Meksikos stebuklas



OUR jauniausia dukra tuo metu buvo maždaug penkerių metų. Pasijutome bejėgiai, nes jos asmenybė palaipsniui keitėsi, jos nuotaika svyravo kaip užpakaliniai vartai. 

We attended Mass one day in a little country church. At the front of the sanctuary to the side, was a life-size image of Our Lady of Guadalupe. tai Moteris has a vested interest in children. It was because of her appearance to St. Juan Diego several centuries ago, that the Aztec practice of human sacrifice ended with nine million Mexicans converting to Catholicism. Is it any surprise that Pope John Paul II named her "Mother of the Americas" where millions of abortions take place every year?

I felt this inner urge to go before the image of Our Lady of Guadalupe as a family, and ask her prayers to help our little daughter. We knelt and prayed, and I felt a great peace.

We all piled into the car and began the journey home. Suddenly, I had this strong sense that we should take Nicole to the hospital. It wasn’t something I’d thought of before, but I shared it with my wife nonetheless.

The next day, we took her to the clinic. After an assessment, the doctor revealed some shocking news:  Nicole’s blood pressure was so high, that she risked having a stroke at any moment! Within minutes, he determined that she had a thyroid problem which was wreaking havoc with her body chemistry.

Today, Nicole is a healthy and loving girl. Any moodiness now is inherited!

And so on this your feast day, I recall your intercession and thank you dear Lady of Guadalupe—patroness of my ministry, and help of all Christians.

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