De Wandstuerm

A verschidden Aarte vu Stuerm sinn de leschte Mount op eise Ministère a Famill geblosen. Mir kruten op eemol e Bréif vun enger Windenergiefirma, déi Pläng huet, massiv industriell Wandturbinen an eisem ländleche Wunnberäich ze installéieren. D'Nouvelle war beandrockend, well ech schonn déi negativ Auswierkunge vu "Wandbaueren" op d'Gesondheet vun de Mënschen an Déieren studéiert hunn. An d'Fuerschung ass schrecklech. Wesentlech si vill Leit gezwongen hir Haiser ze verloossen an alles ze verléieren wéinst negativen Gesondheetseffekter an dem absoluten Ënnergang vun Immobiliewäerter.

As such, I have had to rally my community to fight against this incredibly invasive technology, which is anything but “green” and “clean.” The cost of these towers, which will reach a fifth of a kilometre into the sky, déi destruction to the land, déi unreliability of wind power, the long-term effects upon Mënsch an Déiereschutz… it is really a veritable war upon creation that has come to our doorstep in the name of “saving the planet.” It’s not. It’s about destroying the current infrastructure of traditional and reliable energy sources, and Kraaft the entire globe into a state of energy and resource poverty. The ideology behind “climate change” was birthed in hell. It is nothing short of Communism in a “green hat.”[1]cf. Déi zweet Gesetz

And so, about 6 weeks ago, I launched a new website called Wand Bedenken. I have piled hundreds of hours of research into it already. I have organized two public meetings, and the community has given huge support as we band together to put this to an end. It’s a big battle — David vs. Goliath.

The point of all this to explain why I have been somewhat absent. I don’t think I need to convince you what an upheaval it would be to this ministry and my family to be forced from our homes. But it’s happening all over the world, as this excellent documentary explains. In fact, after our meeting last night, a woman originally from Ontario approached me. She explained how everything I stated in my presentation was true — the adverse health effects, the drop in property values, the damage to animals, etc.. She said she had 10 mares that she breeds. But after the wind farm came in near her home when she lived in that province, they all became sterile. “It’s absolutely true what you are saying,” she assured me and the crowd.

All that said, I am still working on recent “now words” that have come to me in prayer, and praying about how to bring my readers into your own personal healing through a bit of a “retreat” through this blog. So, I haven’t forgotten you at all! You are on my heart each and every day, and I have complained to the Lord that I am overwhelmed right now. His response was that this “wind fight” has another purpose, one I can’t see yet… so okay… Jesus, ech vertrauen op Iech.

So you remain an important priority after my family. In fact, I pray that this nei Websäit will also educate you as well because, from what I can tell, they are trying to turn our countrysides everywhere into massive wind turbine junkyards. You might find your own community under assault before you know it, and this research might help you too.

Have a blessed weekend. I will write you soon. You are loved!

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Hot Air Behind the Wind


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