Ix-Xedaq tad-Dragun l-Aħmar

QORTI SUPREMAIl-Imħallfin tal-Qorti Suprema tal-Kanada


IT kienet konverġenza stramba dan il-weekend li għadda. Il-ġimgħa kollha fil-kunċerti tiegħi, bħala preambolu għall-kanzunetta tiegħi Ċempel Ismek (isma 'hawn taħt), ħassejtni mġiegħel nitkellem dwar kif il-verità qed tinqaleb ta' taħt fuq fi żmienna; kemm it-tajjeb qed jissejjaħ ħażin, u l-ħażin tajjeb. Innutajt kif "l-imħallfin qegħdin iqumu filgħodu, jieħdu l-kafè u ċ-ċereali tagħhom bħall-bqija minna, u mbagħad imorru jaħdmu - u jwaqqgħu kompletament il-Liġi Morali Naturali li ilha teżisti mill-monument ta 'żmien." Ftit indunajt li l-Qorti Suprema tal-Kanada kienet qed tippjana li toħroġ deċiżjoni nhar il-Ġimgħa li għadda li tiftaħ il-bieb għat-tobba biex jgħinu joqtlu lil xi ħadd b '' kundizzjoni medika gravi u irremedjabbli (inkluża marda, marda jew diżabilità) '.

The other convergence was the unexpected word I shared with you last Wednesday (ara My Young Priests, Do Not Be Afraid) in which I sensed the Lord exhorting priests today to not be afraid to speak boldly, whatever the cost. In hindsight, I see why now….

While this ruling is hardly surprising in a prevailing culture of death where a pre-born baby can be legally killed at kwalunkwe stage of development; where marriage has been relativized and redefined; and where the “thought police” in the form of “human rights commissions” have silenced traditional views, it is still no less sobering to witness the advance of death in real time. A Polish priest commented this week that what is happening here (and other countries) is precisely what happened under Communist Russia—it’s just that the implementation of the “solution” is much more subtle in our times. Another friend pointed out the irony that Canada’s state television (the CBC) has been commemorating the 70th anniversary of Auschwitz this past month… while the Supreme Court appears to be inaugurating it. 



No, it is not necessary to fill our streets with troops and dispatch the secret service to our neighorhoods (not yet). So successful has the progressive lie against human dignity and life been in our times that what required the violence of the State military 50-80 years ago is now achieved by carreer politicians, ideological judges, and a sleeping electorate.

What I wish to point out again, however, is that this is the natural progression of the sophistries of Satan that began with the Enlightenment period over 400 years ago. [1]cf. Il-Mara u d-Dragun Remember again Christ’s prophetic words describing the devil:

Huwa kien qattiel mill-bidu ... huwa giddieb u missier il-gideb. (Ġwanni 8:44)

Satan lies so as to ensnare men so he can then destroy them. This has been his operandi modus since the beginning.

Bl-għira tax-xitan, il-mewt ġiet fid-dinja: u jsegwu lil dawk li huma tan-naħa tiegħu. (Wis 2: 24-25; Douay-Rheims)

They that “follow him” are those who in particular have created or developed the errant philosophies (lies) of the Enlightenment period: deism, materialism, darwinism, evolutionism, Marxism, atheism, socialism, relativism, communism, etc. that have sought to remake man in his own image. What we are now seeing brothers and sisters is the culmination and taħlita of these “isms” into its final form of individualism:

The decision of the Supreme Court to allow assisted suicide rests on the substitution of God’s supremacy with that of the individual. —Archbishop Richard Smith of Edmonton, Alberta, Letter: “The Decision of the Supreme Court of Canada to Allow Physician-Assisted Suicide”, L-15 ta ’Frar, 2015

This is further setting the stage for what St. John Paul II called “the final confrontation between the Church and the anti-Church, of the Gospel and the anti-Gospel.” [2]Cardinal Karol Wojtyla (JOHN PAUL II), reprinted November 9, 1978, issue of Il-Wall Street Journaminn diskors tal-1976 lill-Isqfijiet Amerikani

This [culture of death] is actively fostered by powerful cultural, economic and political currents which encourage an idea of society excessively concerned with efficiency. Looking at the situation from this point of view, it is possible to speak in a certain sense of a war of the powerful against the weak: a life which would require greater acceptance, love and care is considered useless, or held to be an intolerable burden, and is therefore rejected in one way or another. A person who, because of illness, handicap or, more simply, just by existing, compromises the well-being or life-style of those who are more favoured, tends to be looked upon as an enemy to be resisted or eliminated. In this way a kind of “conspiracy against life” is unleashed. —PAPA ĠWANNI PAWLU II, Evangelium Vitae, "L-Evanġelju tal-Ħajja", n. 12

The dragon is now showing his teeth, revealing in plain sight his open jaws— “a murderer from the beginning.” But what is entirely diaobolical about this final stage is that the lie has been accepted as truth to the degree that it is not only embraced, encouraged, and legislated, but even iċċelebrat. Death is now the solution to modern man’s problems: if an unexpected pregnancy comes, abort it; if someone is terminally ill, kill them; too old, help them commit suicide; and if your neighbouring country is deemed a threat, a “pre-emptive strike” is in order; if your “national interests” are at stake, send in the drones. Death is a one-size-fits-all.

St. Paul and the early Church Fathers saw this coming:

For the mystery of lawlessness is already at work. (2 Thess 2:7)

Il-ġustizzja kollha se titħawwad, u l-liġijiet jinqerdu. —Lattanzju, Missirijiet il-Knisja: L-Istituti Divini, Ktieb VII, Kapitolu 15, Enċiklopedija Kattolika; www.newadvent.org



What should be our response? Joy. Yes, how else do we counter the culture of despair but by being the face of hope, a light in the darkness. Let us be the locus point of the beauty and gift that life is. Let others look upon us, even in our suffering—the way the world looked upon St. John Paul II in the last stages of his Parkinson’s disease—and see that life, in all its seasons, is a gift from God. Let us radiate from a deep personal relationship with Jesus the joy of being loved by Him, and then in turn, love others. This is the “Gospel of Life” at its source and foundation.

Satan wishes to turn us into the Church of Despair as we face what is clearly a coming persecution. Freedom of religion is slipping away; belief in God is crumbling; and Catholicism is quickly becoming the number one enemy of the New World Order that is emerging. What glorious days these are! What a time to be alive because, as the darkness grows, the light of Christ in us is becoming brighter. I am seeing this in my concerts, how even the most simple truths are being drunk like a thirsty man at an oasis. Don’t be afraid to shout from the rooftops the glorious truths of our Catholic faith, first and foremost, that JESUS CHRIST IS LORD!

We are watching the final stages of a culture that is imploding. But at the same time, we are witnessing the birth pangs of a new era in Christ, heralded by the Woman. The dragon cannot destroy her. She belongs to God; she is both Mary and the Church… and we shall crush the serpent’s head.



Il-Gran Culling

Qtugħ ir-ras lil Alla

Il-Profezija ta 'Ġuda



L-appoġġ tiegħek huwa meħtieġ għal dan l-appostolat full-time.
Bierek u grazzi! 

Biex tabbona, ikklikkja hawn.


Ezekiel 33: 31-32

jannar 27: Kunċert, Parroċċa Assunta tal-Madonna, Kerrobert, SK, 7:00 pm
jannar 28: Kunċert, Parroċċa San Ġakbu, Wilkie, SK, 7:00 pm
jannar 29: Kunċert, Parroċċa San Pietru, Unity, SK, 7:00 pm
jannar 30: Kunċert, Sala Parrokkjali San VItal, Battleford, SK, 7:30 pm
jannar 31: Kunċert, Parroċċa San Ġakbu, Albertville, SK, 7:30 pm
Frar 1: Kunċert, Parroċċa Immakulata Kunċizzjoni, Tisdale, SK, 7:00 pm
Frar 2: Kunċert, Parroċċa Madonna tal-Konsolazzjoni, Melfort, SK, 7:00 pm
Frar 3: Kunċert, Parroċċa Sacred Heart, Watson, SK, 7:00 pm
Frar 4: Kunċert, Parroċċa Santu Wistin, Humboldt, SK, 7:00 pm
Frar 5: Kunċert, Parroċċa San Patrizju, Saskatoon, SK, 7:00 pm
Frar 8: Kunċert, Parroċċa San Mikiel, Cudworth, SK, 7:00 pm
Frar 9: Kunċert, Resurrection Parish, Regina, SK, 7:00 pm
Frar 10: Kunċert, Parroċċa Madonna tal-Grazzja, Sedley, SK, 7:00 pm
Frar 11: Kunċert, Parroċċa San Vinċenz de Paul, Weyburn, SK, 7:00 pm
Frar 12: Kunċert, Parroċċa Notre Dame, Pontiex, SK, 7:00 pm
Frar 13: Kunċert, Parroċċa tal-Knisja tal-Madonna, Moosejaw, SK, 7:30 pm
Frar 14: Kunċert, Parroċċa Kristu Re, Shaunavon, SK, 7:30 pm
Frar 15: Kunċert, Parroċċa San Lawrenz, Maple Creek, SK, 7:00 pm
Frar 16: Kunċert, Parroċċa Santa Marija, Fox Valley, SK, 7:00 pm
Frar 17: Kunċert, Parroċċa San Ġużepp, Kindersley, SK, 7:00 pm




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Noti f'qiegħ il-paġna

Noti f'qiegħ il-paġna
1 cf. Il-Mara u d-Dragun
2 Cardinal Karol Wojtyla (JOHN PAUL II), reprinted November 9, 1978, issue of Il-Wall Street Journaminn diskors tal-1976 lill-Isqfijiet Amerikani

Kummenti huma magħluqa.