Il-Beati Helpers

Jum 6

mary-mother-of-god-holding-sagru-heart-bible-rosary-2_FotorArtist Mhux Magħruf


U għalhekk, il-ħajja spiritwali jew “interjuri” tikkonsisti f'kooperazzjoni mal-grazzja sabiex il-ħajja divina ta 'Ġesù tgħix fija u permezz tiegħi. Allura jekk il-Kristjaneżmu jikkonsisti f'li Ġesù jiġi ffurmat fija, kif Alla se jagħmel dan possibbli? Hawnhekk hawn mistoqsija għalik: Alla kif għamilha possibbli l-ewwel darba biex Ġesù jkun iffurmat fil-laħam? It - tweġiba hija permezz tal - Ispirtu s-Santu u, Mary.

Dan huwa l-mod kif Ġesù huwa dejjem konċepit. Dan huwa l-mod kif Hu jiġi riprodott fl-erwieħ. Huwa dejjem il-frott tas-sema u l-art. Żewġ artiġjani għandhom jaqblu fix-xogħol li huwa fl-istess ħin il-kapulavur ta 'Alla u l-prodott suprem tal-umanità: l-Ispirtu s-Santu u l-Verġni l-iktar qaddisa Marija ... għax huma l-uniċi li jistgħu jirriproduċu lil Kristu. —Arċisqof Luis M. Martinez, Il-Qaddis, p. 6

Through the Sacraments of Baptism and Confirmation, in particular, we receive the Holy Spirit. As St. Paul wrote:

God’s love has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit which has been given to us. (Rom 5:5)

Secondly, Mary was given to each of us at the foot of the Cross by Jesus Himself:

"Mara, ara, ibnek." Imbagħad qal lid-dixxiplu: "Ara, ommok." U minn dik is-siegħa d-dixxiplu ħa d-dar tiegħu. (Ġwanni 19: 26-27)

Working together, these two artisans can reproduce Jesus in us to the degree to which we co-operate with them. And how do we co-operate? By entering into a personal relationship with both. Yes, we often speak of a personal relationship with Jesus—but what about the Third Person of the Holy Trinity? No, the Spirit is not a bird or some kind of “cosmic energy” or force, but a real divine persuna, xi ħadd li jifraħ magħna, [1]cf. I Tess 1:6 imnikket magħna, [2]cf. Ef 4:30 jgħallimna, [3]cf. Ġwanni 16:13 jgħinna fid-dgħufija tagħna, [4]cf. Rum 8: 26 u jimliena bl-imħabba stess ta’ Alla. [5]cf. Rum 5: 5

And then there is the Blessed Mother, given to each of us as a spiritual mother. Here too, it is a matter of doing exactly what St. John did: “from that hour the disciple took her into his home.” When Jesus gives us His Mother, He is sad when we leave her outside the door of our hearts. For her motherhood was good enough for Him, so surely—God knows—it is good enough for us. And so, simply, invite Mary into your home, into your heart, like St. John.

Rather than go into the theology of Mary’s role in the Church—something I have already done through numerous writings (see the category Marija in the sidebar), I want to simply share with you what has happened to me since I invited this Mother into my life.

The act of giving oneself over to Mary’s motherhood in order that she and the Holy Spirit may teach, refine, and form Jesus within, is called “consecration”. It simply means dedicating oneself to Jesus permezz Mary, just the way Jesus dedicated His humanity to the Father through this same Woman. There are many ways to do this—from a simple prayer… to entering into a 33 day personal “retreat” through the writings of St. Louis de Montfort, or more popular today, 33 Jiem sa Morning Glory by Fr. Michael Gaitley (for a copy, go to

Several years ago, I did the prayers and preparation, which were powerful and moving. As the day of consecration approached, I could sense how special this giving of myself to my spiritual Mother would be. As a token of my love and gratitude, I decided to give Our Lady a bundle of flowers.

Kienet xi ħaġa tal-aħħar minuta ... Jien kont f'belt żgħira u ma kellix fejn immur ħlief il-maħżen tad-droga lokali. Inzertaw biss li kienu qed ibiegħu xi fjuri "misjura" fi tgeżwir tal-plastik. "Skużani omm ... huwa l-aħjar li nista 'nagħmel."

Mort il-Knisja, u wieqaf quddiem statwa ta ’Marija, għamilt il-konsagrazzjoni tiegħi lilha. L-ebda logħob tan-nar. Talba sempliċi ta ’impenn ... forsi bħall-impenn sempliċi ta’ Marija li tagħmel ix-xogħol ta ’kuljum f’dik id-dar żgħira f’Nazaret. Poġġejt il-pakkett imperfett ta 'fjuri f'riġlejha, ​​u mort id-dar.

Ġejt lura aktar tard dik il-lejla mal-familja tiegħi għall-Quddiesa. Hekk kif iffullajna fil-bankina, ħarist lejn l-istatwa biex nara l-fjuri tiegħi. Huma kienu marru! Ħasibt li l-kustodju probabbilment ta ħarsa lejhom u ċarrathom.

Imma meta ħarist lejn l-istatwa ta 'Ġesù ... there were my flowers, perfectly arranged in a vase—at the feet of Christ. Kien hemm saħansitra nifs tarbija mis-sema jaf fejn iżżejjen il-bukkett! Minnufih, ġejt infuż bil-fehim:

Mary takes us into her arms, as we are, poor, simple, and ragged… and presents us to Jesus clothed in her own mantle of holiness, saying, “This too is my child… receive him, Lord, for he is precious and beloved.”

She takes us to herself and makes us beautiful before God. Several years later, I read these words given by Our Lady to Sr. Lucia of Fatima:

[Ġesù] jrid jistabbilixxi fid-dinja devozzjoni lejn il-Qalb Bla Tebgħa tiegħi. Inwiegħed is-salvazzjoni lil dawk li jħaddnuha, u dawk l-erwieħ se jkunu maħbuba minn Alla bħal fjuri mqiegħda minni biex iżejnu t-tron Tiegħu. -Din l-aħħar linja dwar: "fjuri" tidher f'kontijiet preċedenti tad-dehriet ta 'Lucia. Cf. Fatima fi Kliem Propju Luċija: Il-Memorji ta ’Sor Lucia, Louis Kondor, SVD, p, 187, Nota 14 f'qiegħ il-paġna.

Since then, the more I fall in love with this Mother, the more I love Jesus. The more I draw close to her, the closer I draw to God. The more I surrender to her gentle direction, the more Jesus begins to live in me. No one knows Jesus Christ the way Mary does, and so, no one knows how to form us in the image of her Divine Son better than her.

And so, to close today’s meditation, here is a simple prayer of consecration to Mary that you can make right now, inviting her into your life as your permanent Retreat Master.


I, (Name), a faithless sinner,

renew and ratify today in thy hands, O Immaculate Mother,

il-wegħdiet tal-Magħmudija tiegħi;

I renounce forever Satan, his pomp and works;

and I give myself entirely to Jesus Christ, the Incarnate Wisdom,

biex inġorr is-salib tiegħi warajh il-jiem kollha ta ’ħajti,

and to be more faithful t o Him than I have ever been before.

In the presence of all the heavenly court,

I choose thee this day, for my Mother and Mistress

Jien inwassal u nikkonsagra lilek, bħala l-ilsir tiegħek,

ġismi u ruħi, l-oġġetti tiegħi, kemm interni kif ukoll esterni,

and even the value of all my good actions,

past, present and future; leaving to thee the entire and full right

of disposing  of me, and all that belongs to me,

without exception, according to thy good pleasure

for the greater glory of God, in time and in eternity.  Amen.



Jesus is reproduced in us through the motherhood of Mary and the power of the Holy Spirit. For Jesus promised:

The Advocate, the Holy Spirit that the Father will send in my name—he will teach you everything… (John 14:25)





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Noti f'qiegħ il-paġna

Noti f'qiegħ il-paġna
1 cf. I Tess 1:6
2 cf. Ef 4:30
3 cf. Ġwanni 16:13
4 cf. Rum 8: 26
5 cf. Rum 5: 5
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