Bêserûberkirina bolblîsî


EW Xulamê Xwedê yê dereng Sr. Lúcia yê Fatima carekê hişyarî da ku demek were ku mirov dê "bêserûberbûnek şeytanî" biceribîne:

Divê mirov her roj Rosaryê bixwîne. Xanima me ev di hemî xuyangên xwe de dubare kir, wekî ku li hember van demên pêş me çekdar bike bêserûberkirina şeytanî, da ku em nehêlin xwe bi doktrînên derewîn bixapînin, û ku bi duayê, bilindbûna giyanê me ber Xwedê kêm nebe…. Ev bêserûberiyek şeytanî ye ku cîhanê dagir dike û giyanan dixapîne! Pêdivî ye ku meriv li ber xwe bide - Xwişka Lucy, ji hevala wê Dona Maria Teresa da Cunha re

In another letter to her Salesian nephew, Father Jose Valinho, she lamented those who “let themselves be dominated by the diabolical wave sweeping over the world… blinded to the point of being incapable of seeing error!” What she saw beginning to manifest was foreseen by Pope Leo XIII the century before:

… Yê ku bi xerabiyê li hember rastiyê li ber xwe dide û jê vedigere, li hember Ruhê Pîroz herî giran guneh dike. Di rojên me de ev guneh ewçend zêde bûye ku wusa dixuye ku ew demên tarî hatine ku ji hêla St. Paul ve hatibû pêxembertîkirin, ku tê de mirovên ku bi dadrêsiya Xwedê ya rastîn kor bûne, derewan ji rastiyê re bigirin, û divê ku "mîr ya vê dinyayê ", ku derewker e û bavê wê ye, wekî mamosteyê rastiyê ye:" Xwedê dê operasyona xeletiyê ji wan re bişîne, da ku bi derewan bawer bikin (2 Tês. Ii., 10). Di demên paşîn de hin wê ji baweriyê dûr bikevin, guhê xwe bidin giyanên çewt û doktrînên şeytên " (1 Tim. Iv., 1). -Divinum Illud Munus, n 10

Five years ago, I wrote about this coming “wave”—a Tsunami RuhanîAnd now we see it sweeping through the world with tremendous force, dragging everything into a muddy confusion. When doctors, who signed up to heal and save lives, are then forced by the courts to refer their patients to be killed, that is diabolical disorientation. When public libraries bring pedophiles in drag to read storybooks to children, that is diabolical disorientation. When governments and courts overturn the universal, biological and rational definition of marriage, that is diabolical disorientation. When anyone can invent a new gender, and demand it be legally recognized, that is diabolical disorientation. When some bishops of the Church make individual conscience supreme over the divine law, that is diabolical disorientation. When clergy are accused all over the world of sexual aberrations, that is diabolical disorientation. When Catholics look to the pope for clarity and feel they cannot find it, that is diabolical disorientation.

It’s remarkable how even the early Church Fathers saw this coming:

Dê hemî dad were tevlihev kirin, û qanûn werin hilweşandin. -Laktantius (c. 250 -c. 325), Bavê Dêra: Enstîtûyên Divane, Pirtûk VII, Beşa 15, Encîklopediya Katolîk; www.newadvent.org

St. John Paul II announced its definitive arrival in yên me caran:

Sektorên mezin ên civakê di derbarê çi rast û çi xelet de şaş in —POPE JOHN PAUL II, Cherily Creek State Park Homily, Denver, Colorado, 1993

But again, we can take courage in the voices of these prophets because, as we hear Jesus say in the Gospel today, God is never taken by surprise. 

From now on I am telling you before it happens, so that when it happens you may believe that I AM. (John 13:19)



The root of this disorientation is straightforward: sin—plain and simple. Sin is darkness, and when we commit it as individuals, shadows invade the soul and cloud the faculties.

...şeytan hewl dide ku şerekî navxweyî, celebek şerê giyanî yê navxweyî biafirîne.  —POPE FRANCIS, 28-ê Septemberlon, 2013; catholicnewsagency.com

But when sin becomes institutionalized in a nation, entire peoples are plunged into an “ecibandina aqil” as economic, political, and social ethics and norms are corrupted. When it becomes worldwide, as it has, then you have entered the end of an era. There is only one path forward: poşmanî

…if then my people, upon whom my name has been pronounced, humble themselves and pray, and seek my face and turn from their evil ways, I will hear them from heaven and pardon their sins and heal their land. (2 Chronicles 7:14)

It should be clear to all right now that, despite some nîşanên baş out there, the zeitgeist is toward a rapid rejection of Christianity. That is, repentance is mostly absent, much less preached from the pulpit. As such, the warning of Our Lady of Akita stands as a sober warning that is tempting to dismiss as too extreme:

Wekî ku min ji we re got, heke mirov tobe nekin û xwe baştir nekin, Bav dê cezayek tirsnak li tevahiya mirovahiyê bide. Ew ê cezayek ji lehiyê mezintir be, mîna ku meriv berê qet nedîtibû. Agir dê ji ezmên bikeve û dê beşek mezin a mirovahiyê, ya baş û ya xirab jî tune bike, ne kahînan û ne jî dilsoz.  - Mesaj bi xuyangê ji Sr. Agnes Sasagawa ya Akita, Japon, 13ê Çirî, 1973 

Jesus sheds more light on this chastisement to Servant of God Luisa Piccarreta. He explains why we are experiencing this diabolical disorientation at the threshold of the third millennium; history is divided into three renewals: post-flood, post-Redemption, and the epoch following the present and coming purification:

Naha em nêzîkê du hezar salên sêyem hatine, û dê nûvekirinek sêyemîn hebe. Ev sedema tevliheviya gelemperî ye, ku ji bilî amadekirina nûvekirina sêyemîn tiştek din nine. Ger di nûvekirina duyemîn de min tiştê ku mirovahiya min kir û êş kişand, û pir hindikî ya ku xwedawendiya min pêk dianî, nuha, di vê nûvekirina sêyemîn de, piştî ku erd dê paqij bibe û beşek mezin a nifşa heyî hilweşe… Ez ê pêk bînim vê nûvekirinê bi eşkerekirina tiştê ku xwedawendiya Min di hundurê mirovahiya Min de kir. —Jesus to Luisa, Diary XII, January 29th, 1919; from Diyariya Jiyana Bi Willradeya inelahî, Rev. Joseph Iannuzzi, pêpelok n. 406

I know that’s a dire word. It’s also consistent with the early Church Fathers:

Ji ber ku Xwedê, karên xwe xilas kir, di roja heftemîn de sekinî û ew pîroz kir, di dawiya sala şeş hezar emîn de divê hemî xerabî ji erdê bêne rakirin, û rastdarî hezar sal hukumdar be -Caecilius Firmianus Lactantius (250-317 AD; nivîskarê Ecclesiastical), Enstîtûyên inelahî, Cild 7.

If we are approaching the Roja Edaletê, then these prophecies are certainly consistent with Scripture. The prophet Zechariah writes:

In the whole land, says the Lord, two thirds shall be cut off and perish, and one third shall be left alive. And I will put this third into the fire, and refine them as one refines silver, and test them as gold is tested. They will call on my name, and I will answer them. I will say, ‘They are my people’; and they will say, ‘The Lord is my God.'” (Zech 13:8-9)

His “people” are the ones who do repent and strive to be faithful, and to whom the Lord promises:

Ji ber ku we peyama min a bîhnfirehiyê girt, ez ê we di gava ceribandina ku dê were tevahiya cîhanê ji bo ceribandina niştecihên erdê, we sax biparêze. (Peyxam 3:10)

My Mother is Noah’s Ark —Jesussa ji Elizabeth Kindelmann re, Bêhna evînê, p.109; Imprimatur, Archbishop Charles Chaput

Thus, this time of testing, this diabolical disorientation that has drawn the world and even portions of the Church into error, has a blessed ending for those who repent and accept the free gift of God’s love and mercy:

Ji bo ku mirovan ji koletiya van bawermendiyan azad bike, yên ku evîna dilovanî ya Kurê minê Pîroz ji bo vejenê destnîşan kirî dê hewceyê hêzek mezin a vîn, domdarbûn, lehengî û baweriya bi Xwedê bin. Ji bo ceribandina vê bawerî û pêbaweriya dadmendan, dê carinan hebin ku dê hemî wenda bibin û felç bibin. Ev, wê bibe destpêka kêfxweşiya vejandina tam. —Our Lady of Good Success to Venerable Mother Mariana de Jesus Torres (1634), on the Feast of the Purification; cf., katolîkradanî. org



We are in a spiritual battle unlike anything we’ve ever seen, perhaps since the dawn of creation. Indeed, John Paul II said it is “the final confrontation between… Christ and the antichrist.” [1]Cardinal Karol Wojtyla (JOHN PAUL II ), at the Eucharistic Congress, Philadelphia, PA for the bicentennial celebration of the signing of the Declaration of Independence; some citations of this passage include the words “Christ and the antichrist” as above. Deacon Keith Fournier, an attendee, reports it as above; cf. Catholic Online; August 13, 1976 Thus, we have to close the cracks in our life to sin as, in any battle, the enemy will look for the slightest weakness. Satan will kar dikin them if we don’t; he will try to ruin your marriage, divide your family, and destroy relationships. He will play with your mind, planting judgments, seeding lies and destroying peace if you open it to him. This is why, in many cases, we are seeing crazy things—people throwing public tantrums, acting brutally and becoming more obscene; why suicide, STD’s, the occult, and the need for exorcists are exponentially on the rise. It’s just eery how St. Paul, 2000 years ago, described our narcissistic generation, saturated in violence, lust, rebellion, vile language, and the ease of attacking others through social media. 

Vê fam bikin: di rojên paşîn de dê demên tirsnak hebin. Dê mirov xwe-navend û evîndarên dirav, serbilind, pozbilind, destdirêjkar, neguhdar li dêûbavên xwe bin, nankor, bê ol, bêşeref, bêşeref, rûreş, bêserûber, hov, nefret ji ya qenc, xayîn, bêwijdan, dilrakêş, evîndarên keyfxweşiyê ji evîndarên Xwedê bêtir, ji ber ku ew pêşmercê olê dikin lê hêza wê înkar dikin. (1 Tîm 3: 1-5)

Xwedê heye rakirin rakirin holding back the deluge of evil, in part, because man himself has welcomed it through gûneh, but also because the Church has fallen into apostasy in many places:

…the power of evil is restrained again and again… again and again the power of God himself is shown in the Mother’s power and keeps it alive. The Church is always called upon to do what God asked of Abraham, which is to see to it that there are enough righteous men to repress evil and destruction. OPPOPE BENEDICT XVI, Ronahiya Cîhanê, p 166, Bi Peter Seewald re sohbetek

You can do so on a personal level and in your families in seven ways:


I. Close the Cracks

That is, go to frequent Confession. Ev e ya adî means by which God not only reconciles us to Himself, but heals and restores our souls so that we have strength against the temptations of the enemy. 

Indeed the regular confession of our venial sins helps us form our conscience, fight against evil tendencies, let ourselves be healed by Christ and progress in the life of the Spirit. -Katekîzma Dêra Katolîk, n 1458 

Xwendin: Bêhna Jiyanê


II. Pray the Rosary

Sr. Lucia’s message was simple: “People must recite the Rosary every day. Our Lady repeated this in all her apparitions, as if to arm us in advance against these times of diabolical disorientation.” It is not an overstatement to say that the Rosary is a “weapon” against evil, according to the voice of the Magisterium:

Cihê ku Madonna li malê be şeytan nakeve hundir; Li cihê ku Dayik lê hebe, alozî bi ser nakeve, tirs bi ser nakeve. — POPE FRANCIS, Mizgînî li Basilica of St. Mary Major, 28ê Çile 2018, Ajansa Nûçeyan a Katolîk; crux.com

Di demên ku Xiristiyanî bixwe di bin gefê de xuya dikir, rizgariya wê bi hêza vê duayê ve dihat girêdan, û Xatûna me ya Rosary wekî yê ku navbeynkariya wê xilasiyê dikir hate pesend kirin. - JOHN PAUL II, Rosarium Virginis Mariae, n 39

Tu kes nikare berdewam di nav gunehan de bijî û gotina Rosaryê berdewam bike: an ew ê dev ji gunehê berdin an jî ew ê bidin Rosary. - Metran Hugh Doyle, ewtn.com

Em naxwazin ji nû ve bi eşkereyî destnîşan bikin ku Em ji bo başkirina xirabiyên ku serdemên me dikişînin baweriyek mezin bi Rosary Pîroz tînin. Ne bi hêz, ne bi çek, ne bi hêza mirovan, lê bi alîkariya Xwedayî ya ku bi navgîniya vê duayê hatiye girtin obtained -PAPA PIUS XII, Ingruentium Malorum, Ensîklîf, n. 15; vatîkan.va

Even if you are on the brink of damnation, even if you have one foot in Hell, even if you have sold your soul to the devil… sooner or later you will be converted and will amend your life and save your soul, if—and mark well what I say—if you say the Holy Rosary devoutly every day until death for the purpose of knowing the truth and obtaining contrition and pardon for your sins. .St. Louis de Montfort, Razê Rosary


III. Fast and Pray

The Rosary is prayer, of course. But you need to take time alone with God, to sit in His presence and allow Him to transform you. There is nothing more grounding, more detoxifying, more stabilizing and orientating than spending time alone with God in His Word, speaking to Him, and letting Him speak to you. As Sr. Lúcia said,

…through prayer, the elevation of our soul to God would not be diminished [by this diabolical disorientation]…

I wrote a forty-day retreat on prayer, which you can pick away at vir. But if we are dealing with spiritual warfare, prayer û fasting are indispensable. 

Çimkî tekoşîna me ne bi goşt û xwîn lê bi mîrekiyan re, bi hêzan re, bi serwerên cîhanê yên vê tarîtiya heyî re, bi ruhên xirab ên li ezmanan re ye. (Efesî 6: 12)

Ev celeb ji hêla tiştek ve nayê ajotin dûa û rojî. (Mark 9: 29)


IV. Feed your heart

Bistînin Jesus in the Eucharist as frequently as you can. His flesh, He said, is true food and His blood true drink (John 6: 55).

Eucharist "çavkanî û lûtkeya jiyana Mesîhî ye."  -Katekîzma Dêra Katolîk, n 1324

The Christian who deprives himself of the Eucharist deprives himself of jîyan. 

One particle from its crumbs is able to sanctify thousands and thousands, and is sufficient to afford life to those who eat of it. Take, eat, entertaining no doubt of faith, because this is My Body, and whoever eats it in belief eats in it Fire and Spirit… heke ew pak be, ew ê di paqijiya xwe de were parastin; û eger ew gunehkar be, ew ê were bexşandin. " —St. Ephraim (c. 306 – 373 A.D.), Mizgînî, 4: 4; 4: 6


V. Forgive and Love

The one who forgives another for the injury caused places himself in the refuge of God’s mercy; the one who does not
forgive sets himself before the Judge—and neither will He pardon you. 

Ger hûn gunehên wan li yên din bibihûrin, Bavê weyê ezmanî wê we bibexşîne. Lê heke hûn yên din nebaxşînin, ne jî Bavê we dê sûcên we bibihûre. (Metta 6: 14-15)

Unforgiveness is a breeding ground for the enemy; it is a foothold for him to climb into your soul; it is a poison one drinks himself in bitterness toward his neighbour; it is a crack through which light escapes and darkness enters. Forgive as you have been forgiven! Let go… and let Jesus set you free from the chains of pain (read Dilovanî Bi Dilovanî). 


VI. Turn off the media

So much of the disorientation many are experiencing is because they daily expose themselves to the “devil’s playground”, that is, a sea of negative news, dysfunction, bickering, and narcissistic social media. Turn it off. Spend time in nature, in prayer, in being present to others and entering their presence. You’ll be surprised how much diabolical disorientation vanishes when you don’t let the enemy spoon feed it through the media, which today, is more and more controlled by dark forces. 


VII. Pray for the Pope

Msgr. Ronald Knox (1888-1957) once said, “Perhaps it would be a good thing if every Christian, certainly if every priest, could dream once in his life that he were pope, and wake from that nightmare in a sweat of agony.” The Pope has been accused of heresy among other things of late, only adding to the fog of confusion spreading through the Church.[2]dîtin sifra.co.uk Jimmy Akins of Bersivên Katolîk made a worthy rebuttal to the heresy charges virI also think a recent interview of the publication Mirror with Cardinal Gerhard Müller (who recently penned a clear “Manifesto of Faith”) is very telling:

Der Spiegel: Ma Papa Francis heretîk e, înkarek dogmayê ye, wekî ku çend mîrên dêrê însên dikin?

Kardînal Gerard Müller: Na. Ev Papa ortodoks e, ango, bi wateya doktrînî di wateya katolîk de saxlem e. Lê peywira wî ev e ku Dêrê bi rastî bîne ba hev, û ew ê xeternak be ku ew li ber ceribandina kampa ku bi pêşverûtiya xwe pesnê xwe dide, li dijî Dêra mayî - Walter Mayr, "Als hätte Gott selbst gesprochen", Mirror, 16ê Sibatê, 2019, rûp. 50

While the Pope has made statements, signed documents, or appointed advisors that leave more questions than answers, it is in his power, and is his duty, to confirm the brethren in the true faith. To a large extent, he clearly has (see Papa Francis On). Pray for the Pope. We don’t know all that’s going on. We cannot read his heart. What may seem obvious to you may not be the full picture. As Massimo Franco, a correspondent for the Italian daily Corriere della Sera, Got: 

Kardînal Gerhard Müller, Parêzvanê Baweriyê yê berê, kardînalek Alman, çend meh berê ji hêla Papa ve hatibû şewitandin-hinek dibêjin bi rengek pir tûj-di hevpeyvînek vê dawiyê de got ku Papa ji hêla sîxûran ve hatiye dorpêç kirin, ku dixwazin wî nebêjin rastîn, lê ya ku Papa dixwaze bibihîze. -Di hundurê Vatican de, Adar 2018, p. 15

These are dangerous, diabolical times. For our part, we ought to follow in the footsteps of the saints, like Catherine of Siena, who though faced with imperfect papacies, never broke communion with the Holy Father giving Satan room in their own hearts through pride. 

Her çend Papa Sateytan diceribandî be jî, lazim e ku em serê xwe li hember wî netewînin. Lê Xwedê ferman daye ku, hergê keşîş, pastar û Mesîh-li-rûyê şeytanên bedenek bûn, em ne ji bo xatirê wan, lê ji bo Xwedê û ji ber guhdariya Wî, guhdar bin û ji wan re bindest bin. . —St. Catherine of Siena, SCS, p. 201-202, r. 222, (tê vegotin Digest Apostolic, ji hêla Michael Malone, Pirtûka 5: "Pirtûka Obadetnameyê", Beşa 1: "Bêyî Teslîmiyeta Personalexsî ji Papa re Xilasî tune")

Ew, ji ber vê yekê, di riya xeletiyek xeternak de dimeşin ku bawer dikin ku ew dikarin Mesîh wekî Serê Dêrê qebûl bikin, di heman demê de ku bi dilsozê Cîgirê Wî yê li ser erdê ve girêdayî nabin. -POPA PIUS XII, Mystici Corporis Christi (Li ser Bedena Mîstîkî ya Mesîh), 29ê Hezîrana 1943; n 41; vatîkan.va



As a kind of footnote to these ways to combat confusion, netirse. In fact, more than that: be cesûr. “It is necessary to stand up to it,” said Sr. Lúcia.

Ji ber rewşek wilo giran, êdî ji her demê bêtir pêdivî bi wêrekiya me heye ku li rastiyê li çavê xwe binihêrin û tiştan bi navê wanê guncan bi nav bikin, bêyî ku serî li ber lihevkirinên guncan an ceribandina xwe-xapandinê bidin. Di vî warî de, şermezariya Pêxember pir eşkere ye: "Wey li wan ên ku ji xirabiyê re dibêjin qencî û qencî, yên ku tarîtiyê didin ronahiyê û ronahiyê dikin tarîtiyê" (Ma 5:20). -POPE JOHN PAUL II, Evangelium Vitae, "Mizgîniya Jiyanê", n. 58

Through these seven steps above, you will be able to repel Satan’s attacks and dispel the diabolical disorientation that seeks to sweep away the world in a deluge of confusion and lies. 



Bahoza Tevliheviyê



Mark tê Ontario û Vermont
di Bihara 2019 de!

Dîtin vir bike bo zaniyarîy zortir.

Mark dê bi dengbêjiya spehî dilîze
McGillivray gîtara akustik a bi destan çêkirî.



Gotina Naha wezaretek tam-demî ye ku
bi piştgiriya we berdewam dike.
Xwezî we, û spas. 


Ku bi Mark re biçin rêwîtiyê Ew Naha Peyv,
li ser pankarta li jêr bikirtînin da ku qeydkirin.
E-nameya we dê bi kesî re neyê parve kirin.

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1 Cardinal Karol Wojtyla (JOHN PAUL II ), at the Eucharistic Congress, Philadelphia, PA for the bicentennial celebration of the signing of the Declaration of Independence; some citations of this passage include the words “Christ and the antichrist” as above. Deacon Keith Fournier, an attendee, reports it as above; cf. Catholic Online; August 13, 1976
2 dîtin sifra.co.uk
Posted in XANE, Ceribandinên MEZIN.