Jippersisti fid-Dnub

għas-7 ta 'April, 2014
It-Tnejn tal-Ħames Ġimgħa tar-Randan

Testi Liturġiċi hawn

Il-Wied tad-Dell tal-Mewt, George Inness, (1825-1894)



ON Is-Sibt filgħaxija, kelli l-privileġġ li mmexxi grupp ta ’żgħażagħ u numru żgħir ta’ adulti fl-Adorazzjoni Ewkaristika. Hekk kif inħarsu lejn il-wiċċ Ewkaristiku ta ’Ġesù, nisimgħu l-kliem li Hu qal permezz ta’ Santa Fawstina, ikanta ismu waqt li oħrajn marru għall-Qrar ... l-imħabba u l-ħniena ta ’Alla niżlu bil-qawwa fuq il-kamra.

We were all sinners gathered there, some more than others. Yes, I’m sure there were many like Susanna in today’s first reading—beautiful, innocent souls who nonetheless knelt before Jesus with tears in their eyes, caught in the crossfire of life’s injustices and sorrows. And then there were others, like the adultress in today’s Gospel, who suddenly found themselves, like her, exposed at the feet of Jesus. But the quiet weeping, the many tears that fell, the gentle sighs… it was a sign that the Good Shepherd was entering into the “dark valley” of souls, whispering to them…

O ruħ mgħaddsa fid-dlam, taqtax qalbek. Kollox għadu mhux mitluf. Ejjew u kunfidu f’Alla tiegħek, li hu mħabba u ħniena ... Ħalli l-ebda ruħ ma tibża ’tersaq lejja, anke jekk id-dnubiet tagħha jkunu iskarlatini ... Ma nistax nikkastiga lanqas lill-akbar midneb jekk jagħmel appell għall-kompassjoni Tiegħi, għall-kuntrarju, niġġustifikah fil-ħniena insondabbli u skrutinabbli Tiegħi. —Jesus lil Santa Fawstina, Ħniena Divina fir-Ruħ Tiegħi, Djarju, n. 1486, 699, 1146

Għax Alla ma bagħatx lil Ibnu fid-dinja biex jikkundanna d-dinja, imma biex id-dinja tiġi salvata permezz tiegħu. (Ġwanni 3:17)

But I pray that there were none like the two wicked elders in today’s first reading. They too were as guilty as the adultress in the Gospel; the lust of their hearts led them into sin as well. But rather than listen to their conscience; rather than obey the commandments; rather than welcome the “rod and the staff” that would have led them from the valley of death, they persisted in their evil. And they died in it.

If we willfully persist in serious sin; if we refuse to turn away from evil; if we ignore the voice of the Good Shepherd who says, “Go, and from now on do not sin any more”… then it is the Word of God that will lay us bare before the Judgment seat. We will condemn ourselves.

Jekk aħna nidinbu apposta wara li nirċievu l-għarfien tal-verità, ma jibqax sagrifiċċju għad-dnubiet imma prospett tal-biża 'ta' ġudizzju u nar li jaqbad li se jikkunsmaw lill-avversarji. (Lhud 10:26)

Do not be deceived, dear brothers and sisters! Christ died to neħħi dnubietna. But if we cling to them… we will keep them forever.

So do not be afraid of your past! Don’t despair for all you have done and failed to do. For right now, the Good Shepherd is ready to lead you to restful waters and greener pastures, to refresh your soul as He lays out a banquet of mercy before you—and before Satan who condemns you.

For if you let go of your sins… Jesus will take them away forever.

Be not afraid of your Savior, O sinful soul. I make the first move to come to you, for I know that by yourself you are unable to lift yourself to me. Child, do not run away from your Father; be willing to talk openly with your God of mercy who wants to speak words of pardon and lavish his graces on you. How dear your soul is to Me! I have inscribed your name upon My hand; you are engraved as a deep wound in My Heart… A soul’s greatest wretchedness does not enkindle Me with wrath; but rather, My Heart is moved towards it with great mercy… Ejja, mela, bil-fiduċja biex tiġbed grazzji minn din il-funtana. Qatt ma nirrifjuta qalb kontri. Il-miżerja tiegħek sparixxiet fil-fond tal-ħniena Tiegħi. Targumentax Miegħi dwar il-miżerja tiegħek. Tagħtini pjaċir jekk tgħaddili l-inkwiet u n-niket kollha tiegħek. Jien se nġemma fuqek it-teżori tal-grazzja Tiegħi. —Jesus lil Santa Fawstina, Ħniena Divina fir-Ruħ Tiegħi, Djarju, n. 1485, 1739, 1485





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