Prophezeiung erfëllen

fir den 4. Mäerz 2014
Opt. Memorial fir den hellege Casimir

Liturgesch Texter hei



DEN Erfëllung vum Gottes Bond mat sengem Vollek, dat voll am Hochzäitsfest vum Lämmche wäert realiséiert ginn, ass duerch Millennien wéi e Spiral dat gëtt ëmmer méi kleng wéi d'Zäit vergeet. An der Psalm haut séngt den David:

Den HÄR huet seng Erléisung bekannt gemaach: an der Vue vun den Natiounen huet hie seng Gerechtegkeet verroden.

An awer war d'Offenbarung vum Jesus nach ëmmer Honnerte vu Joer fort. Also wéi konnt d'Erléisung vum Här bekannt ginn? Et war bekannt, oder besser gesot virgesinn, duerch Prophezeiung ...

…things into which angels longed to look. (First reading)

So, when Christ was born, then suffered, died, and rose from the dead, at last His salvation was made known to the world, right? As St. Peter wrote in his first letter:

Therefore, gird up the loins of your mind, live soberly, and set your hopes completely on the grace to be brought to you at the revelation of Jesus Christ. (First reading)

However, Peter and the early Church came to realize that the mysterious plan of the Father, “to sum up all things in Christ, in heaven and on earth", [1]z.b. Eph 1:10 had yet to spiral through future generations.

…with the Lord one day is like a thousand years and a thousand years like one day. The Lord does not delay his promise, as some regard “delay,”… (2 Pt 3:8-9)

What remained was for the Church to become prepared like a Bride to fulfill her part of the Covenant, made possible through Christ. She will do so…

... wann hatt hirem Här a sengem Doud an der Operstéiung wäert nokommen. -Catechismus vun der Kathoulescher Kierch, n.677

But the Apostles did not understand this at first. “We have given up everything and followed you,” said Peter in the Gospel. But Jesus says, no, more is required in order for the plan of salvation to be fulfilled: you must go and make disciples of all the nations. And when you do, you will want for nothing. The families you leave behind, for My sake, will be given to you a hundred times over in the new brothers and sisters whom you will baptize. Their homes will become Christian homes; their lands will become Christian nations; their mothers will care for you as their children become your spiritual children. But so that you do not mistake my Kingdom for an earthly one, all this will come to you through persecutions… but you will be rewarded when this family of nations gathers for the Wedding Day of the Lamb…

As the prophecies of ancient Scripture spiral through our time, seemingly faster and faster, we too might be tempted to think that the full “revelation of Jesus Christ” will occur in our generation. In that regard, I wish to invite every one of my readers to set aside 15 minutes, and prayerfully read or re-read my open letter to Pope Francis: Léiwen Hellege Papp ... Hie kënnt? For the Wedding Day is nearer than many think, but also, not what many think it is…

Prophecy has changed immensely throughout history, especially with regard to its status within the institutional Church, but prophecy has never ceased. - Niels Christian Hvidt, Theolog, Christian Prophezeiung, p. 36, Oxford University Press






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1 z.b. Eph 1:10
verëffentlecht an HOME, MASS VIRLIESEN © afp Géint , , , , , , , , , , , , .

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