Криење во обичен поглед


НЕ долго откако се венчавме, сопругата ја засади нашата прва градина. Таа ме одведе на турнеја посочувајќи компири, грав, краставици, зелена салата, пченка, итн. Откако заврши да ми ги покажува редовите, се свртев кон неа и и реков: „Но, каде се киселите краставички?“ Таа ме погледна, покажа на еден ред и рече: „Краставиците се таму“.

“I know,” I said. “But where are the pickles?” My wife gave me a blank stare, slowly raised her finger and said, “The cucumbers are таму".

I looked at her like she was crazy. I glanced down again at the row she was pointing to… and suddenly, it dawned on me. Pickles-are-cucumbers-that-are pickled. My whole life, my Baba always referred to the cucumbers as “the pickle patch” (and, oy yoy yoy, those pickles were good!).

Sometimes, there are truths that are right in front of our noses, and yet, we don’t see them because of previous conditioning or a lack of knowledge. Or because we don’t сакате to see the truth.

Like the young lady in her twenties who wrote me yesterday. Her mother used to speak of the writings here, but this girl wanted nothing to do with them. In fact, they made her angry. She was a partier who left her faith, living a lifestyle contrary to the Gospel. But one day she went to Mass with her mother, and when she returned, decided to read some of my writings. She read for часа. So she asked God if there was any truth to the things written here. She had an experience of the Lord that was so profound, she said that words could do it no justice. She began to go to Mass and confession regularly and now prays daily. She says, “Over the past year, I feel the Lord has been teaching me so much! I feel a closeness with him and our Heavenly Mother that I have never experienced.”

Some things are hiding in plain sight, and it takes an experience, new knowledge, wisdom, understanding and especially подготвеност to discover them.



So it is with the discussions here this week on the Book of Revelation. Some of you might wonder if I am presenting a novel teaching regarding the coming of the Lord to establish His Eucharistic Reign to the ends of the earth. Or that this might be some kind of heresy. The fact is that this teaching has been from самиот почеток, from the Apostles themselves. The early Church Fathers—those first disciples of the Church to expound on the Apostolic teaching—took the Book of Revelation at its face value. They didn’t enter into the kind of mental gymnastics many do today to arrive at a symbolic interpretation that leaves more questions asked than answered.

Though many aspects of St. John’s Apocalypse are symbolic, he also gave a straightforward chronology of the last phases of the world:

1. The nations would rebel in apostasy;

2. They would get the leader they deserve: the “beast”, an Antichrist;

3. Christ would return to judge the beast and the nations (judgment of the living), establishing His reign in His saints—a veritable triumph of the Church-while Satan would be temporarily chained for a period of time (symbolically, a “thousand years”).

4. After this period of peace, Satan would be loosed in one last rebellion against the saints, but fire would destroy God’s enemies and bring history to its dramatic conclusion with the judgment of the dead and beginning of a New Heavens and a New Earth.

Now, the early Church Fathers taught this chronology as an апостолски truth, that the “times of the kingdom”, a special time of “blessing” was coming.

Значи, претскажаниот благослов несомнено се однесува на времето на Неговото Царство, кога праведна волја владее со воскреснувањето од мртвите; кога создавањето, преродено и ослободено од ропството, ќе даде изобилство храна од сите видови од небесната роса и плодноста на земјата, исто како што се сеќаваат постарите. Оние што го видоа Јован, ученик на Господ, [ни кажат] дека слушнале од него како Господ поучувал и зборувал за овие времиња —St. Irenaeus of Lyons, Church Father (140–202 A.D.); Adversus Haereses, Irenaeus of Lyons, V.33.3.4, The Fathers of the Church, CIMA Publishing Co.; (St. Irenaeus was a student of St. Polycarp, who knew and learned from the Apostle John and was later consecrated bishop of Smyrna by John.)

But many of the early Jewish converts believed that Jesus Himself would come in glory to reign on earth во месото before the end of time for a literal “thousand years” (Rev 20:1-6), establishing a political kingdom amidst banquets and feasts. But this was condemned as a heresy (cf. Милениумство - што е и што не е). It is for this reason that centuries later, St. Augustine among others, in trying to avoid this heresy, gave the “thousand years” a symbolic interpretation. He offered this opinion:

… Колку што ми паѓа на памет… [Св. Јован] ги искористи илјадниците години како еквивалент за целото времетраење на овој свет, користејќи го бројот на совршенства за да ја означи полнотата на времето. - Св. Августин од Хипос (354-430) н.е., De Civitate Dei “City of God”, Book 20, Ch. 7

So, that is the position several Catholic bible scholars have held to this day without examining more carefully the allegorical language of the Church Fathers and Old Testament prophecies related to a coming “era of peace.” However, they may not realize that St. Augustine Исто така gave an interpretation of Revelation 20 that was consistent with:

—a plain reading of St. John’s chronology;

—St. Peter’s teaching that “with the Lord, one day is like a thousand years and a thousand years like one day,” (2 Pet 3:8); 

—and with what the early Church Fathers also taught, marking human history from 4000 B.C., and that…

…there should follow on the completion of six thousand years, as of six days, a kind of seventh-day Sabbath in the succeeding thousand years… And this opinion would not be objectionable, if it were believed that the joys of the saints, in that Sabbath, shall be духовна, и последователно на присуство на Бога... - Св. Августин од Хипос (354-430 г. н.е.),Градот Божји, Бк. XX, Ch. 7

This was precisely the conclusion of a Theological Commission in 1952 that published Поуките на Католичката црква,

…hope in some mighty triumph of Christ here on earth before the final consummation of all things. Such an occurrence is not excluded, is not impossible, it is not all certain that there will not be a prolonged period of triumphant Christianity before the end… If before that final end there is to be a period, more or less prolonged, of triumphant sanctity, such a result will be brought about not by the apparition of the person of Christ in Majesty but by the operation of those powers of sanctification which are now at work, the Holy Ghost and the Sacraments of the Church. -Настава за католичката црква: Резиме на католичката доктрина, The MacMillan Company, 1952), p. 1140

I won’t go any further into how and why this coming of the kingdom of Christ “on earth as it is in heaven” was obscured and misunderstood. You can read about that in Како ерата изгубена. But I will conclude by asking a question: if the teaching of a coming “era of peace” before the consummation of all things is a heresy taught by the Church Fathers—a teaching they say came straight from the Apostle John—then што друго should we now call into question that also came from John? The Real Presence of the Eucharist? The incarnation of the Word made flesh? I think you get my point. The reason the Catholic Church is what it is today is precisely because it has been верен to the early Church Fathers and the “deposit of faith.”

… Ако треба да се појави некое ново прашање за кое не е донесено такво решение, тогаш треба да се повикаат на мислењата на светите Отци, на оние барем, кои секој во свое време и место останува во единството на заедништво и на верата, беа прифатени како одобрени господари; и без оглед на тоа што може да се смета за овие, со еден ум и со една согласност, ова треба да се смета за вистинска и католичка доктрина на Црквата, без никакво сомневање или скрупулт. —St. Vincent of Lerins, Commonitory of 434 A.D., “For the Antiquity and Universality of the Catholic Faith Against the Profane Novelties of All Heresies”, Ch. 29, n. 77

Perhaps it is time that we re-examine the apocalyptic Scriptures in light of the fact that Our Lady is herself teaching what is already in front of our noses.

Да, на Фатима беше ветено чудо, најголемото чудо во историјата на светот, второ по Воскресението. И, тоа чудо ќе биде ера на мирот, која никогаш порано не му била дадена на светот. —Cardinal Mario Luigi Ciappi, papal theologian for Pius XII, John XXIII, Paul VI, John Paul I, and John Paul II; October 9th, 1994; Семејниот катехизам; стр. 35

Позначајните за пророштвата што се темелат на „последниве времиња“ се чини дека имаат еден заеднички крај, да објават големи несреќи што се претпоставуваат над човештвото, триумфот на Црквата и обновата на светот. -Католичка енциклопедија, Prophecy, www.newadvent.org

Јас и секој друг православен христијанин чувствуваме сигурност дека ќе има воскресение на месото проследено со илјада години во повторно изграден, украсен и проширен град Ерусалим, како што најавија пророците Езекиел, Исаија и други… Човек меѓу нас именуван Јован, еден од Христовите апостоли, примил и претскажал дека следбениците на Христос ќе живеат во Ерусалим илјада години и дека после тоа ќе се случи универзалното и, на кратко, вечно воскресение и суд. - Св. Yrастин маченик, Дијалог со Трифо, Ch. 81, Отци на црквата, Христијанско наследство


Поврзани ЧИТАЊЕ

Rev. Joseph Iannuzzi has done an immense service to the Church in presenting a systematic theology of the “era of peace.” See his books Сјајност на создавањето Триумф на Божјето Царство во милениумот и крајот на времето, available on Amazon

Милениаризам - што е тоа и што не е

Што ако…?

Како ерата изгубена


Последните пресуди


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