Ua Neej

GEERTGEN tag nrho Sint Jans, 1490


WE Xav txog hauv Qhov Peb Peb Ua Kev Zoo Siab uas Yexus tau yug los rau hauv tsev kho mob thiab tsis muaj tsev kho mob. Peb tus Huab tais tau pw hauv lub dab zaub "vim tias tsis muaj chaw rau lawv nyob hauv."

Thiab Yauxej thiab Maivliag tsis pom zoo qhov kev nplij siab. Lawv tsis nrhiav qhov zoo tshaj plaws, txawm hais tias lawv muaj txoj cai tuaj yeem xav tau nws. Lawv txaus siab nrog kev yoojyim.

Tus ntseeg Vajtswv lub neej tiag tiag yuav tsum yog ib qhov yooj yim. Ib tus muaj peev xwm ua neeg nplua nuj, thiab tseem ua lub neej nyob tau yooj yim. Nws txhais tau tias nyob nrog qhov uas ib tus neeg xav tau, es tsis yog xav tau (hauv qab vim li cas). Peb cov txee ze feem ntau yog thawj tus pas ntsuas kub ntawm qhov yooj yim.

Tsis yog yooj yim txhais tau tias yuav tsum tau nyob hauv squalor. Kuv paub tseeb tias Yauxej ua kevcai ntxuav lub dab zaub, kom Maivliag muab cov ntaub uas huv, thiab kom lawv ib feem zoo huv li qhov uas Yexus yuav rov qab los. Peb lub siab yuav tsum los npaj rau qhov tug Cawmseej yuav los. Txoj kev txom nyem ntawm kev yooj yim ua rau Nws.

Nws tseem muaj lub ntsej muag: txaus siab.

I have learned the secret of being well fed and of going hungry, of living in abundance and being in need. I have the strength for everything through him who empowers me. (Phil 4: 12-13)

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Muab tso rau hauv TSEV, PHIM NYUJ VAIS.