Id-Dawl Qawwi tal-Purità

Jum 22

qalb pura-5


A rivoluzzjoni tal-moħħ isir il - portal għall - Internet sitt triq li tiftaħ qalbna għall-preżenza ta ’Alla. Ghal intellett u, se huma dawk li jipproteġu u jrawmu l-purità tal-qalb, u Ġesù qal ...

Blessed are the clean of heart, for they will see God. (Matt 5:8)

In truth, to talk of “purity of heart” in our day and age is about as foreign as speaking to Mexicans about snow. The idea of chastity, virginity, abstinence, modesty, monogamy, self-control, orthodoxy, etc. are routinely mocked in the mainstream. And it is tragic, because the clean of heart se see God.

And by this it means not only the beatific vision—when a soul will meet God face to face for eternity; but purity of heart, even now…

…enables us to see skond lil Alla. -Katekiżmu tal-Knisja Kattolika, le. 2519

Something beautiful happens when our hearts walk in innocence. God is more readily perceived in creation, more visible in truth, beauty, and goodness, and more apparent in our neighbour. The heart is moved with authentic love as it recognizes Jesus, even in the “least of the brothers.” It sees God’s hand even in suffering. And it perceives His will in even the most insignificant duties of the moment. So the pure of heart are ferrieħi, for they walk always in the will of God, which is their resting place. And thus, even as they carry their crosses, their “yoke is easy, and burden light.” [1]11 Matt: 28 Jiġifieri, they see God in every circumstance.

Moreover, such souls shine with a divine radiance because it is no longer they who live, but Christ living in them. Uninhibited by self-love, the pure in heart reflect Jesus the way an unblemished mirror reflects sunlight with a supernatural brilliance that penetrates even the most dense darkness. Through obedience, they have allowed the Spirit of God to purge their souls of the stain of sin and attachment to disordered passions. They are well-acquainted with their interior poverty apart from God… but submerged in peace because His mercy sustains them. With Mary, they too can cry out:

My soul magnifies the Lord, and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior, for he has regarded the low estate of his handmaiden. (Luke 1:47-48)

The pure soul is like a fleck of dust caught in the orbit of the Sun. Pulled more and more by its gravity, it eventually bursts into flame becoming one with its elements. So too, the more pure of heart a soul becomes, the more it is drawn into the depths of the Sacred Heart and set aflame with the fires of charity until, at last, it is 1 with the Son.

How the Lord yearns for this unity of hearts with you, my brother! How He longs to make your soul glisten with purity, my sister! If you think such joy is beyond your reach, then look again at the Cross to see how far Jesus has gone to make this possible. What is required is that you begin today, one step at a time, to walk upon the Narrow Pilgrim Road—rejecting temptation to your right, and illusion to your left.

Satan is desperate to do everything possible to stain your soul, to prevent you from both seeing God, and others from seeing Him in you. This is why the world today is under a deluge of impurity; Satan knows his time now is very, very short, and that Mary is ready to call her army forth as she sets their hearts ablaze with the Flame of Love from her heart—that Flame, who is Jesus. As she revealed in the approved messages to Elizabeth Kindelmann,

The elect souls will have to fight the Prince of Darkness. It will be a frightening storm — no, not a storm, but a hurricane devastating everything! He even wants to destroy the faith and confidence of the elect. I will always be beside you in the storm that is now brewing. I am your mother. I can help you and I want to! You will see everywhere the light of my Flame of Love sprouting out like a flash of lightning illuminating Heaven and earth, and with which I will inflame even the dark and languid souls… It will be the Great Miracle of light blinding Satan… The torrential flood of blessings about to jolt the world must begin with the small number of the most humble souls. Each person getting this message should receive it as an invitation and no one should take offense nor ignore it… —Messaġġ lil Elizabeth Kindlemann; ara

And so, let us simply say “yes” to this invitation and invite Our Lady, the most pure of all creatures, and Our Mother, to help us become clean of heart so that her Son Jesus may reign in the world through us.



Purity of heart enables us to see God wherever He is, and allow Him to reign in us until we see Him face to face.

Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is gracious, if there is any excellence and if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things… Then the God of peace will be with you. (Phil 4:8-9)




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Ktieb tas-Siġar


Is-Siġra minn Denise Mallett kienet reviżuri tal-għaġeb. Jien iktar minn eċċitati li naqsam l-ewwel rumanz ta 'binti. Daħak, bkejt, u x-xbihat, il-karattri, u l-istejjer qawwija jkomplu jdumu f’ruħi. Klassiku immedjat!

Is-Siġra huwa rumanz miktub tajjeb u impenjattiv ħafna. Mallett kiteb storja umana u teoloġika tassew epika ta 'avventura, imħabba, intriċċi, u t-tfittxija għall-verità u t-tifsira aħħarija. Jekk dan il-ktieb qatt isir film - u għandu jkun - id-dinja teħtieġ biss li ċċedi għall-verità tal-messaġġ ta ’dejjem.
—Fr. Donald Calloway, MIC, awtur & kelliem

Li ssejjaħ lil Denise Mallett bħala awtur ta 'talent inkredibbli hija sottostima! Is-Siġra huwa maqbud u miktub sew. Jien nibqa 'nistaqsi lili nnifsi, "Kif jista' xi ħadd jikteb xi ħaġa bħal din?" Mingħajr diskors.

—Ken Yasinski, Kelliem Kattoliku, awtur & fundatur tal-Ministri FacetoFace



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Noti f'qiegħ il-paġna

Noti f'qiegħ il-paġna
1 11 Matt: 28
Posted fil HOME, IRTIRAR TAR-Randan.