Ee Fouss am Himmel

fir den 7. Mäerz 2014
Freideg no Äschermëttwoch

Liturgesch Texter hei



HÄREN, net d'Äerd, ass eist Heem. Sou schreift de St.Paul:

Geléifte, ech bieden Iech als Auslänner an Exiléieren Iech vun de Passioune vum Fleesch ze enthalen, déi Krich géint Är Séil féieren. (1 Pet 2:11)

Mir all wëssen et ass e Kampf deen all Dag vun eisem Liewen tëscht dem Fleesch an der Geescht. Och wa Gott duerch Daf eis en neit Häerz an erneiertem Geescht gëtt, eist Fleesch ass ëmmer nach der Schwéierkraaft vun der Sënn ënnerworf - déi ongeheier Appetit, déi eis vun der Bunn vun der Hellegkeet an de Stëbs vun der Weltlechkeet wëllen zéien. A wéi eng Schluecht ass et!

I see in my members another principle at war with the law of my mind, taking me captive to the law of sin that dwells in my members. Miserable one that I am! Who will deliver me from this mortal body? Thanks be to God through Jesus Christ our Lord. (Rom 7:23-25)

Thanks be to God because, when I have lost a battle, I can begin again through Jesus Christ. When I have gone soft on sin, I can turn to His Mercy that puts me back into the orbit of grace.

Mäi Opfer, o Gott, ass e bedréckte Geescht; en Häerz bedréckt a bescheiden, o Gott, Dir spuert net. (Psalm vun haut)

But I still have this problem: the overpowering gravity of my flesh. Yes, we will always have temptation in this life, but if we avail ourselves of God’s grace, we can conquer it. “For freedom Christ set us free” sot de St. “so stand firm and do not submit again to the yoke of slavery.” [1]cf. Gal 5: 1

There are three ways to loosen the yoke of slavery in our lives:

…fasting, prayer, an Almosen, déi Konversioun a Relatioun mat sech selwer, zu Gott an zu aneren ausdrécken. -Katechismus vun der Kathoulescher Kierch, n. 1434 verkaaft

If we are going to take the spiritual life seriously, if we want to make any serious gains in virtue, if we want to avoid falling back into the pit of sin, then these three aspects have to be present in one way or another in one’s life. Fellen orientates my body to the spirit and spiritual goods; Gebied orientates my spirit to God; and Almosen orientates my body and spirit to love of neighbour.

Fasting keeps one foot in Heaven, so to speak, because it helps me to remember that I am not here to make my own kingdom, but His. That I cannot make food and comfort an idol; that my neighbour is hungry and I have to meet his needs; that I need to always keep a spiritual hunger for God alive in my heart.

Fasting creates a space in the heart for God. So tell me friends, is a cup of coffee, an extra helping of food, or turning off the TV such a bad exchange? Remember our Lord’s words…

... ausser e Kär vu Weess op de Buedem fällt a stierft, bleift et just e Käre Weess; awer wann et stierft, produzéiert et vill Uebst. (Johann 12:24)

This little act of dying, when it is done in love, always produces fruit, and in more ways than we realize. When we join our fasting to Christ’s sacrifice (by a simple little prayer and act of the will), it gains an infinite value in reparation for sin, intercession, and even exorcism.

And of course, fasting helps subordinate the flesh to the spirit.

Ech fuere mäi Kierper an trainéieren en, aus Angscht datt ech, nodeems ech anerer gepriedegt hunn, selwer sollt disqualifizéiert ginn. (1 Kor 9:27)

Fasting is a sliver of the Cross. And the Cross always leads to the Resurrection. Jesus says in today’s Gospel that, after He is gone, “they will fast.” And so, we should fast. But we walk before we run. So start small, but enough to pinch the flesh—to let that sliver penetrate the passions.

And you’ll be keeping one foot in Heaven while you walk this earth.



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1 cf. Gal 5: 1
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