Tremčių valanda

Sirijos pabėgėliai, „Getty Images“


" MORALAS cunamis apėmė pasaulį “, - prieš dešimt metų pasakiau Lurdo Dievo Motinos parapijiečiams Violetoje, Luizianos valstijoje. „Bet ateina kita banga - a dvasinis cunamis, kuris nušluos daug žmonių iš šių suolų “. Po dviejų savaičių 35 pėdų vandens siena perėjo per tą bažnyčią, kai uraganas „Katrina“ riaumojo į krantą.

As I continue my speaking tour in Louisiana this week, I continue to meet souls who never forgot that message; men and women who were literally ištremtas from their homes and whom have never returned. One of them is Fr. Kyle Dave, the priest who invited me then to Violet. In fact, it was exactly ten years ago today that Fr. Kyle fled to Canada to remain in exile with me, as he had lost everything in the storm. What we didn’t expect, however, was a visitation from the Lord…



I took Fr. Kyle to several Canadian parishes, who raised funds to send back with Fr. to help repair their church and community. During that time, our hearts were stirring; we felt the Lord calling us to the mountains for a retreat.

It was there, at the base of the Rockies, that the Mass Readings, Liturgy of the Hours, and our devotional reading converged in what can only be described as a supernatural encounter with the Word of God. We were literally exhausted each night as the Lord gave what seemed to be unmistakable and powerful prophetic words concerning our times, and the times to come.

As the years have gone by, we have both watched as these words have quickly come to pass, while others remain to be fulfilled. As I spoke in Fr. Kyle’s parish last night on my speaking tour here in Louisiana, words that I felt compelled to share with my readers in 2006 from our retreat, were in the back of my mind:

„Naujasis Orleanas buvo mikrokosmosas to, kas ateis... tu dabar esi ramybėje prieš audrą“. Kai smogė uraganas Katrina, daugelis gyventojų atsidūrė tremtyje. Nesvarbu, ar tu turtingas, ar vargšas, baltaodis ar juodaodis, dvasininkas ar pasaulietis – jei buvai jo kelyje, turėjai judėti dabar. Ateina pasaulinis „sukratymas“, ir tam tikruose regionuose atsiras tremtinių. (Žr. Ateinantys pabėgėliai ir vienatvės)

See! The Lord is about to empty the earth and lay it waste; he will twist its surface,and scatter its inhabitants: People and priest shall fare alike: servant and master, Maid and mistress, buyer and seller, Lender and borrower, creditor and debtor. (Isaiah 24:1-2)



As I write these words, milijonai of Syrians and other middle eastern peoples are fleeing their countries as Islamic extremists continue their demonic campaigns of terror. Suddenly, the entire world is faced with massive population shifts and all the problems this poses. But, dear brothers and sisters, this is only the beginning. The Great Storm has hardly begun.

My purpose today is not to enter the political debate on how we should handle this situation. For I think the time is coming when Niekas will have an answer—except God. Yes, I think that is the whole point of this mostly man-made Storm that has come upon the world like a hurricane: to bring humanity to its knees; to make us realize, once again that God exists, and that we cannot exist without Him.

I am thinking again of those prophetic words spoken in Rome in the presence of Pope Paul VI in St. Peter’s Square (which I examined in a vaizdo įrašų serija to show how it follows the teachings of the Church Fathers; see saitai žemiau):

Because I love you, I want to show you what I am doing in the world today. I want to prepare you for what is to come. Days of darkness are coming on the world, days of tribulation… Buildings that are now standing will not be standing. Supports that are there for My people now will not be there. I want you to be prepared, My people, to know only Me and to cleave to Me and to have Me in a way deeper than ever before. I will lead you into the desert… I will strip you of everything that you are depending on now, so you depend just on Me. A time of darkness is coming on the world, but a time of glory is coming for My Church, a time of glory is coming for My people. I will pour out on you all the gifts of My Spirit. I will prepare you for spiritual combat; I will prepare you for a time of evangelism that the world has never seen…. And when you have nothing but Me, you will have everything: land, fields, homes, and brothers and sisters and love and joy and peace more than ever before. Be ready, My people, I want to prepare you… —Pentecost Monday, May, 1975; given by Dr. Ralph Martin



The stripping that is here and coming, that many of us are already experiencing interiorly, is not a passive process. That is, we are being called by the Naujasis Gideonas to join God’s army to bring souls back to Him. When the Eye of the Storm finally lands after tremendous labor pains, of which tremtiniai are one of them—there will be a lot of work to do. Drakono egzorcizmas, as I wrote in Šventojo Rašto triumfai, is going to be a process: one of praying with, accompanying, teaching, and facilitating healing in broken, confused, and stunned souls. Audros akis is a both a warning and a reprieve, a time of decision for humanity. As Servant of God Maria Esperanza prophesied:

A great moment is approaching, a great day of light… it is the hour of decision for mankind. —Servant of God, Maria Esperanza (1928-2004), Antikristas ir pabaigos laikai, Rev. Joseph Iannuzzi, P. 37

In a word, we are called to become an Army of Love. And that means to love visi our neighbours, including those exiles who are suddenly upon our doorsteps. For we too may become those exiles tomorrow.

We must resolve now to live as nobly and as justly as possible, as we educate new generations not to turn their back on our “neighbors” and everything around us… Our world is facing a refugee crisis of a magnitude not seen since the Second World War… Neturime stebėtis jų skaičiumi, o vertinti juos kaip asmenis, matančius jų veidus ir klausantis jų istorijų, stengiantis kuo geriau reaguoti į jų situaciją. Atsakyti visada humaniškai, teisingai ir broliškai. Šiais laikais turime vengti bendros pagundos: išmesti viską, kas pasirodo nerimą. Prisiminkime auksinę taisyklę: „Daryk kitiems taip, kaip norėtum, kad jie tau darytų“ (Mt 7, 12). —POPE FRANCIS, kreipimasis į JAV Kongresą, 24 m. Rugsėjo 2015 d. (Kursyvas, mano pabrėžta);

I am reminded of St. John Paul II’s cry during his pontificate:

Nebijok! Atidarykite, atidarykite visas duris į Kristų. Atviros šalių sienos, ekonominės ir politinės sistemos ... —ST. JOHN PAUL II: A Life in Pictures, TIMEP. 172

While some have wrongly interpreted this statement and those of Benedict XVI and Francis to imply a complicity of the pontificate with an evil New World Order, [1]plg Benediktas ir Naujoji pasaulio tvarka it really is a Gospel call to an authentic unity of peoples that Christ Himself prayed for:

I pray not only for them, but also for those who will believe in me through their word, so that they may all be one, as you, Father, are in me and I in you… (John 17:20-21, 10:16)



This is why I have urged you frequently, dear friends, to pray for išmintis—wisdom to differentiate between what is the move of the Spirit toward a true era of peace and justice, and what is Lygiagretus apgaulė of Satan to implement what Pope Francis called today, “new global forms of slavery.” [2]POPE FRANCIS, Address to U.S. Congress, September 24th, 2015; This battle between two kingdoms is the apex of the final confrontation between the Woman clothed with the Sun and the Dragon.

At the dawn of the new Millennium, we wish to propose once more the message of hope which comes from the stable of Bethlehem: God loves all men and women on earth and gives them the hope of a new era, an era of peace. His love, fully revealed in the Incarnate Son, is the foundation of universal peace. When welcomed in the depths of the human heart, this love reconciles people with God and with themselves, renews human relationships and stirs that desire for brotherhood capable of banishing the temptation of violence and war. The Great Jubilee is inseparably linked to this message of love and reconciliation, a message which gives voice to the truest aspirations of humanity today. - popiežius Jonas Paulius II, popiežiaus Jono Pauliaus II pranešimas, minint Pasaulinę taikos dieną, 1 m. Sausio 2000 d.

It is the work of Our Blessed Mother in these times, to help us to become copies of herself—docile, obedient, and humble—so that the life of Jesus may be reproduced in us once again. That is, so the Aušrinė may rise in us to become the heralds and beginning, the dawning of this new era.

I said the “triumph” will draw closer [by 2017]. This is equivalent in meaning to our praying for the coming of God’s Kingdom… the power of evil is restrained again and again, that again and again the power of God himself is shown in the Mother’s power and keeps it alive. The Church is always called upon to do what God asked of Abraham, which is to see to it that there are enough righteous men to repress evil and destruction. I understood my words as a prayer that the energies of the good might regain their vigor. So you could say the triumph of God, the triumph of Mary, are quiet, they are real nonetheless. —POPE BENEDICT, XVI, Pasaulio šviesa, p. 166, Pokalbis su Peteriu Seewaldu

... pasaulio ateitis yra pavojinga, nebent ateis išmintingesnių žmonių. —POPE ST. Jonas Paulius II, „Familiaris Consortio“, n. 8 m



Dvasinis cunamis

Juodasis laivas - I dalis & II

Išmintis ir chaoso suartėjimas

Pranašystė Romoje — Video Series


Dėkojame už paramą šiai dieninei tarnybai.


„Tiesos turas“

• rugsėjo 21 d: Susitikimas su Jėzumi, Šv. Kryžiaus Jonas, Lakombe, LA, JAV, 7:00 val

• rugsėjo 22 d: Susitikimas su Jėzumi, greitos pagalbos motina, Chalmette, LA, JAV, 7:00

Ekrano kulka 2015 09-03-1.11.05 AM• rugsėjo 23 d: Susitikimas su Jėzumi, OLPH, Belle Chasse, LA, JAV, 7:30

rugsėjo 24: Susitikimas su Jėzumi, Mater Dolorosa, Naujasis Orleanas, JAV, 7:30

rugsėjo 25: Susitikimas su Jėzumi, Šv. Rita, Harahanas, LA, JAV, 7:00 val

• rugsėjo 27 d: Encounter With Jesus, Our Lady of
Guadalupe, New Orleans, LA USA, 7:00 pm

• rugsėjo 28 d: „Dėl audros atlaikymo“, Markas Mallettas su Charlie Johnston, Fleur de Lis centras, Mandeville, LA, JAV, 7:00

• rugsėjo 29 d: Susitikimas su Jėzumi, Šv. Juozapo 100 E. Miltonas, Lafayette, LA, JAV, 7:00

• rugsėjo 30 d: Susitikimas su Jėzumi, Šv. Juozapo, Galliano, LA, JAV, 7:00 val


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1 plg Benediktas ir Naujoji pasaulio tvarka
2 POPE FRANCIS, Address to U.S. Congress, September 24th, 2015;