
šeštadieniui po pelenų trečiadienio, 21 m. vasario 2015 d

Liturginiai tekstai čia



IF jūs tikrai nustojate apie tai galvoti, iš tikrųjų įsisavinti tai, kas tik įvyko šiandieninėje Evangelijoje, tai turėtų iš esmės pakeisti jūsų gyvenimą.

Jesus saw a tax collector named Levi sitting at the customs post. He said to him, “Follow me.” (Today’s Gospel)

Tax collectors in Christ’s time were notorious for being scumbags, so much so, that it was a great scandal that Jesus should spend even a moment with them.

“Why do you eat and drink with tax collectors and sinners?” Jesus said to them in reply, “Those who are healthy do not need a physician, but the sick do. I have not come to call the righteous to repentance but sinners.” (Today’s Gospel)

And yet, we Christians often fail to trust in God’s love for us. We say, “I should know better… I’ve been to confession so many times over this sin… God is tired of me, disappointed and angry.” And before we know it, the fire of Divine Love is reduced to smoldering embers, not because God put the flame out, but our lack of faith has!

Dear brothers and sisters, Baptism is only the beginning. You may be saved, but most of us have yet to be completely pašventinta. That is, we are still sinners, and as such, we qualify for the Divine Physician.

Nusidėjėlis, jaučiantis savyje visišką švento, tyro ir iškilmingo nepriteklių dėl nuodėmės, nusidėjėlis, kuris, jo paties akimis, yra visiškoje tamsoje, atskirtas nuo išgelbėjimo vilties, nuo gyvenimo šviesos ir nuo šventųjų bendrystė yra pats draugas, kurį Jėzus pakvietė vakarieniauti, kuris buvo paprašytas išeiti iš gyvatvorės, paprašė būti jo vestuvių partneriu ir Dievo įpėdiniu ... Kas vargšas, alkanas, nuodėmingas, puolęs ar neišmanėlis yra Kristaus svečias. - Matthew vargšas, Meilės bendrystė

If Jesus chose Levi—that is, the unbaptized, sinful, unenlightened ones to be His first companions, how much more does Jesus consider you who have received the Holy Spirit to be His beloved? And you are. You see, the problem is that we simply cannot believe that God can be this good.

Mano vaikeli, visos tavo nuodėmės nesužeidė mano širdies taip skausmingai, kaip tavo dabartinis nepasitikėjimas, kad po tiek daug mano meilės ir gailestingumo pastangų vis tiek turėtum abejoti mano gerumu. - Jėzus Šv. Faustinai, Dieviškasis gailestingumas mano sieloje, Dienoraštis, n. 1486 m

But so long as we remain in this subtle state of doubt, if not despair, we will remain infant Christians—lights hidden beneath bushel baskets, tasteless salt, dry wells. The difference between us and Levi is not our sinfulness, but whether or not we will get out of the chair of doubt and follow Christ as he did. Levi went on, in fact, to throw a “great banquet” for Jesus. But so many of us throw a pity party instead! So you are sinner? How about that! You are proof that Jesus died for a reason after all. Then let your sin be a cause for greater humility, for greater trust, for greater prayer—and above all, greater praise by thanking God that He still loves you. Yes, He will visada love you, even if you commit the worst sin in the world. Why? Because you are His child. And because you are His child, He wants to do everything to deliver you from your sin. And sometimes, that means having to help you get up, over and over again, out of the dust of weakness.

Dievas nepavargsta atleisti mums; mes pavargstame ieškoti jo gailestingumo. - popiežius prancūzas, „Evangelii Gaudium“, n. 3 m

Nes tu, Viešpatie, esi geras ir atlaidus, turtingas gerumu visiems, kurie tavęs šaukiasi. (Šiandienos psalmė)

In truth, most of us never get beyond first base in the spiritual life, which is letting God love us. Second base is loving Him back. And third base is loving our neighbour, as beautifully described in the first reading. But how can you love your neighbour if you don’t love yourself? And you will only be able to love yourself when you see and accept how God loves you.

Today, Love Incarnate is looking straight into your eyes, and He repeats again, "Sek mane."

Get up Christian. You are loved. Now go tell the rest of the world. 


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