Fundamentali Kattoliku?


MINN qarrej:

Jien kont qrajt is-serje "pataflun ta 'profeti foloz" tiegħek, u biex ngħidlek il-verità, jien ftit imħasseb. Ħa nispjega ... Jiena konvertit riċenti għall-Knisja. Darba kont Ragħaj Protestant fundamentalist tat- "tip l-iktar ħarxa" - jien kont bigott! Imbagħad xi ħadd tani ktieb mill-Papa Ġwanni Pawlu II - u jien inħobb il-kitba ta 'dan ir-raġel. Irriżenjajt minn Pastor fl-1995 u fl-2005 dħalt fil-Knisja. Mort l-Università Franġiskana (Steubenville) u sibt Masters fit-Teoloġija.

Imma hekk kif qrajt il-blog tiegħek — rajt xi ħaġa li ma għoġbitnix — immaġni tiegħi nnifsi 15-il sena ilu. Qed nistaqsi, għax ħlejt meta tlaqt mill-Protestantiżmu Fundamentali li ma nissostitwixxix fundamentaliżmu għal ieħor. Ħsibijiet tiegħi: oqgħod attent li ma ssirx daqshekk negattiv li titlef il-vista tal-missjoni.

Huwa possibbli li hemm entità bħal "Kattolika Fundamentaliista?" Ninkwieta dwar l-element eteronomiku fil-messaġġ tiegħek.

The reader here raises an important question: are my writings overly negative? After writing about “false prophets,” am I perhaps a “false prophet” myself, blinded by a spirit of “doom and gloom,” and thus, unhinged from reality such that I have lost sight of my mission? Am I, after all is said and done, simply a “Fundamentalist Catholic?”



There is a popular saying that it makes little sense to “re-arrange the deck chairs on the Titanic.” That is, when the ship is going down, the most important thing at that point becomes survival: helping others into the safety boats, and getting into one before the ship sinks.  Crisis, by its nature, takes on an urgency of its own.

The above is an appropriate image for both what is occurring to the Church today and the mission of this apostolate: to brings souls into the safe refuge of Christ in these troubling times. But before I say another word, let me point out that this is mhux the view of some if not ħafna bishops in the Church today. Indeed, there is little sense of urgency or even crisis apparent among most bishops. However, the same cannot be said for the “Bishop of Rome,” the Holy Father. In truth, it is the Pope whom I have been following carefully for many years like a lighthouse in the darkness. For I have found no where else such a powerful blend of reality and hope, truth and tough love, authority and anointing like I have heard coming from the popes. For the sake of brevity, let me focus primarily on his Holiness, Pope Benedict XVI.

In an interview with Peter Seewald in 2001, then Cardinal Ratzinger said,

To begin with, the Church “will be numerically reduced.” When I made this affirmation, I was overwhelmed with reproaches of pessimism. And today, when all prohibitions seem obsolete, among them those that refer to what has been called pessimism… often, is nothing other than healthy realism… —(POPE BENEDICT XVI) On the Future of Christianity, Zenit News Agency, October 1, 2001;

This “healthy realism” was expressed most vividly just weeks before he was elected Pope when—using our Titanic reference again—he said the Catholic Church is like…

... dgħajsa waslet biex tinżel, dgħajsa tieħu l-ilma fuq kull naħa. —Kardinal Ratzinger, 24 ta 'Marzu, 2005, Meditazzjoni tal-Ġimgħa l-Kbira fit-Tielet Fall ta ’Kristu

However, we know in the end that the boat does mhux sink. That the “gates of hell will not prevail against it.” [1]16 Matt: 18 And yet, this does not mean that the Church will not experience suffering, persecution, scandal, and ultimately…

…a final trial that will shake the faith of many believers. —Katekiżmu tal-Knisja Kattolika (KDK), 675

Thus, the mission of the Holy Father (and so in many ways my own) has been to throw “lifejackets” (the truth) to those on board, to reach out to those who have fallen into the water (message of mercy), and to help into the “Life-boat” (the Arka l-Kbira) as many souls as possible. But here is a crucial point: why would others put on a lifejacket or step into a lifeboat if they are convinced that not only is the ship mhux sinking, but that the deck chairs would look much better facing the pool?

It is clear, as we briefly examine the words of the Holy Father, that there is a serious crisis throughout vast portions of the Church and broader society itself, and many do not yet realize it. And not only the Church, but the great vessel of humanity itself is “taking in water on every side.” We are now in a stat ta 'emerġenza



Here, then, is a synopsis of the Holy Father’s description, in his words, of this “state of emergency.” Hang on for some “healthy realism”—this is mhux for the faint of heart…

Following his predecessor’s lead, Pope Benedict warned that there is a “growing dictatorship of relativism” in which the “final measure of all things [is] nothing but the self and its appetites.” [2]Il-Kardinal Ratzinger, Ftuħ Omelija fil-Konklavi, 18 ta 'April, 2004 This moral relativism, he warned, is resulting in “a dissolution of the image of man, with extremely grave consequences.” [3]Cardinal Ratzinger in a speech on European identity, May, 14, 2005, Rome The reason, he explained clearly to the world’s bishops in 2009, is that ‘in vast areas of the world the faith is in danger of dying out like a flame which no longer has fuel.’ He went on to say, ‘The real problem at this moment of our history is that God is disappearing from the human horizon, and, with the dimming of the light which comes from God, humanity is losing its bearings, with increasingly evident destructive effects.’ [4]Ittra tal-Qdusija Tiegħu l-Papa Benedittu XVI lill-Isqfijiet Kollha tad-Dinja, L-10 ta ’Marzu, 2009; Online Kattoliku

Among these destructive effects is the new potential for man to obliterate himse lf: “Today the prospect that the world might be reduced to ashes by a sea of fire no longer seems pure fantasy: man himself, with his inventions, has forged the flaming sword [of the vision of Fatima].”  [5]Il-Kardinal Ratzinger, Il-Messaġġ ta 'Fatima, minn Il-websajt tal-Vatikan Last year, he lamented this danger in a homily while in Spain: “Mankind has succeeded in unleashing a cycle of death and terror, but failed in bringing it to an end…” [6]Homily, Esplanade of the Shrine of Our Lady of Fátima, May 13th, 2010 In his encyclical on hope, Pope Benedict warned that, ‘If technical progress is not matched by corresponding progress in man’s ethical formation, in man’s inner growth, then it is not progress at all, but a threat for man and for the world.’ [7]Encyclical Letter, Spe salvi, n. 22 In fact, he pointed out in his first encyclical—in a direct reference to a rising godless new world order—that ‘without the guidance of charity in truth, this global force could cause unprecedented damage and create new divisions within the human family… humanity runs new risks of enslavement and manipulation.’ [8]Caritas in veritate, n.33, 26 This was essentially an echo of what the Second Vatican Council stated decades earlier: ‘the future of the world stands in peril unless wiser people are forthcoming.’ [9]cf. Familiaris Consortio, le. 8 Another terrible destructive effect of the rampant relativism in our times is the rape of the environment.  Pope Benedict warned that technological advancement is a trend that often goes “hand in hand with social and ecological disasters.” He continued saying that, “Every government must commit themselves to protecting nature in order to protect “the covenant between humanity and nature, without which the human family risks disappearing.” [10], Ġunju 9th, 2011

Again and again, the Holy Father has linked the global crisis to a spiritwali crisis, beginning with the Church, beginning with the knisja domestika, the family. “The future of the world and of the Church passes through the family,” said Blessed John Paul II. [11]ĠWANNI PAWLU II, Konsorzju Familiaris, n. 75 Just this past weekend, Pope Benedict sounded the alarm again in this regard: “Unfortunately, we are forced to acknowledge the spread of a secularization which leads to the exclusion of God from life and the increasing disintegration of the family, especially in Europe.” [12]Toronto Sun, June 5th, 2011, Zagreb, Croatia The very heart of the crisis goes back to the heart of the Gospel: a need to repent and believe again in the Good News. In a rather startling warning at the beginning of his papacy, Benedict sent notice: “The threat of judgment also concerns us, the Church in Europe, Europe and the West in general… the Lord is also crying out to our ears… “If you do not repent I will come to you and remove your lampstand from its place.” Light can also be taken away from us and we do well to let this warning ring out with its full seriousness in our hearts, while crying to the Lord: “Help us to repent!” [13]Ftuħ Omelija, Sinodu tal-Isqfijiet, 2 ta 'Ottubru, 2005, Ruma With that, the Holy Father sharply signaled that the Church and the world are facing a major crisis and that “rearranging the deck chairs” is no longer an option: “No one who looks realistically at our world today could think that Christians can afford to go on with business as usual, ignoring the profound crisis of faith which has overtaken our society, or simply trusting that the patrimony of values handed down by the Christian centuries will continue to inspire and shape the future of our society.” [14]POPE BENEDICT XVI, London, England, September 18th, 2010; Zenit

And thus, at the end of 2010, the Holy Father clearly warned of the dangerous precipice upon which humanity is teetering. Comparing our times to the collapse of the “Roman Empire,” the Holy Father pointed out that our day is seeing the collapse of a “moral consensus” upon that which is right and that which is wrong. He went on to say that “To resist this eclipse of reason and to preserve its capacity for seeing the essential, for seeing God and man, for seeing what is good and what is true, is the common interest that must unite all people of good will. The very future of the world is at stake.” [15]IL-PAPA BENEDITTU XVI, Indirizz lill-Kurja Rumana, 20 ta ’Diċembru, 2010



There are many other things the Holy Father has said, quoted here in meditation after meditation, but the above frames the picture that has been painted by several popes over the past two centuries. It’s just that din il-ġenerazzjoni in particular has arrived at a crucial moment: the very future of the world is at stake. Does this sound rather doom and gloomy? Is the Holy Father, then, a “Fundamentalist Catholic”? Or is he speaking prophetically to the world and the Church? I suppose one could be accused of only taking the negative comments from the Pope and highlighting them in my writings. And yet, how does one simply gloss over such warnings as we’ve just read? These are not insignificant comments when “the very future of the world is at stake."

One could summarize all of the above in the simple phrase of St. Paul:

Huwa qabel kollox, u fih kollox iżomm flimkien. (Kol 1:17)

That is, Jesus, through His life, death, and Resurrection, is the “glue” that holds the world together, that prevents sin from bringing about its wages, which is utter destruction—death. [16]Cf. Rom 6:23 Thus, the more we take Christ out of our families, institutions, cities, and nations, the more kaos takes His place. And thus I hope it is understood by my reader who is perhaps new to this website, that the mission here is preċiżament to prepare others by first waking them up to the times we are living in. Alas, the problem is that many simply don’t want to be woken up, or they find that the message of this website is too “hard,” too “negative,” too “dark and gloomy.”

It’s our very sleepiness to the presence of God that renders us insensitive to evil: we don’t hear God because we don’t want to be disturbed, and so we remain indifferent to evil… the disciples’ sleepiness is not a problem of that one moment, rather of the whole of history, ‘the sleepiness’ is ours, of those of us who do not want to see the full force of evil and do not want to enter into his Passion. ” —PAPA BENEDIKTU XVI, Aġenzija tal-Aħbarijiet Kattoliċi, il-Belt tal-Vatikan, 20 ta ’April, 2011, Udjenza Ġenerali

Such dispositions, he added, can lead to “a certain callousness of the soul towards the power of evil.”

But let me also note that the nearly 700 writings on this website also deal with the tremendous tama in our times. From God’s love and forgiveness, to the Early Church Father’s vision of a time of rest and restoration for the Church, to the comforting words of Our Mother and the message of Divine Mercy: tama is the essential theme here. In fact, I even began a webcast called Embracing Hope to put the said crisis in the context of our personal response to God—a response of hope and trust.

Pope Benedict assures us that the “triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary,” and thus the Church, is going to come. [17]cf. Dawl tad-Dinja: Il-Papa, il-Knisja, u s-Sinjali tat-Times, A Conversation with Peter Seewald, P. 166 Evil and disaster are not the last word. But we are truly blind or asleep if we fail to notice the flood of apostasy pouring through the portals of the Church and rising like a tsunami throughout the world. The Titanic is going down, that is, the Church kif nafuha. For a time, she will subsist in smaller, more humble Life-Boats—scattered faith communities. And that is not necessarily “bad” news.

Il-Knisja se titnaqqas fid-dimensjonijiet tagħha, ikun meħtieġ li terġa tibda. Madankollu, minn dan test a Church would emerge that will have been strengthened by the process of simplification it experienced, by its renewed capacity to look within itself… We must take note, with simplicity and realism. The mass Church may be something lovely, but it is not necessarily the Church’s only way of being. . —Ratzinger Kardinal (IL-BENEDITT TAL-PAPA XVI), Alla u d-Dinja, 2001; Interview with Peter Seewald; On the Future of Christianity, Zenit News Agency, October 1, 2001;

If preparing others for this “test” makes me “negative,” then I am negative; if repeating these things often is “dark and gloomy,” then so be it; and if warning others of this present and coming crisis and triumph makes me a “Fundamentalist Catholic,” then so I am. Because it’s not about me (God made this very clear when this writing apostolate began); it’s about the salvation of souls floating in the mirky waters of relativism… or asleep on the deck chairs of the Barque of Peter. Iż-żmien huwa qasir (whatever that means), and I will continue to shout as long as the Lord compels me—no matter what label that puts me under.

At this point, however, we ask ourselves: “But is there no promise, no word of comfort… Is the threat the last word?” No! There is a promise, and this is the last, the essential word: …”I am the vine, you are the branches. He who lives in me and I in him will produce abundantly” (Ġw 15: 5). With these words of the Lord, John illustrates for us the final, true outcome of the history of God’s vineyard. God does not fail. In the end he wins, love wins. —PAPA BENEDITTU XVI, Ftuħ Omelija, Sinodu tal-Isqfijiet, 2 ta 'Ottubru, 2005, Ruma.



It is easy to see why some would begin to doubt the urgency of the Holy Father’s statements. After all, we get up in the morning, we go to work, we eat our meals… everything goes on as usual. And at this time of the year in the northern hemisphere, the grass, trees, and flowers have all sprung to life, and one can easily look around and say, “Ah, creation is good!” And it is! It is wonderful! It is a “second Gospel” said Aquinas.

And yet, it is not all wonderful. Aside from the spiritual crisis described by the Holy Father, there is a massive food crisis imminenti over the entire globe. And while Westerners may be enjoying relative peace and prosperity at this moment, the same cannot be said for billions throughout the world. While we seek the latest smartphone, millions today are still looking for their first meal. The lack of basic necessities and freedoms can throw entire nations into revolution, and thus, we are seeing the first convulsions of a Rivoluzzjoni Globali.

…the elimination of world hunger has also, in the global era, become a requirement for safeguarding the peace and stability of the planet. —POPE BENEDICT XVI, Caritas in Veritate, Encyclical, n. 27

How, one might ask, will the Church be “reduced,” “scattered,” and forced to “begin again?” Persecution is the crucible that purifies the Bride of Christ. But what we are speaking of here is on a fuq skala globali. How could such a universal persecution take place? Through a universal system. That is, a New World Order that has no room for Christianity. But how can such a ‘global force’ come about? We are already witnessing its beginnings.

I shared here the seemingly “prophetic” words that came to me in prayer at the start of 2008:

Dan huwa l- Sena tal-Iżvolġiment...

Those were followed in the spring by the words:

Malajr ħafna issa.

The sense was that events around the world were going to unfold very rapidly. I saw in my heart three “orders” collapse, one upon the other like dominoes:

L-ekonomija, imbagħad dik soċjali, imbagħad l-ordni politiku.

From this, would rise a New World Order. Then in October of that year, I sensed the Lord say:

 Ibni, ipprepara għall-provi li issa jibdew.

As we know now, the “economic bubble” burst, and according to many economists, the worst is yet to come. These are headlines from just the past week:

"We Are on the Verge of a Very Great, Great Depression '

"Horrible Economic Data Continues"

"Fine Line Between Slowdown and Stall"

In terms of timelines, no one can say for certain when or even wha t is coming in the months ahead. But I’ve never been concerned here with dates. The message is simply to “prepare” the heart for the changes that have been forecast by the popes and echoed in the apparitions of the Blessed Mother. That preparation is essentially no different than that which we should be doing kuljum in a healthy relationship with God: a readiness to meet Him at any moment for one’s own particular judgment. 

Is it fundamentalist or negative to speak of the imminent realities of our times, elucidated by the Holy Father?

Or could it even be karita '?






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Noti f'qiegħ il-paġna

Noti f'qiegħ il-paġna
1 16 Matt: 18
2 Il-Kardinal Ratzinger, Ftuħ Omelija fil-Konklavi, 18 ta 'April, 2004
3 Cardinal Ratzinger in a speech on European identity, May, 14, 2005, Rome
4 Ittra tal-Qdusija Tiegħu l-Papa Benedittu XVI lill-Isqfijiet Kollha tad-Dinja, L-10 ta ’Marzu, 2009; Online Kattoliku
5 Il-Kardinal Ratzinger, Il-Messaġġ ta 'Fatima, minn Il-websajt tal-Vatikan
6 Homily, Esplanade of the Shrine of Our Lady of Fátima, May 13th, 2010
7 Encyclical Letter, Spe salvi, n. 22
8 Caritas in veritate, n.33, 26
9 cf. Familiaris Consortio, le. 8
10, Ġunju 9th, 2011
11 ĠWANNI PAWLU II, Konsorzju Familiaris, n. 75
12 Toronto Sun, June 5th, 2011, Zagreb, Croatia
13 Ftuħ Omelija, Sinodu tal-Isqfijiet, 2 ta 'Ottubru, 2005, Ruma
14 POPE BENEDICT XVI, London, England, September 18th, 2010; Zenit
15 IL-PAPA BENEDITTU XVI, Indirizz lill-Kurja Rumana, 20 ta ’Diċembru, 2010
16 Cf. Rom 6:23
17 cf. Dawl tad-Dinja: Il-Papa, il-Knisja, u s-Sinjali tat-Times, A Conversation with Peter Seewald, P. 166
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