Džiaugsmo sezonas


I norėčiau gavėnią vadinti „džiaugsmo sezonu“. Tai gali pasirodyti keista, turint omenyje, kad šias dienas žymime pelenais, pasninku, apmąstymais apie liūdną Jėzaus Kančią ir, žinoma, savo pačių aukomis ir atgailomis ... Bet būtent todėl gavėnia gali ir turėtų tapti kiekvieno krikščionio džiaugsmo sezonu - ir ne tik „per Velykas“. Priežastis yra tokia: kuo labiau tuštiname savo širdį nuo „savęs“ ir visų tų savo stabų, kuriuos pastatėme (kurie, mūsų manymu, atneš mums laimę) ... tuo daugiau vietos yra Dievui. Ir kuo daugiau manyje gyvena Dievas, tuo gyvesnė esu ... tuo labiau tampu panaši į Jį, kuris yra pats džiaugsmas ir meilė.

In fact, St. Paul lived a constant Lent—not because he was a masochist—but because he considered everything else that the world has to offer as niekas compared to knowing Jesus.

Whatever gains I had, these I have come to consider a loss because of Christ. More than that, I even consider everything as a loss because of the supreme good of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord. For his sake I have accepted the loss of all things and I consider them so much rubbish, that I may gain Christ and be found in him. (Phil 3:7-8)

Here is St. Paul’s not-so-secret path to authentic happiness:

…to know him and the power of his resurrection and the sharing of his sufferings by being conformed to his death. (10 t.)

Christianity sounds crazy. But this is the wisdom of the Cross that the world rejects. In dying to myself, I find myself; in surrending my will to God, He wills Himself to me; in denying the excesses of the world, I gain the excesses of Heaven. The path is per Kryžių, by conforming myself to Paul’s and Christ’s example:

He emptied himself, taking the form of a slave… He humbled himself, becoming obedient to death, even death on a cross. (Phil 2:7-8)

Now, I can tell you all about swimming. But it’s not until you jump into the water that you will discover what I’m talking about. So, face your dysfunctions this Lent and stare them down. Because, in reality, they—not Lent—are the real drag on your life. It’s the compulsions, attachments, and sins that make us unhappy. So give them up—atgailauti, turn from them—and discover for yourself how Lent will then become a season of true joy.

Want to do something different for Lent?

Last year, I produced a forty day Gavėnios rekolekcijos, complete with audio for those who want to listen to it in their cars or at home. It doesn’t cost a penny. It’s a retreat about how to empty yourself so you can be filled with God and soar to the heights of happiness with Him. The retreat starts čia with Day 1. The rest of the days can be found in this category: Gavėnios rekolekcijos (because posts are listed according to the most recent, simply go back through Previous Entries to get to Day 2, etc.)

Also, you can help make this more of a season of joy by joining me in Missouri this month:


Stiprinimo ir gydymo konferencija
24 m. Kovo 25 ir 2017 d
Kun. Philipas Scottas, FJH
Annie Karto
Markas Mallettas

Šv. Elžbietos Ann Seton bažnyčia, Springfildas, MO
2200 W. Respublikos kelias, Spring eld, MO 65807
Vieta šiam nemokamam renginiui yra ribota ... todėl greitai užsiregistruokite.
arba paskambinkite Shelly (417) 838.2730 arba Margaret (417) 732.4621


The second event is:


Susitikimas su Jėzumi
Kovo 27 d., 7 val

Markas Mallettas ir kun. Markas Bozada
Šv. Jokūbo katalikų bažnyčia, Catawissa, MO
1107 „Summit Drive 63015“


Thank you for your alms this Lent… 
They will keep this ministry’s lights on!


Kelionė su Marku Šios Dabar Žodis,
spustelėkite žemiau esančią juostą prenumeruoti.
Jūsų el. Paštas nebus bendrinamas su niekuo.



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