Viskas yra Malonė

21 m. spalio 2015 d., trečiadieniui

Liturginiai tekstai čia


KAI daugelis katalikų trokšta tam tikros panikos, kai Romoje vykstantis sinodas apie šeimą ir toliau sukasi prieštaringai, meldžiuosi, kad kiti pamatytų ką kita: Dievas per visa tai atskleidžia mūsų ligą. Jis savo Bažnyčiai atskleidžia mūsų pasididžiavimą, prielaidą, maištą ir, svarbiausia, tikėjimo trūkumą.

For Christianity and salvation are not rocket-science. It’s really quite straightforward, as St. Paul reminds us in today’s first reading:

Sin must not reign over your mortal bodies so that you obey their desires… Do you not know that if you present yourselves to someone as obedient slaves, you are slaves of the one you obey, either of sin, which leads to death, or of obedience, which leads to righteousness?

There are two paths for each human being: to either follow the Creator’s will, or one’s own will. To follow one’s own will in contradiction to God’s laws is called “sin”. And this leads to death: darkness in our hearts, darkness in relationships, darkness in our cities, darkness in our nations, and darkness in the world. And so Jesus, “the light of the world”,[1]plg. Jono 8:11 came to deliver us from this darkness, from the power of sin that leads to slavery.

The true light, which enlightens everyone, was coming into the world… the people who sit in darkness have seen a great light, on those dwelling in a land overshadowed by death, light has arisen. (John 1:9; Matt 4:16)

I say that Christ, our light, is illuminating the Church’s pride and presumption at this hour—especially that of the “conservatives”—because many have forgotten that everything they’ve received is all grace. It is easy to sit in judgment over bishops, priests, and yes, popes, and condemn their faults. It is easy to read the news headlines and point fingers at the pagans. But such a one has forgotten that he was not only once a beggar whom the Lord passed by and raised from the gutter, but that he is still a beggar whose every breath in his lungs is a gift from the same Lord. Every grain of goodness and sanctity is grace—all grace.

It is due to him that you are in Christ Jesus… so that, as it is written, “Whoever boasts, should boast in the Lord.” (1 Cor 1:30-31)

I say that Christ, our light, is illuminating the Church’s rebelliousness and lack of faith—especially that of the “liberals”—because many have forgotten (or purposely neglected) the Gospel of repentance. They have become vain in their reasoning and politically correct cowards who have deceived themselves into believing that sin is not what it is: that which “leads to death.”

Brothers and sisters, Satan has unleashed a torrent of deception upon our world, but most especially directed toward the Church.

Gyvatė vis dėlto išpūtė iš burnos vandens srautą, kai moteris nušlavė ją srove. (Apr 12:15)

Apie šią kovą, kurioje atsiduriame ... [prieš] pasaulį sunaikinančias galias, kalbama Apreiškimo 12 skyriuje ... Sakoma, kad slibinas nukreipia didelę vandens srovę prieš bėgančią moterį, kad ją nušluotų ... manau kad lengva suprasti, ką reiškia upė: būtent šios srovės dominuoja visus ir nori panaikinti Bažnyčios tikėjimą, kuris, atrodo, neturi kur stovėti prieš šių srovių galią, kuri save primeta kaip vienintelį kelią mąstymas, vienintelis gyvenimo būdas. —POPE BENEDICT XVI, pirmoji specialiojo Sinodo sesija Artimuosiuose Rytuose, 10 m. Spalio 2010 d

However, the moment we forget that we are beggars, forget that Jesus asks of us not only orthodoxy but obedience, not only faith but love, not only justice but mercy, not only mercy but justice… then we too risk being swept away by the undercurrents of pride, presumption, complacency and blindness.

Katalikas, kuris tikrai ir nuoširdžiai negyvena pagal tikėjimą, kurį išpažįsta, ilgai nebebus savęs valdovas šiomis dienomis, kai taip aršiai pučiasi nesantaikos ir persekiojimo vėjai, bet bus apgyjamas be gynybos šiame naujam pasauliui gresiančiame potvynyje . Taigi, kol jis ruošia savo griuvėsius, jis apnuogina patį krikščionio vardą. - popiežius PIUS XI, „Divini Redemptoris“ „Apie ateistinį komunizmą“, n. 43; 19 m. Kovo 1937 d

Thus, today’s Gospel is a įspėjimas to those who have fallen asleep in their faith—one way or another.

You also must be prepared, for at an hour you do not expect, the Son of Man will come… Who, then, is the faithful and prudent steward whom the master will put in charge of his servants to distribute the food allowance at the proper time? Blessed is that servant whom his master on arrival finds doing so. (Today’s Gospel)

The answer to this Didžioji audra, and the chaos that is here and coming, is to simply take Our Lord at His word: to have faith in Him like a child; to repent of our sins like the sinners we are; and to seek His strength like a poor beggar to help us live in the light: “Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on me… Master, I want to see.” [2]Pažymėti 10: 47, 51

To remember that all is grace. And if you do remember, that too is a grace.

When men rose up against us, then would they have swallowed us alive… Then would the waters have overwhelmed us; the torrent would have swept over us; over us then would have swept the raging waters. Blessed be the LORD, who did not leave us a prey to their teeth… Broken was the snare, and we were freed. Our help is in the name of the LORD, who made heaven and earth.(Today’s Psalm)


Keep ready your oil jar
Of merit and deeds,
Ample to keep 
Your lamp aflame
Lest outside you be kept
When He comes.
Do not be careless. 

Šv. Teresė iš Avilos



Plona riba tarp gailestingumo ir erezijos - III dalis

Penki pataisymai

Įtarimo dvasia

Pasitikėjimo dvasia

Jėzus, išmintingasis statybininkas

Išmintis ir chaoso suartėjimas


Thanks for your prayers, love, and support!



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1 plg. Jono 8:11
2 Pažymėti 10: 47, 51
Posted in PRADŽIA, MASĖS SKAITYMAI, Malonės laikas.