„Karai ir karo gandai“ išnaša

Gvadalupės Dievo Motina


"Mes sulaužysime kryžių ir išpilsime vyną. ... Dievas musulmonams (padės) užkariauti Romą. ... Dievas leidžia mums perkirsti jiems gerkles ir jų pinigus bei palikuonis uždirbti mudžahedų gausa".  —Mujahideen Shura Council, skėtinė grupė, kuriai vadovauja Irako „Al Qaeda“ skyrius, pareiškime dėl neseniai įvykusios popiežiaus kalbos; CNN internete, Rugsėjis 22, 2006 

In 1571, Pope Pius V called all of Christendom to pray the Rosary for the defeat of the invading Turks, a Muslim army far outweighing the Christians. Miraculously, the Christian army defeated the Turks. It is said that the Christian ships hung the image of Gvadalupės Dievo Motina on their bows as they sailed into battle.

In 2002, Pope John Paul II called all of Christendom to pray the Rosary for the cause of peace and the family, saying,

Kartais, kai pačiai krikščionybei atrodė grėsmė, jos išlaisvinimas buvo priskirtas šios maldos galiai, o Rožinio Dievo Motina buvo pripažinta ta, kurios užtarimas atnešė išganymą. -„Rosarium Virginis Mariae“, 40

He also declared Gvadalupės Dievo Motina to be the "star of the new evangelization", hanging her as it were, on the bow of the Barque of Peter, the Church.

For your discernment:

I clearly see the land of Italy before my eyes. It is as if a terrible storm were breaking out. I am forced to listen and I hear a word: ‘Exile.’ —Our Lady of All Nations, allegedly to Ida Peerdeman (20th century)

I saw one of my successors taking to flight over the bodies of his brethren. He will take refuge in disguise somewhere and after a short retirement he will die a cruel death. The present wickedness of the world is only the beginning of the sorrows which must take place before the end of the world.  —Pope St. Piux X

I believe today, our prayers should not only be for Pope Benedict, but also for the conversion of those who hate him. If Catholics are to be drawn into a "holy war", may holiness indeed be our only weapon:

To you who hear I say, love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you, pray for those who mistreat you. (Lukas 6: 27-28)

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