Didysis nuotykis

pirmosios gavėnios savaitės pirmadieniui, 23 m. vasario 2015 d

Liturginiai tekstai čia


IT iš visiško ir visiško Dievo atsisakymo įvyksta kažkas gražaus: visi tie vertybiniai popieriai ir prisirišimai, prie kurių žūtbūt laikėtės, bet paliekate Jo rankose, yra iškeisti į antgamtinį Dievo gyvenimą. Iš žmogaus perspektyvos sunku pamatyti. Jis dažnai atrodo maždaug toks gražus, kaip drugelis, vis dar kokone. Mes nematome nieko, tik tamsą; nejausti nieko, išskyrus senąjį save; negirdi nieko, tik ausyse nuolat skamba mūsų silpnumo aidas. Ir vis dėlto, jei atkakliai laikomės šios visiško pasidavimo ir pasitikėjimo Dievo akivaizdoje būsenos, įvyksta nepaprastas dalykas: mes tampame bendradarbiais su Kristumi.

That is because one cannot become a fire without giving off heat, one cannot be set ablaze without casting a supernatural light. Authentic communion with God naturally gives way to mission. As Pope Francis wrote:

…any person who has experienced a profound liberation becomes more sensitive to the needs of others. As it expands, goodness takes root and develops. If we wish to lead a dignified and fulfilling life, we have to reach out to others and seek their good. In this regard, several sayings of Saint Paul will not surprise us: “The love of Christ urges us on” (2 Cor 5:14)  “Woe to me if I do not proclaim the Gospel” (1 Cor 9:16). —POPE FRANCIS, „Evangelii Gaudium“, n. 9 m

…nor shall you stand by idly when your neighbour’s life is at stake. (Today’s first reading)

When your neighbour’s siela is at stake. Today’s Gospel should shake every one of us from the false notion that we somehow have little to do with the physical and spiritual welfare of others—whether they are imprisoned by their sin or by bars. There is no need to qualify Our Lord’s words or reframe them:

‘I say to you, what you did not do for one of these least ones, you did not do for me.’ And these will go off to eternal punishment… (Today’s Gospel)

We cannot bury our “talent” in the ground. And it doesn’t matter who you are—whether you have one, five, or ten talents as the parable goes—we are each called in our own way to reach out to “the least of the brothers.” For some of you, that may be your husband or your neighbour… or a hundred strangers. But how? What can you do? Well, how can we bring the love of Jesus to others if we have not encountered it ourselves through a personal relationship with Him? As John Paul II wrote:

Communion and mission are profoundly connected with each other… communion gives rise to mission and mission is accomplished in communion. —POPE ST. Jonas Paulius II, Christifideles Laici, Apaštalinis raginimas, n. 32

That is to say that our interior life in God is what inspires, guides, and makes fruitful our exterior life.

... nes be Manęs tu nieko negali padaryti. (Jono 15: 5)

Through seeking God’s face, through reading Scripture, through daily prayer, through frequent encounters with Christ through the Sacraments, and through seasons such as Lent where we uproot more and more of our sinfulness, we will not only grow to love Him, but grow to know what He desires. We will come to know the mind of Christ and find Him where He is: in the least of the brothers. And then, we will be able to work with Him for the salvation and well-being of others.

Far from a threat, the Gospel today is an invitation into the Great Adventure.

Gyvenimas auga, kai yra atiduodamas, ir silpsta izoliuotume ir komfortu. Tiesą sakant, labiausiai gyvenimu džiaugiasi tie, kurie palieka saugumą krante ir susijaudina dėl misijos pranešti apie gyvenimą kitiems. - popiežius prancūzas, Evangelii Gaudium, n. 10; from the Fifth General Conference of the Latin American and Caribbean Bishops, Aparecida dokumentas, 29 June 2007, 360


A song I wrote about leaving the security of shore…
and becoming vulnerable to God and others.

If you enjoy this and other music from Mark,
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