आमच्या विश्वासाच्या रात्रीचे साक्षीदार

येशू हा एकमेव शुभवर्तमान आहे: आमच्याकडे आणखी काही सांगायचे नाही
किंवा इतर कोणताही साक्षीदार.
OPपॉप जॉन पॉल दुसरा
इव्हॅंजेलियम विटाए, एन. 80

आपल्या आजूबाजूला, या महावादळाचे वारे या गरीब मानवतेवर धडकू लागले आहेत. “जगातून शांतता काढून घेणाऱ्या” (रेव्ह 6:4) दुसऱ्या प्रकटीकरणाच्या स्वाराच्या नेतृत्वाखाली मृत्यूची दुःखद परेड आपल्या राष्ट्रांतून धैर्याने कूच करते. मग ते युद्ध, गर्भपात, इच्छामरण, द विषबाधा आपल्या अन्न, हवा आणि पाणी किंवा औषध शक्तिशाली च्या, अ मोठेपण माणसाला त्या लाल घोड्याच्या खुराखाली तुडवले जात आहे... आणि त्याची शांतता लुटले. ही "देवाची प्रतिमा" आहे जी आक्रमणाखाली आहे.

जो कोणी मानवी जीवनावर आक्रमण करतो तो स्वत: वर देवाचाच आक्रमण करतो. - पोप जॉन पॉल दुसरा, इव्हॅंजेलियम विटाए; एन. 10

Hence, wrote his successor:

Western society is a society in which God is absent in the public sphere and has nothing left to offer it. And that is why it is a society in which the measure of humanity is increasingly lost. At individual points it becomes suddenly apparent that what is evil and destroys man has become a matter of course. —मेरिटस पोप बेनेडिक्ट सोळावा, निबंध: 'चर्च आणि लैंगिक अत्याचाराचा घोटाळा'; कॅथोलिक बातम्या एजन्सीएप्रिल 10th, 2019

St. John Paul II clearly foresaw these times and did his best to warn the flock. इव्हॅंजेलियम विटाए is a powerful and prophetic document that serves as both a warning and instruction to the faithful for this final confrontation “between the Church and the anti-church, between the Gospel and the anti-gospel.” You’ve heard me quote those words a thousand times, but just listen to them once more: there is an anti-Church आणि एक गॉस्पेल विरोधी, he said. We might mistake this to mean atheism vs Christianity. But it is far more subtle and subversive… it is a false Church within the Church; a false gospel घातले into the true Gospel. Put another way, it is “weeds among the wheat.”[1]पहा When the Weeds begin to Head

Indeed, Our Lady warned recently that “Darnel has seized many hearts and they have become unfruitful.” [2]शांतीची आमची लेडी क्वीन allegedly to Marija, फेब्रुवारी 25, 2024

For the time is coming when people will not endure sound teaching, but having itching ears they will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own likings, and will turn away from listening to the truth and wander into myths. (२ तीम 2: १--4)

Darnel is known as a “mimic weed” because it looks almost identical to wheat plants right up until the seed heads form. But it’s poisonous — toxic to animals and humans alike.

Where there is darnel, there is treachery and toxicity. —Howard Thomas, Journal of Ethnobiology

So too, we hear new concepts emerging that seem to bear the appearance of love… but are devoid of the kernel of सत्य As bishops’ conferences have stated around the world, the recent document फिडुसिया सप्लिकन्स is the veritable poster child of this “anti-gospel.”

They disorient the Christian faithful by their confusing and ambiguous language. They adulterate and falsify the Word of God, willing to twist and bend it to gain the world’s approval. They are the Judas Iscariots of our time. -कार्डिनल सारा, कॅथोलिक हेराल्डएप्रिल 5th, 2019

So now, you and I have awoken to a world that is not only anti-life, to the degree of what appears to be a deliberate programme of लोकसंख्या underway, but to a powerful segment of the Church that is दया-विरोधी. Not in the sense of being विरुद्ध mercy, but twisting what खरी दया is — to the point of distorting the very purpose of Christ’s death and resurrection: to save us from our sin.

Hence, we arrived at the hour of the Church’s own Passion…

आमचे ध्येय आठवत आहे!

“Walk as children of light … and try to learn what is pleasing to the Lord. Take no part in the unfruitful works of darkness” (Eph 5:8, 10-11)

But even in the face of this overwhelming “beast”, St. John Paul II provides what our response ought to be. Naturally, it means building a culture of life where Christians truly value and defend human life from conception to natural death. But it goes much further: it is returning to the very mission of the Church:

The Church has received the Gospel as a proclamation and a source of joy and salvation… Born from this evangelizing activity, the Church hears every day the echo of Saint Paul’s words of warning: “Woe to me if I do not preach the Gospel!” (1 Cor 9:16). As Paul VI wrote, “evangelization is the grace and vocation proper to the Church, her deepest identity. She exists in order to evangelize”. -इव्हॅंजेलियम विटाए, एन. 78

Thus he says,

While the urgent need for such a cultural transformation is linked to the present historical situation, it is also rooted in the Church’s mission of evangelization. The purpose of the Gospel, in fact, is “to transform humanity from within and to make it new”. Like the yeast which leavens the whole measure of dough (cf. Mt 13:33), the Gospel is meant to permeate all cultures and give them life from within, so that they may express the full truth about the human person and about human life. -इव्हॅंजेलियम विटाए, एन. 95

Indeed, how would we ultimately transform our present situation into a “culture of life” without heralding He who declared: ‘I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life”? This means that you and I have an obligation, not only to be witnesses in how we live and act, but to be those who proclaim the name of Jesus to those around us — literally!

... उत्कृष्ट साक्षीदार दीर्घकाळ तो निष्फळ ठरतो, जर त्याचे स्पष्टीकरण दिले गेले नाही, न्याय्य ठरेल ... आणि प्रभु येशूच्या स्पष्ट आणि स्पष्ट उद्घोषणाद्वारे स्पष्ट केले गेले तर. जीवनाच्या साक्षीने घोषित केलेली सुवार्ता लवकर किंवा नंतर जीवनाच्या संदेशाद्वारे घोषित केली जावी. नासरेथच्या येशूच्या देवाचे नाव, शिकवण, जीवन, आश्वासने, राज्य आणि रहस्य हे नाव जाहीर केले नाही तर खरा सुवार्ता नाही. OPपॉप एसटी पॉल सहावा, इव्हंगेली नुनतींडी, एन. 22; व्हॅटिकन.वा

I know this stretches our comfort zone. It is so much easier to just be nice. It’s so much more peaceful to just be conciliatory. But again, “Woe to me if I do not preach the Gospel!” Woe to us if we are cowards!

The Western Church has fallen asleep to the point of having fallen away. We hardly know the meaning of the word “martyrdom” any longer. But it is time for us to recover that kind of courage, that kind of boldness, that kind of प्रेम. Because if we don’t, we risk losing our faith in this Great Storm.

एकविसाव्या शतकात जिवंत आणि भरभराट करणारे एकमेव कॅथोलिक कुटुंब शहीदांची कुटुंबे आहेत. -सर्व्हेंट ऑफ गॉड, फ्र. जॉन ए. हार्डन, एसजे, धन्य वर्जिन आणि कुटुंबाचे पावित्र्य

We have scarcely begun the trials of this Storm that will indeed “shake the faith of many.”[3]कॅथोलिक चर्च च्या catechism, एन. 675 We need to implore the Holy Spirit to help us be “sold out” for Jesus, to raise our eyes above this temporal and passing plain to the Kingdom of Heaven. We need to quickly shake ourselves from apathy and cowardice and awaken from the sleep of comfort and materialism. We need to return to Confession, to take up fasting and daily prayer. We need to take our spiritual lives गंभीरपणे because the lukewarm are about to be spit out (Rev 3:216).

Going Out With a Blaze…

But if you think this is a call to “doom and gloom,” you have sadly misread. It is a call to glory, to being totally free sons and daughters who rise above the weight and morass of this world. Therein lies the secret joy of the saints: in losing themselves, they found themselves. Let us prepare to go out in a blaze of glory, denying ourselves and our possessions, and making our witness and our last word the name of येशू. For, said John Paul II, “to proclaim Jesus is itself to proclaim life.”[4]इव्हॅंजेलियम विटाए, एन. 80

अशी मूल्ये आहेत जी मोठ्या मूल्यासाठी कधीही सोडली जाऊ शकत नाहीत आणि भौतिक जीवनाची बचत करण्यापलीकडेही जाऊ शकत नाहीत. शहादत आहे. देव केवळ शारीरिक अस्तित्वापेक्षा अधिक आहे. एक जीवन जे देवाच्या नकाराने विकत घेतले जाईल, जे शेवटचे खोटे यावर आधारित आहे, ते जीवन आहे. शहीद होणे ही ख्रिश्चन अस्तित्वाची एक मूलभूत श्रेणी आहे. बॅकल आणि इतर बर्‍याच जणांनी वकिलांच्या सिद्धांतात शहादत यापुढे नैतिकदृष्ट्या आवश्यक नसते हे दर्शवते की ख्रिस्ती धर्माचे सार येथेच धोक्यात आले आहे ... आजची चर्च नेहमीपेक्षा “शहीदांची चर्च” पेक्षा जास्त आहे आणि अशा प्रकारे जिवंतपणाचा साक्षीदार आहे देव. —मेरिटस पोप बेनेडिक्ट सोळावा, निबंध: 'चर्च आणि लैंगिक अत्याचाराचा घोटाळा'; कॅथोलिक बातम्या एजन्सीएप्रिल 10th, 2019

शुभवर्तमानाची लाज बाळगण्याची ही वेळ नाही. छप्परांवरून हा उपदेश करण्याची वेळ आली आहे. —POPE ST. JOHN PAUL II, Homily, Cherry Creek State Park Homily, Denver, Colorado, August 15th, 1993; व्हॅटिकन.वा

मी तरुणांना सुवार्तेकडे आपले मन उघडण्यासाठी आणि ख्रिस्ताचे साक्षीदार होण्यासाठी आमंत्रित करू इच्छितो; आवश्यक असल्यास, त्याचे हुतात्मा-साक्षी, तिसर्‍या मिलेनियमच्या उंबरठ्यावर. —POPE ST. JOHN PAUL II to the youth, Spain, 1989


मार्कच्या पूर्ण-वेळेच्या सेवेला पाठिंबा द्या:


सह निहिल ओबस्टेट


मार्क इन सह प्रवास करणे अगोदर निर्देश केलेल्या बाबीसंबंधी बोलताना आता शब्द,
खाली बॅनर वर क्लिक करा सदस्यता.
आपले ईमेल कोणाबरोबरही शेअर केले जाणार नाही.

आता टेलिग्रामवर. क्लिक करा:

MeWe वर मार्क आणि दररोजच्या “काळातील चिन्हे” चे अनुसरण करा:

मार्कच्या लेखनाचे येथे अनुसरण करा:

पुढील गोष्टी ऐका:


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1 पहा When the Weeds begin to Head
2 शांतीची आमची लेडी क्वीन allegedly to Marija, फेब्रुवारी 25, 2024
3 कॅथोलिक चर्च च्या catechism, एन. 675
4 इव्हॅंजेलियम विटाए, एन. 80
पोस्ट घर.