Šv. Juozapo laikas

Šv. Juozapas, autorė Tianna (Mallett) Williams


Ateina valanda, iš tikrųjų atėjo, kai tu būsi išsibarstęs,
kiekvienas pas save, ir tu paliksi mane ramybėje.
Vis dėlto aš nesu vienas, nes Tėvas yra su manimi.
Aš tau tai sakiau, kad manyje turėtum ramybę.
Pasaulyje jūsų laukia persekiojimas. Tačiau imkitės drąsos;
Aš užkariavau pasaulį!

(John 16: 32-33)


KADA iš Kristaus kaimenės buvo atimti sakramentai, pašalinta iš Mišių ir išsibarstyta už jos ganyklų klosčių, tai gali atrodyti kaip apleidimo akimirka. dvasinė tėvystė. Pranašas Ezekielis kalbėjo apie tokį laiką:

So they were scattered, because there was no shepherd; and they became food for all the wild beasts. My sheep were scattered, they wandered over all the mountains and on every high hill; my sheep were scattered over all the face of the earth, with none to search or seek for them. (Ezechiel 34: 5-6)

Of course, thousands of priests all over the world are enclosed in their chapels, offering the Mass, praying for their sheep. And yet, the flock remains hungry, crying out for the Bread of Life and the Word of God.

See, days are coming… when I will send a famine upon the land: not a hunger for bread, or a thirst for water, but for hearing the word of the Lord. (Amos 8:11)

But Jesus, the Great Shepherd, hears the cry of the poor. He never abandons His sheep, ever. And thus says the Lord:

Behold, I, I myself will search for my sheep, and will seek them out. As a shepherd seeks out his flock when some of his sheep have been scattered abroad, so will I seek out my sheep; and I will rescue them from all places where they have been scattered on a day of clouds and thick darkness. (Ezekiel 34:11-12)

Thus, at the very moment that the faithful have been deprived of their shepherds, Jesus has Himself supplied a spiritual father for this hour: St. Joseph.



Recall the maxim that Our Lady is a “mirror” of the Church:

Kai kalbama apie bet kurį dalyką, prasmę galima suprasti iš abiejų, beveik be kvalifikacijos. - Palaimintas Izaokas iš Stelos, Valandų liturgija, T. Aš, p. 252

When it came near the time for the birth of Christ, an astonishing “world-wide” event took place.

In those days a decree went out from Caesar Augustus that all the world should be enrolled. (Luke 2:1)

As such, the People of God were priverstinis to leave their present circumstances and return to their native homes to be “registruotas.” It was in that time of exile that Jesus would be born. Likewise, Our Lady, the “woman clothed with the sun,” is once again laboring to give birth to the visa Church…

…she represents at the same time the whole Church, the People of God of all times, the Church that at all times, with great pain, again gives birth to Christ.—POPE BENEDICT XVI, Castel Gandolfo, Italija, AUG. 23 m. „Zenit“ 

Kai įeiname Didysis perėjimas, todėl taip pat yra Juozapo laikas. Nes jam buvo pavesta saugoti ir vesti Dievo Motiną į Gimimo vieta. Taip pat Dievas davė jam šią neįtikėtiną užduotį nuvesti Moterį-Bažnyčią į naują Taikos era. Today is no ordinary commemoration of St. Joseph’s feast. Lead by the Holy Father in Rome ne budėjimo valanda, the entire Church was placed under St. Joseph’s care—and we will remain so until the Herod’s of the world are deposed.



This afternoon, just as Pope Francis began the rosary, I felt a strong inspiration to pen a prayer of consecration to St. Joseph (below). To consecrate simply means to “set apart”—to hand over, as it were, your entire self to the other. And why not? Jesus entrusted himself entirely to both St. Joseph and Our Lady. As His Mystical Body, we ought to do as our Head has done. Is it not profound that, with this consecration, and that to Our Lady, you form, as it were, another Holy Family?

Last, before you make this act of consecration, just a word on Joseph himself. He is a profound model for us in these extremely turbulent times as we approach the Eye of the Storm.

He was a man of tyla, even when tribulation and “threat” surrounded him. He was a man of kontempliacija, capable of hearing the Lord. He was a man of nuolankumas, able to accept the Word of God. He was a man of paklusnumas, ready to do whatever he was told.

Brothers and sisters, this present crisis is only the beginning. The powerful spirits that are being sent to tempt us at this hour are the antitheseis of St. Joseph’s disposition. The spirit of baimė would have us enter the noise and panic of the world; the spirit of išsiblaškymas would have us lose our focus on God’s presence; the spirit of pasididžiavimas would have us take matters into our own hands; and the spirit of nepaklusnumas would have us rebel against God.

Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you. (James 4:7)

And here is how to submit yourself to God: imitate St. Joseph, encapsulated in the beautiful words of Isaiah. Make this your tikėjimas to live by in the days to come:


By waiting and by calm you shall be saved,
in quiet and in trust shall be your strength. (Isaiah 30:15)


Įšventinimo į Šv. JOSEPHAS

Mylimasis šv. Juozapas,
Mergelės Marijos sutuoktinis Kristaus saugotojas
Bažnyčios gynėjas:
Aš atsiduriu tavo tėvo globoje.
Kai Jėzus ir Marija patikėjo jus saugoti ir vadovauti,
juos maitinti ir saugoti
Mirties šešėlio slėnis,

Aš patikiu save tavo šventai tėvystei.
Surinkite mane į savo mylinčias rankas, kai surinko savo Šventąją šeimą.
Prispauskite mane prie savo širdies, kai prispaudėte savo Dieviškąjį vaiką;
laikyk mane stipriai, kai laikei savo Mergelę nuotaką;
užtarkite mane ir mano artimuosius
kaip meldėtės už mylimą Šeimą.

Tada paimk mane kaip savo vaiką; apsaugok mane;
saugok mane; niekada nepamesk manęs.

Ar turėčiau suklysti, raskite mane taip, kaip jūs padarėte savo Dieviškąjį Sūnų,
ir vėl atiduok mane savo meilės globai, kad aš tapčiau stiprus,
alsuojantis išmintimi, o Dievo malonė tenka man.

Todėl pašventinu viską, kas esu, ir visa, kas nesu
į savo šventas rankas.

Kai drožėte ir skaldėte žemės medieną,
suformuokite ir suformuokite mano sielą į tobulą mūsų Išganytojo atspindį.
Kaip jūs ilsėjotės dieviškojoje valioje, taip ir su tėviška meile,
padėk man pailsėti ir likti visada dieviškoje valioje,
kol pagaliau apsikabinsime Jo amžinojoje karalystėje,
dabar ir per amžius, Amen.

(sudarė Markas Mallettas)



For more fascinating background on St. Joseph’s powerful role in the Church, read Fr. Don Calloway’s Consecration to St. Joseph


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