Tlestija tal-Kors

għas-30 ta 'Mejju, 2017
It-Tlieta tas-Seba ’Ġimgħa tal-Għid

Testi Liturġiċi hawn


HERE kien raġel li kien jobgħod lil Ġesù Kristu ... sakemm iltaqa 'miegħu. Il-Laqgħa ta ’l-Imħabba Pura tagħmlek dak. San Pawl mar milli jieħu l-ħajja tal-Insara, biex f’daqqa waħda joffri ħajtu bħala wieħed minnhom. B'kuntrast qawwi mal- "martri ta 'Allah" tal-lum, li kodardi jaħbu wiċċhom u jgħaqqdu l-bombi fuqhom infushom biex joqtlu nies innoċenti, San Pawl żvela l-martirju veru: li jagħti lilu nnifsu għall-ieħor. Hu ma ħeba la lilu nnifsu u lanqas lill-Vanġelu, bl-imitazzjoni tas-Salvatur tiegħu. 

I served the Lord with all humility and with the tears and trials… I did not at all shrink from telling you what was for your benefit, or from teaching you in public or in your homes. (Today’s first reading)

Fi żmienna stess, il-prezz li għandu jitħallas għall-fedeltà lejn l-Evanġelju m’għadux jiġi mdendel, miġbud u mqassam imma spiss jinvolvi li jitkeċċa minn idejh, jiġi redikolat jew parodjat. U madankollu, il-Knisja ma tistax tirtira mill-kompitu li tħabbar lil Kristu u l-Vanġelu tiegħu bħala verità li ssalva, is-sors tal-hena aħħari tagħna bħala individwi u bħala l-pedament ta ’soċjetà ġusta u umana. —PAPA BENEDIKTU XVI, Londra, l-Ingilterra, it-18 ta ’Settembru, 2010; Zenit

How much has changed in just a few years! Now indeed, Christians throughout the Middle East are being tortured and slain as, like St. Paul, they are refusing to deny their Lord. How can we, who shrink at the slightest scoff from our colleagues, friends or family, not be inspired to be more courageous when we read words like these?

…in one city after another the Holy Spirit has been warning me that imprisonment and hardships await me. Yet I consider life of no importance to me, if only I may finish my course and the ministry that I received from the Lord Jesus, to bear witness to the Gospel of God’s grace.

For myself, it is not only these words, but tiegħek words that have inspired me. Last month, I appealed to readers to help me in this full-time apostolate that depends upon Divine Providence. While less than two percent of readers responded, those who did, amazed and blessed us at their generosity and encouraging words. There were widows on fixed incomes, the unemployed, students, seniors, and priests who contributed to this ministry, who gave “until it hurt”, as St. Teresa of Calcutta used to say. 

A bountiful rain you showered down, O God, upon your inheritance… (Today’s Psalm)

Moreover, the words of encouragement you sent in emails, cards, and letters touched me immensely, and opened my eyes further to how this is a work far beyond this little singer/songwriter (Ezekiel 33: 31-32).

Now they know that everything you gave me is from you, because the words you gave to me I have given to them, and they accepted them… (Today’s Gospel)

You also poured out your hearts with the sorrow, pains, divisions, health problems, financial issues, and other strains that you and your families are facing, asking for my prayers. Today, I placed all these prayers into the Tabernacle, so to speak, for Our Lord to answer your cries, according to His will. Yes, I pray kull day for you and your intentions, entrusting them to Our Lady in the Rosary, and will continue to do so.

Blessed day by day be the Lord, who bears our burdens; God, who is our salvation. God is a saving God for us… (Today’s Psalm)

It is also in tears today that I entreated the Lord to give me the strength to continue writing, to continue listening, to not fall asleep… to finish the course, as I see the most troubling clouds of this Storm gathering on the horizon. So, thank you, too, for your prayers.

Last, there is a little saying that goes:

If you forget me, you have lost nothing. If you forget Jesus Christ, you have lost everything.

The most important thing I can ever do here is, not to make you aware to the “signs of the times”—which is important—but to bring you to a deeper love and knowledge of the Holy Trinity.

Now this is eternal life, that they should know you, the only true God, and the one whom you sent, Jesus Christ. (Today’s Gospel)

This is and always will be my goal. That everything would always lead you to a deeper relationship with Jesus, and through Him, with God the Father through the Holy Spirit. When God lives in your heart—that is Pure and Perfect Love—then all fear will be cast out.[1]1 John 4: 18 And then, you will be able to face any storm with grace, light, and hope.

In gratitude for you…

Int maħbub.



Ix-Xhud Kristjan Martri

Bierek u grazzi.


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1 1 John 4: 18