
за четврток на Светата недела, 2 април 2015 година
Вечерна миса на последната вечера

Литургиски текстови овде


ИСУС бил соголен трипати за време на неговата страст. Првиот пат беше на Тајната вечера; втората кога Го облекоа во воена наметка; [1]сп. Мат 27: 28 и по трет пат, кога го закачија гол на Крстот. [2]сп. Јован 19: 23 Разликата помеѓу последните две и првата е во тоа што Исус „ги соблекол надворешните облеки“ самиот.

Do you realize what I have done for you? I have given you a model to follow, so that as I have done for you, you should also do. (Today’s Gospel)

Take off the “outer garment” of your will, He is saying, and put on the “towel” of My will. And what is His will? That we служат one another. This means far more, though, than simply “chipping in” with the chores. It means investing in the other, giving our whole self. It means stripping ourselves of our complacency, selfishness, and comfort zone so as to go out of ourselves, out of our fear, out of our laziness, out of our reservations and excuses, out of our homes and rectories, and find the sore and tired feet of our brethren, and wash them with an attentive love.

Ако јас, господарот и учителот, ти ги измивте нозете, вие треба да си ги миете нозете едни на други.

Have you ever had a conversation with someone who does not look at you, who listens with only one ear, who checks their cellphone, and changes the subject? What Jesus is teaching us is that we must give, and give our Целиот јас. Бар to another with your whole heart. And not only listen, but when they are hungry, feed them; when they are naked, clothe them; when they are alone, comfort them; when they are in prison, visit them. Yes, literally! What a stripping of the will this is! But Jesus does not water down His words: as I have done for you, you should also do.

Nor does Jesus only pour water over their feet, but He washes them со His holy hands. We can’t be afraid to “touch” the broken heart of another—not with platitudes, but with the investment of time and self. We can’t be afraid to feed the hungry with our own hands, to embrace a lonely soul, to smile at the stranger, and begin “seeking the happiness of others”. [3]Папата Францис, Евангели Гаудиум, н. 92 Catholic churches have become so clinically sterile—a country club of sorts. The world no longer believes our Gospel because we Sunday-goers have ceased to love како што нè Christубеше Христос, have ceased to be a “people of the towel and water.” [4]A beautiful expression of Servant of God Catherine de Hueck Doherty How many souls do we personally draw to Christ by the act of walking into a Church every Sunday? Rather…

Евангелизирачката заедница се вклучува со збор и дело во секојдневниот живот на луѓето; премостува растојанија, подготвен е да се смали ако е потребно и го опфаќа човечкиот живот, допирајќи го страдалното Христово месо кај другите. Така, евангелизаторите добиваат „мирис на овци“ и овците се подготвени да го слушнат нивниот глас. —ПОПАН ФАРНИЦА, Евангели Гаудиум, н. 24

How few and far between are the souls who actually се грижи today, who care with the Heart of Christ. No wonder we are so lonely. Oh that Jesus would come and wash our feet again with His holy hands.

Well, He wants to beloved—through you and me.

He loved his own in the world and he loved them to the end… (Gospel)

… Од сите нас се бара да го послушаме неговиот повик да излеземе од нашата сопствена зона за удобност за да стигнеме до сите „периферии“ на кои им е потребна светлината на Евангелието. —ПОПАН ФАРНИЦА, Евангели Гаудиум, н. 20

Precious in the eyes of the LORD is the death of his faithful ones. I am your servant, the son of your handmaid… (Today’s Psalm)



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Your “alms” are needed and appreciated. Bless you.

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1 сп. Мат 27: 28
2 сп. Јован 19: 23
3 Папата Францис, Евангели Гаудиум, н. 92
4 A beautiful expression of Servant of God Catherine de Hueck Doherty