Géint de Stroum goen

fir Donneschdes nom Äschermëttwochs, den 19. Februar 2015

Liturgesch Texter hei

géint den Tide_Fotor


IT ass zimlech kloer, och duerch e bloe flotten Abléck an d'News Headlines, datt vill vun der éischter Welt an engem fräie Fall an ongebremsten Hedonismus ass, während de Rescht vun der Welt ëmmer méi bedroht a vu regionaler Gewalt verwäsch gëtt. Wéi ech virun e puer Joer geschriwwen hunn, huet den Zäit vun der Warnung ass quasi ofgelaf. [1]cf. Déi lescht Stonn Wann een d '"Zeeche vun der Zäit" bis elo net ka gesinn, da bleift dat eenzegt Wuert dat "Wuert" vum Leiden. [2]cf. Dem Watchman säi Song

Yesterday, I wrote about the joy that awaits us in the penitential practices of Lent. But there is a bigger context that I cannot help but continually point to. And it is that the Church herself is preparing for her own Passion as her persecutors continue to hem her in—both those intent upon silencing her through a “dictatorship of relativism”, and those who would silence her by the sword—literally. But it is precisely in this context that the path of joy is opening up for us:

Fir d'Wuel vun der Freed déi virun him louch huet hien d'Kräiz ausgehalen. (Hebr 12: 2)

Never before has the opportunity to become a saint been greater. For as St. Paul wrote, “where sin increased, grace overflowed all the more.” [3]Rom 5: 20 Something has changed in my heart—as though the Storm [4]cf. Déi siwe Seals vun der Revolutioun that is upon us is the last anger of a long winter helplessly pushing against the inevitable new springtime. An “era of peace” is coming, [5]cf. D'Poopen an d'Dauerzäit and the adversary is helpless to stop it.

Si wäerten ganz vill Persounen an de Prisong setzen, a si schëlleg u méi Massaker. Si probéieren all Paschtéier ëmzebréngen an all déi reliéis. Awer dëst wäert net laang daueren. D'Leit wäerte sech virstellen datt alles verluer ass; awer de gudde Gott soll alles retten. Et wäert wéi en Zeeche vum leschte Uerteel sinn ... Relioun soll erëm besser bléien wéi jee virdrun. -St. John Vianney, De Christian Trompett 

We must not treat this Lent as we often have in the past—paying little attention to our souls (“Oh well, there’s always next year!”). The words of today’s first reading resound like a trumpet:

I have set before you life and death, the blessing and the curse. Choose life, then, that you and your descendants may live, by loving the Lord, your God, heeding his voice, and holding fast to him.

Another way to say it today is:

Net manner wéi gewéinlech eenzel Katholike kënne iwwerliewen, sou datt normal kathoulesch Famillen net iwwerliewe kënnen. Si hu keng Wiel. Si mussen entweder helleg sinn - dat heescht geheelt - oder se verschwannen. Déi eenzeg kathoulesch Famillen déi am XNUMX. Joerhonnert lieweg bleiwen a gedeefend sinn d'Famillje vu Martyrer. - Gottesdéngscht, Fr. John A. Hardon, SJ, D'Geseent Jongfra an d'Hellegung vun der Famill

We cannot be the Christians who stand in line for Fifty Shades of Gray or secretly read the book. We cannot be the Christians who stand in line for Communion, but ignore the gnawing hunger of the spiritually and materially poor. We cannot be the Christians who tolerate everything yet stand for nothing. Such a Christian is not a grain of wheat but an empty husk who will “disappear” through the purification that is here and coming. As one commentator said, "Déi, déi entscheeden sech mam Geescht vun der Welt an dësem Zäitalter ze bestueden, ginn an der nächster gescheet." 

For whoever wishes to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for my sake will save it. What profit is there for one to gain the whole world yet lose or forfeit himself?” (Today’s Gospel)

The secret to the joy that Jesus gives is this: to deny oneself
and take up one’s cross daily and follow Him—which today, is directly against the powerful current of the Geescht vum Antichrist. Hence, the words of today’s Psalm carry a certain urgency and warning against compromise:

Blessed the man who follows not the counsel of the wicked nor walks in the way of sinners, nor sits in the company of the insolent, but delights in the law of the LORD…

If there ever was a Lent to turn off pagan television, avoid trashy websites, and meditate on God’s Word, it is this one. For in His Word, we will find the path of joy…

Wann Dir meng Geboter hält, da bleiwt Dir a menger Léift, sou wéi ech d'Geboter vu mengem Papp gehalen hunn a a senger Léift bleiwen. Ech hunn Iech dat gesot, sou datt meng Freed an Iech ka sinn an Är Freed ka komplett sinn. (Johann 15: 10-11)



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