The Last Standing


EW çend mehên borî ji bo min dema guhdarîkirin, bendewarî, şerê navxweyî û derve bûn. Min banga xwe, rêberiya xwe, armanca xwe pirsî. Tenê di bêdengiya li ber Sacramenta Pîroz de, Xudan di dawiyê de bersiv da daxwazên min: Ew hîn bi min re neqediyaye.


The Time of Warning

On the one hand, I can identify with much of Glenn Beck’s recent powerful speech and the burning need to give people hêvî. 

All around us, we see a generation that has been traumatized by the psychological warfare that has been waged upon it, especially the past three years through lies that are daily being exposed.

People need hope. They need assurance. But not a false hope that we can simply sit back and wait until God fixes it all. Our authentic hope is not that the Lord is going to take away the Storm but that He will be right beside us as we pass through it.   

In a message to American seer Jennifer, Our Lord says that this is now a time of…

…great urgency, for the world has entered into the time of warning. I do not speak of the time of My visitation, rather this is a time of warning that will usher in the period when all of humanity will be brought to its knees to see their souls as I see them. My child, those who fail to recognize this time — when evil is seeking to elevate itself, yet is being simultaneously pierced by the light of truth — will find themselves like the foolish virgins. I tell My children with great urgency that it is time to repent. It is time to recognize the hour you are living in. - 5 Tîrmeh 2023;

As a watchman, I too have questioned whether there is any further need for this role, especially as the subjects that I have addressed for decades — and was considered a lunatic for raising — are now in mainstream Catholic media. But every time I think I know what “time it is,” the Lord says, “I’m not done yet…” So, I have gathered my wits once more, to remain at this post for as long as He wants, especially as His Church as we know it disintegrates…



Disillusionment. Discouragement. Those are real temptations in the midst of the present corruption and rapid social decay as the voice of the Magisterium is almost non-existent. Where are the shepherds to lead and guard their flocks from the rapacious wolves? Where is the calm and clear proclamation of truth to pierce the clouds of confusion? Why is the Church virtually silent as our youth are being overrun by a veritable tsunami of sexual perversion, ceribandin, û îdeolojî? And why are “vakslêdanan"Û"germ bûna gerdonê” suddenly more critical to the hierarchy than the eternal destination of the tens of thousands of souls who pass from this world each day?

It’s painful to say, but a great portion of our clergy have all but fled “the garden” like the Apostles of old. 

What can we say when a future Cardinal and head of World Youth Day 2023 in Lisbon declares:

We don’t want to convert the young people to Christ or to the Catholic Church or anything like that at all. We want it to be normal for a young Catholic Christian to say and bear witness to who he is or for a young Muslim, Jew, or of another religion to also have no problem saying who he is and bearing witness to it, and for a young person who has no religion to feel welcome and to perhaps not feel strange for thinking in a different way. —Bishop Américo Aguiar, July 10, 2023; Katalolya Telegraph

From where I stand as an educated Catholic, this is not accompaniment but tesk; not evangelism but indifferentism; not sound philosophy but sofî. It is a near-complete abandonment of the Great Commission. Contrast Aguiar’s words to those of St. Paul VI:

Dêra han ji van olên ne Mesîhî re rêz digire û wan bi qedir digire, çimkî ew derbirîna zindî ya giyanê komên mezin ên mirovan in. Ew di nav xwe de berteka hezar salan a lêgerîna Xwedê digirin, lêgerînek ku ne tekûz e lê pir caran bi dilpakî û rastdariya dil a mezin tê çêkirin. Ew xwedan bandorek berbiçav in mîrata metnên kûr olî. Wan nifşên mirovan fêrî dua kirinê kirine. Ew hemî bi "tovên Peyvê" yên bêhejmar ve dagirtî ne û dikarin "amadekirina Mizgîniyê" ya rastîn pêk bînin ... But [Lê] ne ji van olan re rêz û hurmet û ne jî tevliheviya pirsên ku hatine kirin ji Civînê re vexwendinek e ji van kesên ne Mesîhî vegotina Jesussa Mesîh. Berevajî vê yekê Dêra bawer dike ku mafê van giştan heye ku bi dewlemendiya sirra Mesîh bizanibin - dewlemendiyên ku em bawer dikin ku tevahiya mirovahiyê dikare, bi tevahî bê guman, her tiştê ku ew bi dilgermî li ser Xwedê, mirov digerin, bibîne û çarenûsa wî, jiyan û mirin, û rastiya wî. -POPE ST. PAUL VI, Evangelii Nuntiandi, n 53; vatî

And then there is the appointment of the very controversial Archbishop Victor Manuel Fernández to the highest doctrinal office in the Church:  Prefect for the Dicastery of the Doctrine of the Faith. As recent as July 5, 2023, he continued to posit the possibility of “blessing” homosexual relationships — something that very same office not long ago clearly condemned:

Moral conscience requires that, in every occasion, Christians give witness to the whole moral truth, which is contradicted both by approval of homosexual acts and unjust discrimination against homosexual persons […and] avoid exposing young people to erroneous ideas about sexuality and marriage that would deprive them of their necessary defences and contribute to the spread of the phenomenon. -Ramanên Derbarê Pêşniyarên Ku Navbera Mirovên Homoseksuel de Sendîkaya Qanûnî bidin; n 5; June 3, 2003

Fernández also said in an interview that although the Church’s doctrine cannot be altered, “our understanding” of doctrine can change, “and that in fact it has changed and will continue to change.”[1]Register Neteweyî ya Katolîk, July 6, 2023 Contrast that to Pope St. Pius X:

Ez bi tevahî vegotina xelet a heretik red dikim ku dogma pêşve diçin û ji wateyek din digihîjin wateyek din ji ya ku Dêrê berê digirt. - 1-ê eptlonê, 1910;

“Many have expressed their concerns to me,” said Cardinal Raymond Burke some time ago, that “at this very critical moment, there is a strong sense that the church is like a ship without a rudder… They are feeling a bit seasick because they feel the Church’s ship has lost its way.” [2]Religious News Service, Cotmeh 31, 2014 Heaven appears to agree. In a recent appeal through Italian seer, Angela, Our Lady said:

Tonight I am again here to ask you for prayer — prayer for my beloved Church, prayer for this world, increasingly gripped and enveloped by the forces of evil… pray that the true Magisterium of the Church would not be lost. - 8 Tîrmeh 2023;

The Church will never be lost. But the truth qûtîk be eclipsed, just as the Son of God, who declared “I am the truth”, was crucified.

What strikes me, when I think of the Catholic world, is that within Catholicism, there seems sometimes to pre-dominate a non-Catholic way of thinking, and it can happen that tomorrow this non-Catholic thought within Catholicism, will tomorrow become the stronger. But it will never represent the thought of the Church. It is necessary that a small flock subsist, no matter how small it might be. OPPOPE PAUL VI, The Paul Paul VI, Jean Guitton, p. 152-153, Ref (7), rûpel. ix.

And yet, Our Lady reminds us regarding our clergy:

…pray and do not fall into the subtle temptations of judgment and condemnation. Judgment is not up to you but to God. —July 8, 2023;


The Last Standing

But neither should we be cowards and silent when our shepherds cause public scandal. We have a duty, as baptized disciples, to proclaim and defend the truth. All of us. All of us!

At this point, dear brothers and sisters, the few of you who are still faithful to Sacred Tradition, still listening to Our Mother, still courageously defending the truth, are the last standing. You are, in large part, the laity, led by a handful of courageous and faithful priests who are now but a remnant. But it was the bishops and the pope himself who prophesied this very hour… 

With the Council, saeta laîkan bi rastî lêdan, û gelek dilsoz, jin û mêrên dilsoz, bi zelalîtir gaziya xwe ya xiristiyanî fam kirin, ku ji hêla cewherî ve vexwendinek ji apostolate —POPE SAINTJOHN PAUL II, Jubilea Apostolate of the Laity, n. 3; cf. lumen gentium, n 31

Our era could in some ways be called the era of the laity. Therefore be open to lay people’s contribution. —POPE SAINT JOHN PAUL II, Ji bo Oblates of St. Joseph, February 17th, 2000

Li pey Mesîh cesareta hilbijartinên radîkal, ku bi gelemperî tê wateya derketina li hember herikînê, dixwaze. "Em Mesîh in!", St Augustine bang kir. Martyrsehîd û şahidên baweriyê yên duh û îro, gelek kesên dilsoz jî di nav de, nîşan didin ku, heke hewce be, divê em dudilî nebin ku em canên xwe jî bidin Jesussa Mesîh.  —POPE SAINT JOHN PAUL II, Jubilea Apostolate of the Laity, n 4


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1 Register Neteweyî ya Katolîk, July 6, 2023
2 Religious News Service, Cotmeh 31, 2014
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