Izu nke Ọrụ Ebube

Jizọs Kwụsịrị Oké Ifufe Ahụ — A Amaghị Onye Okike 


Ememme ọmụmụ Maria

abụrụla izu na-agba ume nye ọtụtụ n'ime gị, yana mụ onwe m. Chineke achikọta anyị, na-akwado obi anyị, ma na-agwọkwa ha — mee ka ajọ ifufe ndị ahụ nke na-abata n'uche anyị na mmụọ anyị dajụọ.

Ọtụtụ akwụkwọ ozi e ziteere m metụrụ m n'ahụ́ nke ukwuu. N'ime ha, ọtụtụ ọrụ ebube ... 

  • At least two men wrote to say, after reading "To Those In Mortal Sin…", they were moved to go to Confession. There is no greater miracle, nor greater rejoicing in heaven, than when one sinner repents (Luke 15: 7).
  • After reading the same meditation, a woman was so deeply moved by the Lord’s mercy that, she has decided to print this meditation and distribute it wherever she can.
  • One woman wrote me to say that the last 12 times she’s gone to see her spiritual director, he has become ill. She felt in her heart that this was a spiritual attack on this priest, and asked if I would pray immediately since he had called again to say a sudden infection in his foot was so painful he couldn’t walk. I wrote her back with a short prayer taking authority over any spirit attacking him. At the moment she read the prayer to herself, the priest called, and could suddenly walk again without explanation. She met him later that afternoon for spiritual direction. (Let us pray for our priests with renewed zeal!)
  • Back in June, the Lord spoke a powerful and personal word to me when I was before the Blessed Sacrament: "Let me give you gifts. Seek nothing for yourself." I was tempted to take a small loan and buy an old car for our day to day operations, but decided to trust the Lord to give us one instead (which admittedly felt presumptuous). I sent out an email some time later asking if someone could donate a car to our cash-strapped ministry (which also felt presumptuous). This week, a young man donated a 1998 sedan.

And there has been an explosion of relief, joy, and peace among so many people who have written me regarding the "Opi nke ịdọ aka na ntị!" letters (the final letter, Part V, is coming soon). Powerful confirmations have rolled in from dozens of writers all over North America:

  • One woman wrote to say that as she was walking into the Eucharistic Adoration Chapel, she suddenly heard a trumpet blast in the air. When she got home later, she opened her email, and saw "Opi nke ịdọ aka na ntị!" sitting there.
  • Others have written (most of them just plain old lay folk like me) to say that they thought they were going crazy until they read "Opi nke ịdọ aka na ntị!" They too have been hearing the Lord speak in the stillness of their hearts the otu themes, and the words "Prepare!" These letters are in the dozens (I have lost track, frankly), and also include priests and deacons.
  • Most writers are being moved to a deeper repentance, and a zeal for lost souls. I want to include this point as I have not received a single letter from anyone who is building a cement bunker to hide in. Rather, the Spirit is moving powerfully to exhort, strengthen, and move His remnant Church to be witnesses of love and mercy, and intercessors for souls bound in darkness.

I write these things in hopes that it will build your faith, as it has mine. There are also many personal miracles which God has given me—timely words of consolation and encouragement from the Body of Christ as the Lord continues to move this ministry in new directions which are at once difficult yet exhilarating. It is clearer to me than ever that without God’s hand in mine, I would fly away in the wind.

I have also come to recognize more deeply what a strong, fearless, and beautiful woman the Blessed Mother is.  As one reader wrote, 

In the Old Testament, the Ark of the Covenant went with the Israelites into battle, at the head of the army, as a sign that God was with them—and when God was with them, they were invincible…

Mary, as the New Ark, is seen in Revelation just as Michael and his angels are waging war against the Dragon.  It was a fascinating realization to see Mary-the-Ark in the same context of warfare as the Old Testament Ark of the Covenant! …It seems she also needs to go with us into Battle as the New Ark. (See "Trumpets of Warning—Part IV" for more on Mary:  Ark of the New Covenant.)

Lastly, a man (whose name is famed throughout the Catholic world, but I will leave anonymous here) wrote me to say that this morning in prayer, he heard the words:

Behold, I am coming soon.

I will purify you. You will be strengthened from above.

Behold I am coming soon.

While we need to cautiously discern everything in a spirit of humility in the light of Scripture and Tradition, we can certainly raise our voices in such hopes and pray as our Lord taught us:

"Thy Kingdom come!"


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Ihe na ỤLỌ, AKARA.