Objektiv Uerteel


DEN allgemeng Mantra haut ass: "Dir hutt kee Recht mech ze riichten!"

Dës Erklärung eleng huet vill Chrëschten an d'Verstoppt gedriwwen, Angscht ze schwätzen, Angscht ze fuerderen oder mat aneren ze argumentéieren aus Angscht ze kléngen "veruerteelend" Dowéinst, d'Kierch op ville Plazen impotent ginn ass, an d'Schwéngung vun der Angscht huet et vill erlaabt ze verdreiwen



One of the teachings of our faith is that God has written His law in the hearts vun der ganzer Mënschheet. We know this is true. When we cross cultures and national boundaries, we see that there is a natierlech Gesetz engraved in the heart of  each and every person. Thus, people in Africa and South America know innately that murder is wrong, as they do in Asia and North America. Our Sensibiliséierung tells us that lying, stealing, cheating and so forth are wrong. And these moral absolutes are essentially universally accepted—it is written in the human conscience (though many will not heed it.)

This inner law is also accompanied by the teachings of Jesus Christ, who revealed Himself as God come in the flesh. His life and words reveal to us a new moral code: d'Gesetz vun der Léift zum Noper.

From this entire moral order, we are able to judge objektiv whether this or that action is wrong in the same way that we can judge what kind of tree is before us simply by the type of fruit it bears.

Wat mir kann nët Riichter ass den Schold of the person committing the offense, that is to say, the roots of the tree, which remain hidden to the eye.

Och wa mir kënne jugéieren datt en Akt u sech eng grave Beleidegung ass, musse mir d'Uerteel vu Persounen u Gerechtegkeet a Barmhäerzegkeet vu Gott uvertrauen.  —Katechismus vun der kathoulescher Kierch, 1033

At this, many say, “So just be quiet then—stop judging me.”

But there is a difference between judging a person’s motivéiert an Häerz, and judging their actions for what they are. Even though a person may be ignorant of the evil of their actions to one degree or another, an apple tree is still an apple tree, and a worm-eaten apple on that tree is a worm-eaten apple.

[D'Beleidegung] bleift net manner e Béis, eng Privatioun, eng Stéierung. Et muss een dofir schaffen fir d'Feeler vum moralesche Gewëssen ze korrigéieren.  -CCC 1793 eng

Therefore, to remain silent is to suggest that “an evil, a privation, a disorder” is private business. But sin wounds the soul, and wounded souls wound society. Thus, to make clear what is sin and what is not is imperative for the common good of all.



dës objektiv moralesch Uerteeler then become like signposts to guide mankind for the common good, much like a speed limit sign on the highway is for the common good of all travelers.

But today, the logic of Satan which has penetrated the modern mind, tells one that I needn’t conform my conscience to moral absolutes, but that morals should conform to me. That is, I will get out of my car and post the speed limit sign that “I” think is most reasonable… based on my denken, my Grond, my ugesi Guttheet a Fairness, mäi subjektiv moralescht Uerteel.

As God has set up a moral order, so too in this way is Satan attempting to establish a “moral order” to guide the coming “false unity” (see Déi falsch Eenheet Deeler I an II.) Whereas God’s laws are firmly established in the heavens, Satan’s laws take on the guise of justice in the form of “rights.” That is, if I can call my illicit behavior a right, then it is therefore good, and I am justified in my action.

Eis ganz Kultur gouf op gebaut Objektiv moral standards or absolutes. Without these standards, there would be lawlessness (albeit, it would schéngen lawful, but only because it has been “state sanctioned.”) St. Paul speaks of a time when Satan’s plans will culminate in lawlessness and the appearance of a “lawless one.”

For the mystery of lawlessness is already at work… And then the gesetzlosen will be revealed, whom the Lord Jesus will kill with the breath of his mouth and render powerless by the manifestation of his coming, the one whose coming springs from the power of Satan in every mighty deed and in signs and wonders that lie, and in every wicked deceit for those who are perishing because they have not accepted the love of truth  so that they may be saved. (2 Thess 2:7-10)

D'Leit ginn ëm well "they have not accepted the love of truth.” Thus, these “objective moral standards” suddenly carry an eternal weight.

D'Kierch ... wëll hir Stëmm weiderhiewen fir d'Mënschheet ze verteidegen, och wann d'Politik vu Staaten an d'Majoritéit vun der ëffentlecher Meenung an déi entgéintgesate Richtung réckelt. D'Wourecht zitt jo d'Kraaft vu sech selwer an net vun der Unzuel vun der Zoustëmmung déi et erwächt.  -POPE BENEDICT XVI, Vatikan, den 20. Mäerz 2006



Jesus commanded the apostles to,

Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations… léieren se ze observéieren alles wat ech Iech gebueden hunn. (Matthieu 28: 19-20)

The very first and primal occupation of the Church is to proclaim that “Jesus Christus ass Här” and that there is no salvation apart from Him. To shout from the rooftops that “Gott ass Léift"An datt et an him ass"Verzeiung vun de Sënnen“An d'Hoffnung vum éiwege Liewen. 

Awer well de "Loun vun der Sënn ass den Doud"(Rom 6: 23) a Leit ginn ëm well "they have not accepted the love of truth,” the Church, like a mother, calls out to God’s children throughout the world to heed the dangers of sin, and to repent. Thus, she is obligéiert ze maachen objektiv declare that which is sinful, particularly that which is eeschte ouni and places souls at risk of exclusion from eternal life.

Sou dacks gëtt de contra-kulturellen Zeie vun der Kierch als eppes Réckstännegs an Negativer an der haiteger Gesellschaft falsch verstanen. Dofir ass et wichteg d'Gutt Noriicht ze betounen, de liewensgewënnten a liewensverstäerkende Message vum Evangelium. Och wann et noutwenneg ass staark géint déi Béis ze schwätzen, déi eis menacéieren, musse mir d'Iddi korrigéieren, datt de Katholizismus nëmmen "eng Sammlung vu Verbuede" ass.   -Adress un Iresch Bëscheef; VATICAN CITY, October 29, 2006


LÉIER, MEE Éierlech   

All Chrëscht ass fir d'alleréischt verflicht Inkarnéiert d'Evangelium -ze ginn Zeien to the truth and hope which is found in Jesus. And each Christian is called to speak the truth “in or out of season” accordingly. We must be insistent that an apple tree is an apple tree, even though the world says it is an orange tree, or just a little shrub. 

It reminds me of a priest who once said with regards to “gay marriage,”

Blue and yellow mix to make the color green. Yellow and yellow do not make green—as much as the politicians and special interest groups tell us they do.

Only the truth will set us free… and it is the truth which we must proclaim. But we are commanded to do so in Léift, bearing one another’s burdens, correcting and exhorting with sanft. The Church’s objective is not to condemn, but to lead the sinner into the freedom of life in Christ.

And sometimes, this means pointing out the chains around a person’s ankles.

Ech belaaschten dech a Präsenz vu Gott a vu Christus Jesus, deen déi Lieweg an déi Doudeg beuerteele wäert, an duerch seng Erscheinung a seng kinneklech Kraaft: verkënnegt d'Wuert; bestänneg sinn ob et praktesch oder onbequem ass; iwwerzeegen, reprimandéieren, encouragéieren duerch all Gedold an Enseignement. Fir d'Zäit wäert kommen, wou d'Leit keng gesonde Doktrin toleréieren, awer no hiren eegene Wënsch an onversetzbarer Virwëtz, Enseignanten sammelen a stoppen op d'Wourecht ze héieren a ginn op Mythen ëmgeleet. Awer Dir, sidd selwer an allen Ëmstänn; mat Schwieregkeeten ausdroen; d'Aarbecht vun engem Evangelist ausféieren; erfëllt Äre Ministère. (2 Timothy 4: 1-5)


Dir sidd gär.


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