

DEN nei italienesch Premierministesch, Giorgia Meloni, huet eng mächteg a prophetesch Ried gehalen, déi un d'prescient Warnunge vum Kardinol Joseph Ratzinger erënnert. Als éischt, dës Ried (Notiz: Adblocker mussen eventuell ëmgewandelt ginn ugefaangen wann Dir et net kënnt gesinn):

Given what we know now in 2022… the plan to create a “digital ID” for every human citizen, how governments can restrict our buying and selling in the blink of an eye, and how the entire infrastructure is in place to control humanity… it’s worth revisiting the following writing from February 4th, 2014…


FIRWAT would the Lord be angry with King David for taking a census? And yet we know that, as soon as he did, David "Bedauert d'Leit nummeréiert ze hunn":

I have sinned greatly in doing this thing. (2 Samuel 24:10)

The Scriptures don’t tell us exactly why David’s census was wrong. It seems the purpose of it was to determine how many Israelites were eligible for war, such as when God ordered Moses to take a census of all the people of Israel. [1]cf. Num 1:2 But when we read the secondary account of this biblical story, we learn a surprising detail:

Da stoung de Satan géint Israel an huet den David opgeruff Israel ze nummeréieren. (1. Chron 21: 1)

What gave Satan this foothold upon David? From my previous reflection, Wann Legioun kënnt, theologian Cardinal Jean Daniélou noted that Gëtzendéngscht can open the door to Satan:

Als Resultat ass de Schutzengel bal onmuecht iwwer [Satan], sou wéi iwwer d'Natiounen.- D'Engelen an hir Missiounen, Jean Daniélou, SJ, S. 71

Prior to the census, David won a war against the Ammonites who worshipped the god Milcom.

David took the crown of Milcom from the idol’s head. It was found to weigh a talent of gold, with precious stones on it; this crown David wore on his own head. (1 Chron 20:2)

Milcom was another name for Molech, who was the god of the Canaanites and Phoenicians to whom parents sacrificed their children. It was this idol’s crown that David placed upon his own head, an idol of death. Thus, the census now takes on a different context, that of David and the Israelites taste for war and bloodshed when God was not asking for it. Israel, it seemed, was no longer trusting in God, but in the Schwäert to control their destiny.

What a warning this is for us today! This generation has bowed down at the feet of Molech and sacrificed their children, most especially in the form of birth control and abortion, in order to control the destinies of nations, peoples and individual lifestyles. Since 1980, 1.3 billion babies have been aborted worldwide. [2]cf. numberofabortions.com Our politicians and magistrates readily don the crown of Milcom in their efforts to “reduce the population” of the earth.

…they prefer to promote and impose by whatever means a massive programme of birth control. - JOHN PAUL II, Evangelium Vitae, "D'Evangelium vum Liewen", n. 16 ewechzekréien

But now that programme extends to the lieweg. Who is to be “reduced” today? The Gospel is a parody of the census that divides and categorizes people into clans and tribes. For Jesus is rejected based solely on his cultural and familial associations.

“Is he not the carpenter, the son of Mary, and the brother of James and Joseph and Judas and Simon? And are not his sisters here with us?” And they took offense at him.

Today, it is the “inconvenient” presence of others that offends our idolatrous sensibilities.

Unfortunately, what is thrown away is not only food and dispensable objects, but often human beings themselves, who are discarded as ‘unnecessary.’ —POPE FRANCIS, “State of the World” address, Chicago, 13. Januar 2014

It is precisely this disregard for life that John Paul II said is moving us “towards a form of totalitarianism.” [3]Evangelium Vitae, "D'Evangelium vum Liewen", n. 18. 20 And totalitarian regimes always, always take a precise census of the people, in one form or another, in order to control them. Today, the ones who are behind these programs of control are the powerful banking and financiers of the world’s economies. [4]See, for example, this video: YouTube

Mir denken un déi grouss Muechte vun dësem haitegen Dag, un déi anonym finanziell Interessen, déi d'Männer zu Sklaven maachen, déi net méi mënschlech Saachen sinn, awer eng anonym Kraaft sinn, déi d'Männer déngen, duerch déi d'Männer gefoltert ginn an och geschluecht ginn. Si sinn eng destruktiv Kraaft, eng Kraaft déi d'Welt bedreet. - BENEDIKT XVI, Reflexioun no der Liesung vum Büro fir déi Drëtt Stonn, Vatikan Stad, den 11. Oktober,

An esou, the census is upon us again.

D'Apokalypse schwätzt iwwer dem Antagonist vu Gott, dem Déier. Dëst Déier huet keen Numm, awer eng Zuel. Am [Horror vun de Konzentratiounslager] annuléiere si Gesiichter a Geschicht, transforméieren de Mënsch an eng Zuel, reduzéieren hien zu engem Zännrad an enger enormer Maschinn. De Mënsch ass net méi wéi eng Funktioun. An eisen Deeg sollte mir net vergiessen datt si d'Schicksal vun enger Welt virbildlech gemaach hunn déi de Risiko lafe fir déiselwecht Struktur vun de Konzentratiounslager unzehuelen, wann dat universellt Gesetz vun der Maschinn ugeholl gëtt. D'Maschinnen déi gebaut goufen imposéieren datselwecht Gesetz. Geméiss dëser Logik muss de Mënsch vun engem interpretéiert ginn Computer an dëst ass nëmme méiglech wann et an Zuelen iwwersat gëtt. D'Béischt ass eng Zuel an transforméiert sech an Zuelen. Gott huet awer en Numm an hie rifft mam Numm. Hien ass eng Persoun a sicht no der Persoun. —Kardinol Ratzinger, (POPE BENEDICT XVI) Palermo, 15. Mäerz 2000 (Kursiv derbäi)

How odd that, as I was writing this, U.S. Supreme Court Associate Justice, Antonin Scalia, was reported to say that “internment camps”, such as the ones in WWII, will likely return again, since, “in times of war, the laws fall silent.” [5]washingtononeexaminer.com; Feb. 4, 2014 Indeed, Tradition says it is the “lawless one” who is the beast. [6]cf. 2 Thess 2: 3

Today, we have opened the door to Legion through our worldliness, and Satan is inciting once again a census, the nummeréieren of people in order to control.

Et ass net déi schéi Globaliséierung vun der Eenheet vun allen Natiounen, jidderee mat hiren eegene Bräicher, amplaz et ass d'Globaliséierung vun der hegemonescher Uniformitéit, et ass den eenzege Gedanken. An dësen eenzege Gedanken ass d'Fruucht vun der Weltlechkeet. —POPE FRANCIS, Homilie, den 18. November 2013; Zenit

Let us pray and ask St. Agatha the martyr to intercede for us that we will remain steadfast in these days of temptation, that we will most especially not be numbered among those in today’s Gospel for whom…

Hie war iwwerrascht iwwer hire Manktem u Glawen.

For we are called by name, a name carved upon the palm of God’s hand that no stamp or brand can ever wipe out.

For this shall every faithful man pray to you in time of stress. Though deep waters overflow, they shall not reach him. You are my shelter; from distress you will preserve me… (Today’s Psalm, 32)



Déi falsch Eenheet

De Grousse Culling

Déi grouss Täuschung - Deel III

Verfollegung ass no

The United Nations reports that “Fertility has declined worldwide to unprecedented levels since the 1970s.” Read Zenit’s report: “Too Few People”



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1 cf. Num 1:2
2 cf. numberofabortions.com
3 Evangelium Vitae, "D'Evangelium vum Liewen", n. 18. 20
4 See, for example, this video: YouTube
5 washingtononeexaminer.com; Feb. 4, 2014
6 cf. 2 Thess 2: 3
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