet with “carbon emissions”, pushing mankind to the brink of disaster.

However, a growing body of climatologists in the world state that claims of a “man-made global warming” crisis are based on junk science. Over 1600 researchers, including Nobel laureates Ivar Giaever of Norway and Dr. John Clauser, recently ha signat un declaració afirmant que hi ha 'cap emergència climàtica.' David Siegel, un dels signants, declarat: "Està clar que el CO2 gairebé no té res a veure amb el clima", a diferència de les dades demostrant que els corrents oceànics tenen més impacte que l'anomenat "efecte hivernacle".. El Dr. Fred Goldberg, expert en clima suec, està d'acord que el diòxid de carboni no és la causa principal de l'escalfament global i això el canvi climàtic no es veu afectat per l'acció humana però principalment per l'activitat solar i els corrents oceànics. El geòleg Gregory Wrightstone fa un 'cas massivament convincent’ that pretty much everything we have been told about climate change is the opposite of the truth.

Indeed, Facebook and an army of so-called “fact-checkers” will regularly assert the baseless claim that there is a 97-99% consensus among scientists about human-caused climate change. But a enquesta publicada recentment of top-level climate scientists found that 41% do not believe in catastrophic ‘climate change.’ In fact…

Only 0.3% of science papers state humans are the cause of climate change. And when surveyed, only 18% of scientists believed that a large amount – or all – of additional climate change could be averted. -L'Exposició, Janury 23, 2023;

Even the public has grown skeptical of the climate alarmism and dire predictions that repeatedly failed to materialize. “A recent poll conducted by a group within the University of Chicago found that belief in humans causing all or most climate change had slumped in America to 49 percent from the 60 percent level recorded just five years ago. Similar falls have been recorded elsewhere, with a recent IPSOS survey covering two-thirds of the world’s population revealing that nearly four people in every 10 believe climate change is mainly due to natural causes.”[3]April 27, 2023,

Weathering the Facts…

Vijay Jayaraj, a research associate at the Coalició CO2, assenyala que “les temperatures estiuenques àrtiques no han estat gens diferents de la mitjana dels 44 anys i això el gel marí d'estiu està per sobre de les mitjanes decenals" i no ha disminuït en més d'una dècada.[4]veure aquí i aquí i aquí Another paper claims that Arctic sea ice is disappearing, but not due to “global warming” but “atmospheric wind patterns.”[5]Agost 31, 2023, ciènciaOn that note, it’s also true that Polar Bear numbers are increasing according to Canadian Geographic — not dramatically declining, as the climate fearmongers have warned.[6]see also “The Myth That the Polar Bear Population Is Declining" The surface of the Greenland ice sheet has gained almost 600 billion tons of new snow since September 1, 2022. The gain has been above the 1981-2010 average during five of the last seven years.[7]Junk Science, Ice core samples further show that there has been no significant warming in one of the most climate-sensitive parts of the planet.[8]

Malgrat la sequera d'aquest any a algunes parts d'Amèrica del Nord, onades de calor no tenen lloc amb més freqüència than expected. In fact, a nou document published by the Global Warming Policy Foundation (GWPF) written by meteorologist William Kininmonth, a former consultant to the World Meteorological Organisation’s Commission for Climatology and former head of the Australian Government’s National Climate Centre, argues that the oceans are the “vital inertial and thermal flywheels” of the climate system. If one wants to control climate, it will be necessary to control the oceans, he argues. “Efforts to decarbonize in the hope of affecting global temperatures will be in vain,” he adds.

An Revisió italiana del temps extrem diu que no hi ha "evidència" de "crisi climàtica" a les dades actuals, segons el seu paper. In fact, there has been a disminució de l'activitat dels huracans. Després hi ha el reclamar aquest clima està matant gent quan "cada cop moren menys persones per catàstrofes relacionades amb el clima", va escriure Bjørn Lomborg, antic director de l'Institut d'Avaluació Ambiental del govern danès. "A mesura que la població s'ha quadruplicat, les morts s'han multiplicat per 20", va dir (vegeu aquest gràfic). “Death risk from climate is down 99% from the 1920s.” Defying Al Gore’s and Greta Thunberg’s doomsday predictions, dades shows that sea levels tenir no ressuscitat due to anthropogenic warming. A new research paper argues that there are other massive factors influencing sea level rise.

“Sea levels were rising at an accelerated rate between 7,000 years and 15,000 years ago, and that change in the rate of global sea level rise was not solely due to atmospheric carbon-dioxide concentrations. A much better explanation is that most sea level rise is a response to the interglacial period and that equilibrium of the polar ice caps has not yet been attained.” The often circulated idea that sea levels will rise between 15 and 30 feet from 2023 to 2100 is “clearly political hype and does not represent the science, even as advocated by climate alarmists. -David Legates, climatologist and professor emeritus at the University of Delaware; Senyal diari, Març 13, 2024

Un informe escrit per l'eminent científic dels esculls, Peter Ridd, utilitzant dades oficials d'arreu del món, va trobar que no hi ha una reducció estadísticament significativa dels esculls de corall globals des que fa dues dècades van començar els registres fiables. De fet, per a la Gran Barrera de Corall, el sistema d'esculls més gran del món, s'ha registrat un rècord d'alta cobertura de corall.[9]16 de febrer de 2023,

Contínuament se li diu al públic que els esculls estan sent danyats de manera irreparable per l'escalfament global, però els esdeveniments de blanqueig, sobre els quals hi ha tanta condemna, són simplement la resposta natural dels corals als canvis en el medi ambient. Són una forma de vida extraordinàriament adaptable, i els esdeveniments de blanqueig gairebé sempre van seguits d'una ràpida recuperació. —Peter Ridd, Physicist, author of “Coral in a Warming World – Causes for Optimism”;

Potser el més sorprenent és el treball recent de sis principals científics del clima, publicat en naturalesa que confirmen el que fa anys que diuen alguns climatòlegs europeus: potser en realitat estem entrant en un període de refredament. L'hemisferi nord pot estar entrant a fase de temperatura-refrigerament fins a la dècada de 2050 amb un descens de fins a 0.3 °C (~1.14 °F). Per extensió, la resta del globus també es refredarà.[10]cf. "Els millors científics del clima prediuen dècades de refredament global en un estudi ignorat pels mitjans de comunicació convencionals", 


El Gran Fudging

In truth, there has been a breach in ethical science. A new study at The Heartland Institute shows that El 96% de les dades climàtiques utilitzades per justificar aquesta empenta climàtica són defectuoses. (Nota: ho era modelat informàtic defectuós que també va provocar la histèria pandèmica COVID-19). La doctora Judith Curry també està d'acord que la narració està impulsada per models informàtics defectuosos and that the real goal ought to be minimizing air and water pollution, not carbon dioxide. Tom Harris, Executive Director of the International Climate Science Coalition, was a climate alarmist who has now va invertir la seva posició a causa de "models defectuosos que no funcionen", i ara anomena tota la narració a engany. De fet, un estudi admet que el 12 grans models universitaris i de govern que s'han utilitzat per predir l'escalfament climàtic són defectuosos. Recordeu "climagate” when scientists were caught deliberately altering statistics and ignoring satellite data that showed no warming?

De fet, el Grup Intergovernamental sobre el Canvi Climàtic (IPCC) de l'ONU ha estat capturat diverses vegades falsificació de dades per avança la seva agenda, most notably, the Paris Climate Agreement, which really has nothing to do with the environment. Rather, it’s about the redistribution of global wealth through punishing “carbon taxes”:

But one must say clearly that we redistribute de facto the world’s wealth by climate policy. Obviously, the owners of coal and oil will not be enthusiastic about this. One has to free oneself from the illusion that international climate policy is environmental policy. This has almost nothing to do with environmental policy anymore… —Ottmar Edenhofer, IPCC,, 19 de novembre de 2011

No importa si la ciència de l’escalfament global és falsa ... el canvi climàtic [proporciona] la major oportunitat per aconseguir justícia i igualtat al món. —Former Canadian Minister of the Environment, Christine Stewart; quoted by Terence Corcoran, “Global Warming: The Real Agenda,” Post financer, 26 de desembre de 1998; des del Calgary Herald, 14 de desembre de 1998

És la primera vegada en la història de la humanitat que ens plantegem la tasca de canviar intencionadament, en un període de temps definit, el model de desenvolupament econòmic que regeix des de fa almenys 150 anys, des de la revolució industrial... un procés, per la profunditat de la transformació. —Christine Figueres, exsecretària executiva de la Convenció Marc de l'ONU sobre el Canvi Climàtic, 2 de novembre de 2015;

And Canada’s environment and climate change minister, Steven Guilbeault, admitted that Canadian households will pay more because of carbon taxes, even after rebates.

If you do the average, yeah, it’s true, it’s going to cost more money to people, but the people who are paying are the richest among us, which is exactly how the system was designed. —Interview with CTV News, April 2, 2023,

Edenholfer is right — this doesn’t sound like environmental policy. So how do you convince the public there’s a climate crisis? Well… you can simply lie.

Click to read the “Climategate” correus electrònics

L'IPCC va ser capturat exagerant dades Desglaç de l'Himàlaia; van ignorar que efectivament hi havia un "fer una pausa' en l'escalfament global: es va instruir als millors científics del clima 'tapar' el fet que la temperatura de la Terra no ha augmentat durant els últims 15 anys. La Universitat d'Alabama a Huntsville, considerada la més fiable per recopilar conjunts de dades de temperatura global desenvolupades a partir de satèl·lits, ha demostrat que no hi ha hagut cap escalfament global durant els últims set anys a partir de gener de 2022. Els científics del clima allà, John Christy i Richard McNider, trobat que eliminant els efectes climàtics de les erupcions volcàniques al principi del registre de temperatura del satèl·lit, es va mostrar pràcticament cap canvi en la velocitat d'escalfament des de principis dels anys 1990.

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) was una vegada més cops exagerant l'"escalfament global". jugant amb dades de temperatura en brut. Diversos altres climatòlegs també han trencat la hipòtesi de l'escalfament global provocat per l'home aquí mentre diversos articles examinar el frau científic global. No és d'estranyar, doncs, que hi hagi hagut una ratxa 50 anys de prediccions eco-apocalíptiques fallides. But as King Charles has said, this is about a “window of opportunity” to change the economic order[11]Octubre 23, 2021, — apparently not about honest science.

Dr. Judith Curry: a “manufactured consensus”

Dr. Judith Curry was at one point a darling of the “global warming” crowd — until she realized the data was wrong and even fraudulent. The climate change narrative, she says, is nothing short of a “manufactured consensus.”[12]cf. Renowed Climatologist Exposes ‘Manufactured Consent’ Dr. Curry points out that the doomsday scenarios that extreme emissions are associated with alarming projections of 4-5oC of warming by 2100, are no longer accepted:

These extreme scenarios have been dropped by UN Conference of the Parties to the UN Climate Agreement.  However, the new Synthesis Report [of the IPCC] continues to emphasize these extreme scenarios, while this important finding is buried in a footnote: “Very high emission scenarios have become less likely but cannot be ruled out”… Clearly, the climate “crisis” isn’t what it used to be… The IPCC Reports have become “bumper sticker” climate science – making a political statement while using the overall reputation of science to give authority to a politically manufactured consensus. —”UN’s climate panic is more politics than science”, March 28, 2023,

The Global Greening

In his critique of the “climate narrative”, nuclear physicist Dr. Wallace Manheimer refutes the utterly false claim that carbon dioxide is somehow a pollutant. On the contrary, CO2 is the primary carbon source for life on Earth, essential for plant life. Studies show that it increases vitamins and mineral output in plants as well as their medicinal properties. The more carbon dioxide, the greener the planet, the more food there is.

L'èmfasi en una falsa crisi climàtica s'està convertint en una tragèdia per a la civilització moderna, que depèn d'una energia fiable, econòmica i ambientalment viable. Els molins de vent, les plaques solars i les bateries de reserva no tenen cap d'aquestes qualitats. Aquesta falsedat és impulsada per un poderós lobby que Bjorn Lomborg ha anomenat un complex industrial climàtic, que inclou alguns científics, la majoria dels mitjans de comunicació, industrials i legisladors. D'alguna manera ha aconseguit convèncer molts que el CO2 de l'atmosfera, un gas necessari per a la vida a la terra, que exhalem amb cada respiració, és un verí ambiental. Múltiples teories i mesures científiques mostren que no hi ha crisi climàtica. Els càlculs de força de radiació tant per escèptics com per creients mostren que el forçament per radiació de diòxid de carboni és al voltant del 0.3% de la radiació incident, molt menys que altres efectes sobre el clima. Durant el període de la civilització humana, la temperatura ha oscil·lat entre uns quants períodes càlids i freds, i molts dels períodes càlids són més càlids que els actuals. Durant els temps geològics, aquest i el nivell de diòxid de carboni han estat per tot arreu sense cap correlació entre ells. -Revista de Desenvolupament Sostenible, Febrer 2015

A peer-reviewed study publicat recentment in the journal Global Ecology and Conservation underscored that “global greening is an indisputable fact” and has accelerated over the past 20 years across over 55% of the globe. In a paper for the Global Warming Policy Foundation, Dr. Indur Goklany, who has previously represented the United States on the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), says that the rising level of carbon dioxide in the Earth’s atmosphere “is currently net beneficial for both humanity and the biosphere generally”.

Carbon dioxide fertilizes plants, and emissions from fossil fuels have already had a hugely beneficial effect on crops, increasing yields by at least 10-15 per cent. —Dr Indur Goklany, October 12, 2015, paper: “Carbon Dioxide: the good news"

Physicist Freeman Dyson states:

…there are huge non-climate effects of carbon dioxide which are overwhelmingly favorable which are not taken into account. To me that’s the main issue–the Earth is actually growing’s increasingly agricultural yields, it’s increasing forests, it’s increasing all kinds of growth… That’s more important and more certain than the effects on climate., Abril 6, 2016

Un estudi realitzat a Nature has found that “woody vegetation cover over sub-Saharan Africa increased by 8% over the past three decades… These results confirm global greening trends, thereby bringing into question widely held theories about declining terrestrial carbon balances and desert expansion.”[13]Juny 11, 2018, The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Association reported a study in 2018 showing “Global plant growth surging alongside carbon dioxide.”[14] NASA’s mapping shows “that the world is greener than it was in the early 1980s.”[15] Universitat de Boston estudiar found “significant greening of something between 25% and 50% of the Earth’s vegetated land.”[16]April 25, 2016, BBC Moreover, such greening actually cools the earth.[17] There’s more studies along this same vein, but you get the picture.

Indeed, Antarctica was once covered with palm trees. “Though scientists think the atmospheric carbon dioxide levels at the beginning of the Eocene period 55 million years ago were as high as 1000 parts per million, trumping today’s value near 400 parts per million,” writes Revista Smithsonian, “they’ve not quite worked out what triggered this lurch.” A estudiar in 2023 shows that Antarctica gained 661 billion tons of ice during 2009-2019 vs. a prediction of a 20,000 billion ton loss[18] and is 8 times thicker than the last 8000 years.[19] The West Antarctic Ice Sheet is experiencing melting, but three studies reveal that it is underwater volcanic activity, not surface melting causing the decline.[20]


Disastrous Statistics

And then there is the Centre for Research on the Epidemiology of Disasters (CRED). The newly-released 2022 “Disasters in Numbers” reportar from CRED is even more dishonest than its 2021 report, claims retired associate professor of physics Dr. Ralph Alexander. The most egregious statements are said to involve the death toll from weather-related disasters. CRED removed the 50 largest disaster events from the data in order to show a skewed trend that weather-related mortalities are increasing (See Figure B. below). However, with all data intact, it reflects a 98% decrease over the past century (see Figure A.), as Bjørn Lomborg also reported above. “Misinterpreting statistics could be harmful if it supports a discourse minimizing the importance of climate change,” states the report. So it’s better to simply lie to support a narrative rather than state the inconvenient truth?

Graph with data missing
Such subterfuge is both dishonest and statistically flawed… the only way to present any trend honestly is to include all the data. —Dr. Ralph Alexander, April 19 2023, El diari escèptic
Graph including all data


Calling a Spade a Spade…

We live in strange times where some believe that fraudulent behavior and lying to the public are somehow defensible if not virtuous. Few know that in 2013 in the United States, where much climate disinformation is born, then-President Barack Obama signed into law the Llei de modernització Smith-Mundt (H.R. 5736). It made it legal for government-produced media—such as was broadcast overseas by Voice of America, Radio Free Europe, and other outlets throughout the Cold War—to be directed toward U.S. citizens themselves. It is now perfectly legal to propagandize (ie. lie to) the American public.[21]cf.

But fortunately, not every environmentalist is playing along with climate propaganda. Nobel laureate, Dr. John Clauser, is unequivocal on the climate narrative:

La narrativa popular sobre el canvi climàtic reflecteix una perillosa corrupció de la ciència que amenaça l'economia mundial i el benestar de milers de milions de persones. La ciència climàtica equivocada ha fet metàstasi en una pseudociència periodística de xoc massiva... No obstant això, hi ha un problema molt real a l'hora de proporcionar un nivell de vida digne a la gran població mundial i una crisi energètica associada. Això últim s'està agreujant innecessàriament pel que, al meu entendre, és una ciència climàtica incorrecta. —5 de maig de 2023; Coalició C02

Dr. Steven Koonin, Ph.D. is one of America’s most distinguished scientists, with decades of experience, including a stint as undersecretary of science at the Department of Energy in the Obama administration. He found himself “shaken” by the misuse of climate science after examining carefully the “global warming” narrative.

I supposed that humans were warming the globe, carbon dioxide was accumulating in the atmoshphere causing all kinds of trouble — melting ice caps, warming oceans, and so on. And the data didn’t support a lot of that. And the projections of what would happen in the future relied on models that were, let’s say, shaky at best… Projections of future climate and weather events rely on models demonstrably unfit for the purpose. —Dr. Steven Koonin, Ph.D., “Hot or Not: Steven Koonin Questions Conventional Climate Science and Methodology”, Hoover Instituteion, August 21, 2023;

What some might consider a surprising opponent of this climate narrative is Dr. Patrick Moore, a former member and founder of the environmental group Greenpeace.

No tenim cap prova científica que siguem la causa de l'escalfament global que s'ha produït en els darrers 200 anys... L'alarmisme ens està impulsant a adoptar tàctiques de por per adoptar polítiques energètiques que crearan una gran quantitat de pobresa energètica entre els els pobres. No és bo per a les persones i no és bo per al medi ambient... En un món més càlid podem produir més aliments. —Dr. Patrick Moore, Fox Business News with Stewart Varney, January 2011;

Dr. Moore left Greenpeace when it became radicalized or, in his words, ‘segrestats’ (much like climate “science”). Climate change, he says, is based on a ‘narració falsa

El canvi climàtic s’ha convertit en una poderosa força política per molts motius. En primer lloc, és universal; se'ns diu que tot el que hi ha a la Terra està amenaçat. En segon lloc, invoca els dos motivadors humans més poderosos: la por i la culpabilitat ... En tercer lloc, hi ha una poderosa convergència d’interessos entre les elits clau que donen suport a la “narrativa” climàtica. Els ecologistes difonen la por i recapten donacions; sembla que els polítics salven la Terra de la fatalitat; els mitjans tenen un dia de camp amb sensació i conflicte; les institucions científiques recapten milers de milions en subvencions, creen departaments completament nous i generen un frenesí alimentador d’escenaris terrorífics; les empreses volen tenir un aspecte ecològic i obtenir enormes subvencions públiques per a projectes que d’altra manera serien perdedors econòmics, com ara parcs eòlics i panells solars. En quart lloc, l’esquerra veu que el canvi climàtic és un mitjà perfecte per redistribuir la riquesa dels països industrials al món en desenvolupament i a la burocràcia de l’ONU. —Dr. Patrick Moore, PhD, cofundador de Greenpeace; "Per què sóc un escèptic del canvi climàtic", 20 de març de 2015, Institut Heartland

Driving the fever to eliminate traditional forms of energy and fossil-dependent vehicles, appliances, etc. is the idea that we must reach carbon emissions of “net zero”. But as Steve Milloy, founder of explained at The Fifteenth International Conference on Climate Change (ICCC), “net zero” is impossible (video below). In fact, Dr. Moore recently warned “that if we actually achieve net zero, at least 50% of the population would die of hunger and disease” particularly with governments attempting to eliminate nitrogen fertilizer (and even culling fart-producing cattle, I might add).[22]cf. Agost 17, 2023, BizNews


2023 – Proof of “global warming”?

In 2018, Greta Thunberg tweeted yet another dire prediction:

Five years later, the Editor in Chief of Forbes rebuked Thunberg’s alarmism:

…the apocalyptic language surrounding the climate has done a deep disservice to humanity. It has led to incredibly wasteful and ineffectual spending. The psychological costs have also been immense. Many people, particularly younger ones, live in fear that the end is nigh, too often leading to debilitating depression about the future. A look at the facts would demolish those apocalyptic anxieties. -Steve Forbes, Forbes, Juliol 14, 2023

But wait, aren’t the heatwaves and wildfires of 2023 proof that Thunberg is a climate mystic, a global warming guru?

In truth, you can never look at single weather events but have to consider trends. But that hasn’t stopped the mainstream media and even the United Nations from a campaign of climate disinformation.

For instance, heat waves have been far less frequent and severe than they were in the 1930s.[23]cf. But others claim that the vast wildfires of 2023 are proof enough that anthropogenic global warming is real. However, the fires in GrèciaQuebecAlbertaNova ScotiaYellowknife, Kelowna, Spokane, LouisianaItàlia, New South WhalesKa'ū i Maui, have been connected to numerous acts of arson and/or common llampec strikes and incompetence.

And then there is the claim that July was the hottest month — ever. But NOAA’s July temperature data revealed yet another average month, despite the heatwaves.

National Temperature Index (NOAA)

Nonetheless, despite these inconvenient facts, the United Nations seized the moment to declare: “The era of global warming has ended; the era of global boiling has arrived.” The rest of the press release is outrageous, you can read it aquí. It’s just a good thing that PBS has their “climate psychology therapist” on hand for all the terrorized viewers.

What’s rather interesting is that UN Secretary-General António Guterres was rather silent when 700 centímetres de neu fell in California’s Sierra Nevada, it’s second most snowiest season breaking a 40-year record. Or when two snowpack records were broken in Wyoming, including a record-breaking torb, all taking a heavy toll on wildlife. Or when there were record-breaking cold temperatures in New England. Or when snow fell una altra vegada in El Caire (which it has only done once before, ten years ago, in the last century). You get the point. I doubt the Secretary-General cares either that where I live in Alberta has been a rather mild if not cooler summer than usual.

Però empitjora.

NASA data shows that June 2023 was cooler than June 1998, despite 66% more industrial era CO2; [24] i aquí data shows no warming in almost 8 years with August 2022 the same temp as August 1998.[25] i aquí i aquí And according to the US Climate Reference Network temp stations, there has been no warming in the past 18 years.[26]


The point of this article is not to settle the argument on whether there is anthropogenic “global warming” endangering the planet. Rather, it is to expose the fact that not only is the science no settled, but the rush to replace existing energy infrastructure with perjudicial i poc fiable technologies like wind turbines is reckless and driven by unfounded fear.

And fear is a terrible advisor.

We have been told nearly every year
for the past 50-plus years
that we have only ten years to live.
—”Climate Doomsday Predictions Have Not Aged Well”,

Becket Adams, National Review, March 26, 2023


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Notes al peu

Notes al peu
1 2 Thess 2: 11
2 cf. La Revolució Final
3 April 27, 2023,
4 veure aquí i aquí i aquí
5 Agost 31, 2023, ciència
6 see also “The Myth That the Polar Bear Population Is Declining"
7 Junk Science,
9 16 de febrer de 2023,
10 cf. "Els millors científics del clima prediuen dècades de refredament global en un estudi ignorat pels mitjans de comunicació convencionals",
11 Octubre 23, 2021,
12 cf. Renowed Climatologist Exposes ‘Manufactured Consent’
13 Juny 11, 2018,
16 April 25, 2016, BBC
21 cf.
22 cf. Agost 17, 2023, BizNews
23 cf.
24 i aquí
25 i aquí i aquí