La mentida més gran


AQUESTA al matí després de la pregària, em vaig sentir commogut per tornar a llegir una meditació crucial que vaig escriure fa uns set anys anomenada Infern desencadenatVaig tenir la temptació de tornar-vos a enviar aquest article avui, ja que hi ha moltes coses profètiques i crítiques per al que s'ha desenvolupat durant l'últim any i mig. Que certes s'han tornat aquestes paraules! 

Tanmateix, només resumiré alguns punts clau i després passaré a una nova "paraula ara" que em va venir durant la pregària d'avui...


La tempesta de la por

As I explained several years ago in Els set segells de la revolució i Infern desencadenat, what we were to prepare for was a Great Storm, a espiritual hurricane. And that as we get closer to the “eye of the Storm,” events would happen quickly, more fiercely, one on top of the other — like the winds of a hurricane as one nears the center. The nature of these winds is the “labour pains” that Jesus described in Matthew 24 and in l’evangeli d’avui, Luke 21, and that St. John foresaw in more detail in Revelation Chapter 6. These “winds” would be a wicked blend of mostly man-made crises: intentional and consequential disasters, weaponized viruses and disruptions, avoidable famines, wars, and revolutions.

Quan sembrin el vent, recolliran el remolí. (Os 8:7)

En una paraula, l'home mateix ho faria desencadenar l'infern a la terra. Now, it’s important to understand why that warning was so crucial (aside from the fact that we appear to be dealing with a weaponized virus). I quoted, in particular, a priest I know in Missouri who not only has the gift to read souls but has seen angels, demons, and souls from purgatory since he was a child. He confided that he has begun seeing demons that no ho havia vist mai abans. He described them as being “ancient” and very powerful. Then there was that daughter of a long-time reader who shared what is arguably now a fulfilled prophecy:

My older daughter sees many beings good and bad [angels] in battle. She has spoken many times about how its an all out war and its only getting bigger and the different kinds of beings. Our Lady appeared to her in a dream last year (2013) as our Lady of Guadalupe. She told her that the demon coming is larger and fiercer than all the others. That she is not to engage this demon nor listen to it. It was going to try to take over the world. This is a demon of por. Era una por que la meva filla digués que anava a embolicar a tothom i a tot. Mantenir-se a prop dels sagraments i de Jesús i Maria són de la màxima importància.

I went on to explain in Infern desencadenat que va ser crític, then, that we close the “spiritual cracks” in our lives. That if we didn’t, these would be exploited by the principalities[1]cf. Ef 6:12 who are being given the power to sift souls.[2]cf. Lluc 22:31

And now we see how the demon of fear has swept through the world like a Tsunami espiritual, taking common sense and wisdom with it! We see how governments have responded in unmeasured ways; how Church leaders have reacted in fear and not faith; how many neighbours and family members have fallen for the propaganda and outrageous lies peddled by the bought-and-paid-for media as “science.” 

There never was a power so geat as the power of the Press. There never was a belief so superstitious as the universal belief in the Press. It may be that future centuries will call these the Dark Ages, and see a vast mystical delusion spreading its black bats’ wings over all our cities. —G. K. Chesterton, Common Sense, Ignatius Press, p. 71; from Notícies diàries, De maig de 28th, 1904

In Infern desencadenatI quoted St. Paul’s warning that the coming of the Antichrist would be accompanied by a “strong delusion” upon unbelievers “to make them believe what is false, so that all may be condemned who did not believe the truth but had pleasure in unrighteousness” (2 Thess 2:9-12). In November 2020, I was compelled to warn how the “winds of change” would come rapidly multiplying “confusion” and “division.”[3]cf. L’engany fort; these were words from Jesus given to the American seer, Jennifer Then this past year, scientists began using these very terms calling the global delusion a “mass psychosis”,[4]Dr. Vladimir Zelenko, MD, August 14th, 2021;35:53, Espectacle de Stew Peters “A disturbia… a group neurosis [that has] come over the whole world”,[5]Dr. Peter McCullough, MD, MPH, August 14th, 2021; 40:44, Perspectives de la pandèmia, Episodi 19 a “mass hysteria”,[6]Dr. John Lee, Pathologist; Vídeo desbloquejat; 41: 00 a “crowd psychosis”,[7]Dr. Robert Malone, MD, November 23rd, 2021; 3:42, Kristi Leigh TV that has brought us to “the very gates of Hell.”[8]Dr. Mike Yeadon, former Vice President and Chief Scientist of Respiratory and Allergies at Pfizer; 1:01:54, Després de la ciència?. All the aforementioned quotes are summarized in L’engany fort. Not your typical language from the scientific community by any stretch. But their warnings are an echo of what we are hearing in the prophetic words from credible Catholic seers around the world, including Gisella Cardia, whose message from Our Lady recently left little doubt as to the times we are entering (if this indeed constitutes an authentic private revelation):

Just as the construction of a house must first be seen on paper and the beauty of the house admired afterwards, so it is that God’s plan will have its fulfillment once various things have occurred. This is the time of the Antichrist, who will soon appear. —November 22nd, 2021;

And so, I ended that article seven years ago repeating the warning on my heart:

Hell has been unleashed upon the earth. Those who do not recognize the battle risk being overwhelmed by it. Those who want to compromise and play with sin today are putting themselves in greu perill. I cannot repeat this enough. Take your spiritual life seriously — not by becoming morose and paranoid — but by becoming a nen espiritual qui confia en cada paraula del Pare, obeeix a cada paraula del Pare i ho fa tot per amor del Pare. -Infern desencadenatSetembre 26th, 2014


La mentida més gran

In that regard then, I want to reflect upon the “now word” that came to me in prayer today: The Greatest Lie. 

It is true that, on a global scale, we are living out the greatest fraud perpetrated upon the human race by our infernal enemy, Satan. Of him, Jesus said:

Va ser un assassí des del principi i no es manté en la veritat, perquè no hi ha veritat en ell. Quan diu una mentida, parla amb caràcter, perquè és un mentider i el pare de la mentida. (Joan 8:44)

Simply put, Satan lies in order to destroy, to literally murder, if possible — such is his hatred and envy of the human race who are made “in the image of God.”[9]Genesis 1: 27 What began in the Garden of Eden has simply been played out on larger and larger scales gradually morphing this past century into Communism. The lie we are seeing unfold at present is the pinacle of Satan’s long-game: to bring the world under a transhumanist-Marxist-communist-fascist like system in which man is being tempted again with that perennial lie: “your eyes will be opened and you will be like gods…” (Gen 3:5). It is fascinating that in the primera lectura today, Daniel’s vision of a final world kingdom is seen as a statue as having “iron mixed with clay tile, and the toes partly iron and partly tile, the kingdom shall be partly strong and partly fragile.” Today, the fusion of technology with the human body under what’s called “The Fourth Industrial Revolution” — the interface of a totalitarian global surveillance system with the fragility of human nature — might be the ultimate fulfillment of that vision.[10]Scholars give Daniel’s vision a historical interpretation, which of course, is not opposed to the text. However, it is clearly that Daniel’s visions were given for a future “time of trouble, such as never has been since there was a nation till that time”; cf. Dan 12:1 Daniel describes it as a “divided kingdom”… but Satan is attempting to merge the two in a final deception that is embodied in the Antichrist…

…who opposes and exalts himself above every so-called god and object of worship, so as to seat himself in the temple of God, claiming that he is a god (2 Thessalonians 2:4). 

“This revolution will come like a brace-taking speed; actually, it will come like a tsunami.”

"És la fusió d'aquestes tecnologies i la seva interacció a través del
dominis físics, digitals i biològics que fan el quart industrial
revolució fonamentalment diferent de les revolucions anteriors”.
—Prof. Klaus Schwab, founder World Economic Forum
"La quarta revolució industrial", P. 12

Nonetheless, even this is not the greatest lie. Rather, the greatest lie is precisely that compromise that each of us makes in our personal lives that leaves us lingering in our human will. It is those sins or attachments that we constantly accommodate with other, smaller, lies: “It’s not so bad”, “I’m not so bad”, “It’s my little vice”, “It’s not like I’m hurting anybody”, “I’m lonely”, “I’m tired”, “I deserve this”… and so on.

Venial sin weakens charity; it manifests a disordered affection for created goods; it impedes the soul’s progress in the exercise of the virtues and the practice of the moral good; it merits temporal punishment. Deliberate and unrepented venial sin disposes us little by little to commit mortal sin. -Catecisme de l'Església Catòlica, n. 1863

But Our Lady explains to Servant of God Luisa Piccarreta how simply remaining in the human rather than the Divine Will leaves us as though stumbling through the darkness:

Every time you do your own will you create a night for yourself. If you knew how much this night harms you, you would cry with me. For this night makes you lose the light of the day of God’s Holy Will, it turns your life upside down, it paralyzes your ability to do any good and it destroys in you true love, whereby you remain like a poor and feeble child who lacks the means to be healed. Oh, dear child, listen closely to what your tender mother wishes to tell you. Never do your will. Give me your word that you will [never do your will and] make your little mother happy. -La Mare de Déu al Regne de la Divina Voluntat, Dia 10

In the message to Gisella recently, Our Lady speaks of “the beauty of the house admired afterwards” — after the short reign of Antichrist. This “house” is the Kingdom of the Divine Will that will reign in the hearts of the “small company” (or Little Rabble) that has prepared their hearts for it.[11]Jesus says that Luisa is the first creature, after Mary, to receive the gift of living in the Divine Will. “And from you will come the small company of the other creatures. The generations will not pass away if I do not obtain this intent.” —November 29th, 1926; Volume 13 But this night of the human will must come to an end, which is what this Xoc dels Regnes is really about. 

The one who is the “great sign” (Rev 12:1) and symbol of this coming triumph over the “kingdom of the anti-will” is the Blessed Virgin Mary, whom Luisa describes as “the dawn and bearer of the Divine Fiat on earth [to] scatter the gloomy night of the human will… from the face of the earth.”[12]Luisa to Our Lady, La Mare de Déu al Regne de la Divina Voluntat, Day 10; cf. In case anyone thinks this glorious triumph is not coming, consider the prophetic teaching of Pope Pius XII:

Però fins i tot aquesta nit al món mostra clars signes d’una alba que vindrà, d’un dia nou rebent el petó d’un sol nou i més ressplendent ... Cal una nova resurrecció de Jesús: una veritable resurrecció, que no admet més senyoria de mort ... En els individus, Crist ha de destruir la nit del pecat mortal amb la recuperació de l'alba de la gràcia. A les famílies, la nit d’indiferència i frescor ha de deixar pas al sol de l’amor. A les fàbriques, a les ciutats, a les nacions, a les terres d'incomprensió i odi, la nit ha de ser brillant com el dia, nox sicut dies illuminabitur, i la lluita cessarà i hi haurà pau. —PAPA PIUX XII, Urbi et orbi direcció, 2 de març del 1957;

Unless there are factories in Heaven, clearly, this is a vision for our times that awaits its fulfillment. In Daniel’s vision, the statue is destroyed by a “stone” that “became a great mountain and filled the whole earth.”[13]“On this universal level, if victory comes it will be brought by Mary. Christ will conquer through her because He wants the Church’s victories now and in the future to be linked to her…” —POPE JOHN PAUL II, Creuant el llindar de l’esperança, P. 221 

…some Fathers interpret the mountain from which the stone comes as being the Blessed Virgin… -La Bíblia de Navarra, footnote on Daniel 3:36-45

Indeed, it is through Our Lady that Jesus the Savior entered the world; and it is still through her that she labours to give birth to the entire Body of Christ, the Church — whom she mirrors[14]cf. Rev 12:2; “Holy Mary… you became the image of the Church to come….” —POPE BENEDICT XVI, Spe salvi, n. 50 so that it may indeed “fill the whole earth.”

She gave birth to a son, a male child, destined to rule all the nations with an iron rod… To the victor, who keeps to my ways until the end, I will give authority over the nations. He will rule them with an iron rod. (Rev 12:5; 2:26-27)

L'Església catòlica, que és el regne de Crist a la terra, està destinada a ser distribuïda entre tots els homes i totes les nacions ... —PAPA PIUS XI, Quas Primas, Encíclica, n. 12, 11 de desembre de 1925; cf. Mat 24:14

And just as Jesus came to earth “not to do my own will but the will of the one who sent me” (John 6:38), so too…

Crist ens permet viure en ell tot el que ell mateix va viure i ho viu en nosaltres. -Catecisme de l'Església Catòlica, n. 521

És El Regal that Jesus wishes to bestow upon His Bride. And thus, this Advent — perhaps like no other — is the time for us to renounce the greatest lie in each of our lives. To truly examine our consciences and repent of living in our will instead of the Divine. Yes, this can be a struggle, a great battle against the flesh. But as Jesus said, “the kingdom of heaven has suffered violence, and men of violence take it by force.” [15]Matt 11: 12 There needs to be a “violence” against our human will: a definitive “no” to the flesh and a firm “yes” to the Spirit. It is to enter into a true reformation of our lives so that, through the power of the Holy Spirit and Our Lady’s motherhood,[16]“That is the way Jesus is always conceived. That is the way He is reproduced in souls. He is always the fruit of heaven and earth. Two artisans must concur in the work that is at once God’s masterpiece and humanity’s supreme product: the Holy Spirit and the most Holy Virgin Mary… for they are the only ones who can reproduce Christ.” —Servant of God Arch. Luis M. Martinez, El Santificador, P. 6 un autèntic transformació can occur. I feel that we are being given these last days including the coming Warning, which is the “eye of the Storm”,[17]cf. El gran dia de la llum to renounce ourselves, to close these spiritual cracks once and for all and prepare for rain — that is, the regnar of Jesus within His Church to the ends of the earth… after the collapse and destruction of Babylon.[18]cf. Misteri Babilònia i El proper col·lapse d'Amèrica

Ens donen motius per creure que, cap al final dels temps i potser abans del que esperem, Déu aixecarà grans homes plens de l'Esperit Sant i imbuïts de l'esperit de Maria. Per mitjà d'ells Maria, la reina més poderosa, farà grans meravelles al món, destruint el pecat i posant el regne de Jesús, el seu Fill, sobre les ruïnes del regne corrupte del món. —Sant. Lluís de Montfort, Secret de Marian. 59


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Notes al peu

Notes al peu
1 cf. Ef 6:12
2 cf. Lluc 22:31
3 cf. L’engany fort; these were words from Jesus given to the American seer, Jennifer
4 Dr. Vladimir Zelenko, MD, August 14th, 2021;35:53, Espectacle de Stew Peters
5 Dr. Peter McCullough, MD, MPH, August 14th, 2021; 40:44, Perspectives de la pandèmia, Episodi 19
6 Dr. John Lee, Pathologist; Vídeo desbloquejat; 41: 00
7 Dr. Robert Malone, MD, November 23rd, 2021; 3:42, Kristi Leigh TV
8 Dr. Mike Yeadon, former Vice President and Chief Scientist of Respiratory and Allergies at Pfizer; 1:01:54, Després de la ciència?. All the aforementioned quotes are summarized in L’engany fort.
9 Genesis 1: 27
10 Scholars give Daniel’s vision a historical interpretation, which of course, is not opposed to the text. However, it is clearly that Daniel’s visions were given for a future “time of trouble, such as never has been since there was a nation till that time”; cf. Dan 12:1
11 Jesus says that Luisa is the first creature, after Mary, to receive the gift of living in the Divine Will. “And from you will come the small company of the other creatures. The generations will not pass away if I do not obtain this intent.” —November 29th, 1926; Volume 13
12 Luisa to Our Lady, La Mare de Déu al Regne de la Divina Voluntat, Day 10; cf.
13 “On this universal level, if victory comes it will be brought by Mary. Christ will conquer through her because He wants the Church’s victories now and in the future to be linked to her…” —POPE JOHN PAUL II, Creuant el llindar de l’esperança, P. 221
14 cf. Rev 12:2; “Holy Mary… you became the image of the Church to come….” —POPE BENEDICT XVI, Spe salvi, n. 50
15 Matt 11: 12
16 “That is the way Jesus is always conceived. That is the way He is reproduced in souls. He is always the fruit of heaven and earth. Two artisans must concur in the work that is at once God’s masterpiece and humanity’s supreme product: the Holy Spirit and the most Holy Virgin Mary… for they are the only ones who can reproduce Christ.” —Servant of God Arch. Luis M. Martinez, El Santificador, P. 6
17 cf. El gran dia de la llum
18 cf. Misteri Babilònia i El proper col·lapse d'Amèrica
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