Tkeċċi l-Ħakkiem ta 'Din id-Dinja

għas-20 ta 'Mejju, 2014
It-Tlieta tal-Ħames Ġimgħa tal-Għid

Testi Liturġiċi hawn



"IR-REBĦA fuq il- "prinċep ta 'din id-dinja" ntrebaħ darba għal dejjem fis-Siegħa meta Ġesù liberament ta ruħu għall-mewt biex jagħtina ħajtu.' [1]Katekiżmu tal-Knisja Kattolika, le. 2853 Is-Saltna ta ’Alla ilha ġejja mill-Aħħar Ċena, u tkompli tidħol f’nofsna permezz tal-Ewkaristija Mqaddsa. [2]CCC, n. 2816 Kif jgħid is-Salm tal-lum, "Is-saltna tiegħek hija saltna għall-etajiet kollha, u l-ħakma tiegħek tibqa 'għaddejja matul il-ġenerazzjonijiet kollha." Jekk dan hu hekk, għaliex Ġesù jgħid fil-Vanġelu tal-lum:

I will no longer speak much with you, for the ruler of the world is coming.(?)

If the “ruler of the world is coming,” does that not imply that Satan still has power? The answer lies in what Jesus says next:

He has no power over me…

Okay, but what about you and me? Does the Devil have power over us? That answer is kondizzjonali. With the death and resurrection of Jesus, Our Lord broke the power of eterna death upon the human race. As St. Paul wrote…

…he brought you to life along with him, having forgiven us all our transgressions; obliterating the bond against us, with its legal claims, which was opposed to us, he also removed it from our midst, nailing it to the cross; despoiling the principalities and the powers, he made a public spectacle of them, leading them away in triumph by it. (Col 2:13-15)

Jiġifieri dak mingħajr is the legal claim that Satan held over the human race. But because of Christ’s atonement, whoever repents of sin and puts his faith in Him, is freed from those legal claims—his sins are nailed to the Cross. So when Jesus says to the Apostles…

Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you… Do not let your hearts be troubled or afraid.

…the peace He gives (not as the world gives) is contingent upon our following, obeying, and trusting in Him. A baptized soul who falls into mortal sin hands back to Satan what Christ claimed. And so, while there is still time, the powers and principalities, world rulers and evil spirits in the heavens [3]cf. Ef 6:12 are battling to gain back what Christ has won, but only as much as they can: soul by soul through the doorway of human free will. Thus, as St. Paul says:

It is necessary for us to undergo many hardships to enter the Kingdom of God. (First reading)

So what shall we do? If you want to be free of the power of Satan, then live between the Confessional and the Altar. The former erases any power that you have temporarily handed over to Satan; the latter invites Jesus present in the Eucharist to live within you. And if He is living in you, then you can say with Jesus: “Satan has no power over me.” [4]In cases where one has opened himself to Satan through vows, pacts, curses, spells, the occult, witchcraft, etc. he may have given darkness a greater foothold that requires prayer and fasting, and in extreme cases, exorcism.

And if you live between the Confessional and the Altar in God’s will, then Christ will reign in and through you, as He promised in yesterday’s Gospel: “Whoever loves me will keep my word, and my Father will love him, and we will come to him and make our dwelling with him.” Such a soul has the power of Christ to trample upon serpents and scorpions, [5]cf. Luqa 10:19 and like St. Paul, become a fearless witness of the Word of God. For perfect love casts out all fear, indeed, casts out the ruler of this world.

Nafu li aħna ta ’Alla, u d-dinja kollha tinsab taħt il-qawwa tal-ħażen. (1 Ġwanni 5:19)






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Noti f'qiegħ il-paġna

Noti f'qiegħ il-paġna
1 Katekiżmu tal-Knisja Kattolika, le. 2853
2 CCC, n. 2816
3 cf. Ef 6:12
4 In cases where one has opened himself to Satan through vows, pacts, curses, spells, the occult, witchcraft, etc. he may have given darkness a greater foothold that requires prayer and fasting, and in extreme cases, exorcism.
5 cf. Luqa 10:19