Vilties naktis


JĖZUS gimė naktį. Gimė tuo metu, kai įtampa užpildė orą. Gimė tokiu metu, kaip ir mūsų. Kaip tai gali nepripildyti mūsų vilties?

A census had been called. Suddenly, everyone’s lives were up-ended, required to travel into a village, like Bethlehem, to be counted. What were the Romans up to? Why were they counting and tracking their populace? It was for the “common good”, right? Yet, we learn in the Old Testament that God is displeased with a census — but permits this as a bausmė Jo žmonių.[1]plg Ne Erodo kelias

Then Satan stood against Israel and incited David to number Israel. (1 Metų 21:1)

And then there was King Herod, alarmed by the reports of the birth of another king, one who could potentially displace him. Like the Egyptians, disturbed by the swelling presence and growth of the Israelites, Herod’s solution was not dissimilar: 

Senų laikų faraonas, persekiojamas Izraelio vaikų buvimo ir pagausėjimo, patyrė juos visokeriopai priespaudai ir liepė nužudyti kiekvieną vyrišką vaiką, gimusį iš hebrajų moterų. (plg. Iš 1, 7–22). Šiandien nedaugelis žemės galingųjų elgiasi vienodai. Juos taip pat persekioja dabartinis demografinis augimas ... Taigi, užuot norėję susidurti ir išspręsti šias rimtas problemas, gerbdami asmenų ir šeimų orumą ir kiekvieno žmogaus neliečiamą teisę į gyvybę, jie nori skatinti ir primesti bet kokiomis priemonėmis didžiulė gimstamumo kontrolės programa. - popiežius Jonas Paulius II, „Evangelium Vitae“, „Gyvenimo evangelija“, n. 16

A massive programme of population control. (Watch: Saugokite savo šventuosius nekaltuosius). 

In the midst of such uncertainty and danger, Jesus was born to Mary and Joseph, born to all of us. In the midst of this night, the angels cried out a word of hope to those trying to be faithful, trying to live in God’s will and who were longing to see the Messiah’s face:

Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace among men with whom he is pleased! (Luke 2:14)

Other translations say “on whom His favor rests” or “peace to men of good will.” Jesus came to bring everyone peace… but it only falls upon those of “good will,” those who want true peace — not the false “peace and security” that the Roman Empire (or the current empire) is offering (by way of “green passports”).[2]1 Tesalonikiečiams 5: 3: „Kai žmonės sako:„ Taika ir saugumas “, staiga ištinka nelaimė, kaip nėščios moters gimdymo skausmai, ir jie nepabėgs“. Rather, in our times, we hear Our Lord and Lady proclaiming all over the earth that an Era of Peace is coming after this night — a “new dawn,” the popes call it.[3]plg Popiežiai ir aušros era It is the ultimate fulfillment of the words spoken over John the Baptist who would herald this “Aušrinė” about to rise in the world:

... švelniu mūsų Dievo gailestingumu ... išauš diena, išaušianti šviesą tiems, kurie sėdi tamsoje ir mirties šešėlyje, nukreipdami kojas į ramybės kelią. (Luko 1: 78–79)

This “way of peace” is the “gift of living in the Divine Will”,[4]True peace is “rest” in the Lord; cf. Artėjantis šabo poilsis as revealed to Servant of God Luisa Piccarreta.

Laikas, kada šie raštai bus paskelbti, yra santykinis ir priklauso nuo sielų, norinčių gauti tokį didelį gėrį, nusiteikimo, taip pat nuo tų, kurios turi pasitelkti savo trimito nešėjus aukodamos pastangas, pastangų. skelbimo auka naujoje taikos eroje ... —Jėzus Luisai, Gyvenimo dieviškos valios dovana Luisa Piccarreta raštuose, n. 1.11.6, kunigas Juozapas Iannuzzi

Listen! Your watchmen raise a cry, together they shout for joy, for they see directly, before their eyes, the LORD’s return to Zion. (Isaiah 52:8)

... sargybiniai, kurie pasauliui skelbia naują vilties, brolystės ir taikos aušrą. —POPE Jonas Paulius II, kreipimasis į „Guanelli“ jaunimo judėjimą, 20 m. Balandžio 2002 d.,

...sargai ryto, kuris praneša apie saulės atėjimą, kuris yra prisikėlęs Kristus! —POPE JOHN PAUL II, Šventojo Tėvo žinia pasaulio jaunimui, XVII Pasaulio jaunimo diena, n. 3; (plg. 21, 11–12)

The night, then, is not the moment of despair but numatymas. It is the hour of vigil, of watching and waiting for the coming of the Sun, who is the Risen Christ. The “signs of the times” are all around us for those with eyes to see, for those with ears willing to listen. The “woman clothed with the [rising] sun” is laboring to give birth again (Rev 12:1-2), this time to the visa Kristaus kūnas[5]plg. Rom 11, 25–26 so that what Jesus accomplished in Himself may, at last, be accomplished in us, His Bride.[6]“For the mysteries of Jesus are not yet completely perfected and fulfilled. They are complete, indeed, in the person of Jesus, but not in us, who are his members, nor in the Church, which is his mystical body.” —St. John Eudes, treatise “On the Kingdom of Jesus”, Valandų liturgija, IV tomas, 559 psl 

This Christmas night, some of my readers are locked down;[7]“Austria plans to lift lockdown, but not for the unvaccinated”, others are banned from Christmas Eve Mass[8]“Faith-based communities prepare for New Brunswick proof of vaccination policy”, cf. while others have seen their  Masses cancelled altogether.[9]“Archdiocese of Quebec City cancels all Christmas Masses in order to ‘fight against’ COVID-19”, cf. But if the Son of God was excluded from the inn, then who is more in solidarity with you right now than Jesus Himself, who will come to you in a special way… to those of you of “good will” with “whom He is pleased”? Open your heart, then, as though it were another stable,[10]plg O nuolankus lankytojau, Jautis ir asilas and welcome Jesus. Warm Him with your love, with your adoration, with taking a moment to look into His eyes and thanking Him for being your Savior. 

He has never left you, in fact.


Thanks to My Readers

This past year, two years actually, have been unlike any other in this ministry. My readership grew substantially, and with that, a multiplication of letters and correspondence. I am so sorry that I have not been able to respond to everyone. In fact, my son Levi (see photo) sat down to help us reply to those who sent letters and donations. And I have tried to do my best to respond to the thousands of emails I’ve received this past year… but of course, that has been an impossible task. And that is painful, because each of you are as important as the next person, and I don’t want you to think I am ignoring you. I read everything even though I physically cannot respond to everyone. How many times this month have I said to my family: if only there were three of me! (but I know one is enough for them!).

So I want to take this moment to thank all of you who have supported, prayed for, and encouraged this ministry. I want to thank those of you who stuck with me through the difficult task of exposing the lies behind this pandemic that is leading us into the “final confrontation.” It’s as exhausting to write about as I’m sure it is to read. But as Our Lady said,

Mano vaikai, ar neatpažįstate laiko ženklų? Ar tu apie juos nekalbi? —2 m. Balandžio 2006 d., Cituojama Mano širdis triumfuos autorė Mirjana Soldo, p. 299
Ir vėl,
Tik visiškai atsisakę interjero, jūs atpažinsite Dievo meilę ir laiko, kuriame gyvenate, ženklus. Jūs būsite šių ženklų liudininkai ir pradėsite apie juos kalbėti. —18 m. Kovo 2006 d., Ten pat.

So I want to thank my assistant researcher, Wayne Labelle, who came on board this past year to manage “Dabar žodis – ženklai” website at MeWe and “COVID “Vaccine” Victims and Research.” He has done a fabulous job weeding through “fake news” as we help keep readers abreast of world events — a truly exhausting task. Thanks to our Office Manager, Colette, for her tireless handling of inquiries, book and music sales, and everything else. And above all, thanks to my dear wife, Lea, and my children for their patience and sacrifice. 

May God’s peace fall upon each of you and your families, to console and strengthen you in this Christmas Vigil as we await the coming of the Risen Sun. 




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1 plg Ne Erodo kelias
2 1 Tesalonikiečiams 5: 3: „Kai žmonės sako:„ Taika ir saugumas “, staiga ištinka nelaimė, kaip nėščios moters gimdymo skausmai, ir jie nepabėgs“.
3 plg Popiežiai ir aušros era
4 True peace is “rest” in the Lord; cf. Artėjantis šabo poilsis
5 plg. Rom 11, 25–26
6 “For the mysteries of Jesus are not yet completely perfected and fulfilled. They are complete, indeed, in the person of Jesus, but not in us, who are his members, nor in the Church, which is his mystical body.” —St. John Eudes, treatise “On the Kingdom of Jesus”, Valandų liturgija, IV tomas, 559 psl
7 “Austria plans to lift lockdown, but not for the unvaccinated”,
8 “Faith-based communities prepare for New Brunswick proof of vaccination policy”, cf.
9 “Archdiocese of Quebec City cancels all Christmas Masses in order to ‘fight against’ COVID-19”, cf.
10 plg O nuolankus lankytojau, Jautis ir asilas
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