Kaip mes arčiau



ŠIE pastaruosius septynerius metus jaučiau, kad Viešpats lygina tai, kas čia yra ir ateina į pasaulį, su a uraganas. Kuo arčiau audros akies, tuo intensyvesni vėjai. Panašiai, kuo arčiau mes Eye of the Storm- ką mistikai ir šventieji įvardijo kaip visuotinį „įspėjimą“ ar „sąžinės apšvietimą“ (galbūt „Šeštasis Apreiškimo antspaudas“) - intensyvesni pasaulio įvykiai taps.

Pirmuosius šios Didžiosios audros vėjus pradėjome jausti 2008 m., Kai pradėjo klostytis pasaulio ekonomikos žlugimas [1]plg Išsiskleidimo metai, Nuošliauža &, Ateinanti klastotė. Tai, ką pamatysime ateinančiomis dienomis ir mėnesiais, bus labai greitai vienas po kito vykstantys įvykiai, kurie padidins šios Didžiosios audros intensyvumą. Tai yra chaoso suartėjimas. [2]cf. Išmintis ir chaoso suartėjimas Jau dabar visame pasaulyje vyksta reikšmingi įvykiai, kurių dauguma nepaisys, nebent stebėsite, kaip yra ši tarnystė.



On a personal note, it has been a whirlwind here the past year. Numerous setbacks, including a family death, have interfered with my ability to resume my webcasts, write as often as I’d like, and finish my latest album. So that said, now that many personal storms are beginning to wane, I need to hunker down in the next few weeks to complete, the now du albums, that are sitting there in my studio. So writings here will continue to be infrequent, at least for the next while.

The other dimension is that I also do not feel a complete green light on other things that I could say or write here that are on my heart. It has always been the advice of my spiritual director to laukti, and wait some more, until I feel total peace about what is posted. It is interesting, as I have heard from other “watchmen” around the globe, that there is a sense that their missions are winding down—at least the dimension of warning souls before the Great Storm. This only makes sense. One no longer needs to warn about a hurricane when the shutters are flapping and the streets are flooding. So too, the need to warn will soon be redundant… the Storm will then be upon us for all to see. In the meantime, for new readers and old alike, I encourage you to ask the Holy Spirit to lead you to previous writings, including the links above (like the writing Ateinanti klastotė) to better understand or refresh your memory on what has already been said. Above all, live in the presence of God moment by moment, receiving the Sacraments frequently, never missing your daily prayers, and entrusting your heart (broken heart?) to Our Lady’s care. May we increase in the joy of the Lord as the days increase in darkness.

Know of my daily prayers for you, and my continued need for yours. I will place all of you and your intentions before Our Lord and Lady.





Spauskite čia norėdami Atsisakyti or Prenumeruok į šį leidinį.

Speaking of wind, our ministry studio has sustained some
bad damage in two wind storms this summer. It will cost us now around
$8000 to replace the roof. We have held off as long as possible.
We know how tough these times are;
 only if you are able to help us, we are most grateful (click the Support button above).
Thank you… God bless you!




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