Gerechtegkeet vun der Gebärmutter






Wärend si mam Jesus schwanger war, huet d'Maria hir Kosengin Elizabeth besicht. No der Begréissung vu Maria, erzielt d'Schrëft datt d'Kand an der Gebärmutter vum Elizabeth - John the Baptist–"vu Freed gesprongen".

John empfonnt Jesus.

Wéi kënne mir dëse Passage liesen an net d'Liewen an d'Präsenz vun enger mënschlecher Persoun am Gebärmutter erkennen? Dësen Dag ass mäi Häerz mat der Trauer vun der Ofdreiwung an Nordamerika gewien ginn. An d'Wierder, "Dir ernimmt wat Dir säert" hunn duerch mäi Kapp gespillt.

My bible is sitting here open to Isaiah 43. I began turning the pages when I felt that I needed to turn back and read what was there. My eyes fell on this:

I will say to the north: Give them up! and to the south: Hold not back! Bring back my sons from afar and my daughters from the ends of the earth: Everyone who is named as mine whom I created for my glory, whom I formed and made. (v. 6-7)

Canada (the north) and America (the south) must give up an accounting of the lives we have claimed in our clinics; nothing will be held back. We will reap what we have sown; it is a spiritual law.

And yet, as the weight of this judgment hangs over us like a dark cloud… I sensed the Lord saying in a remarkable measure of mercy: “Unless you repent.”

How loudly can I shout–how far will my voice reach when I exclaim, “It is not too late! Canada repent! America repent!”?

D'Fruucht vum Ofdreiwung ass Atomkrich. —Mother Teresa of Calcutta

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