Ir-Renju Bla Ħsara

għall-31 ta ’Jannar, 201
Tifkira ta ’San Ġwann Bosco, Saċerdot

Testi Liturġiċi hawn

Kurċifiss Rusty, minn Jeffrey Knight



"META jiġi Bin il-Bniedem, isib il-fidi fuq l-art? ”

Hija mistoqsija pjuttost persistenti. X'jista 'possibilment iġib kundizzjoni bħal din li biha l-parti l-kbira tal-umanità tkun tilfet il-fidi tagħha f'Alla? It-tweġiba hija, huma jkunu tilfu l-fidi fil-Knisja Tiegħu.

Jesus was hailed as the Messiah on Palm Sunday. But by Good Friday, they had all but destroyed Him as He hung upon a cross. The Apostles had fled; Judas had betrayed Him; the Scribes falsely accused Him; Pontius Pilate turned a blind eye; the throngs that ate miraculous loaves and fish now spewed venom (“Crucify Him!”) while others stood by, saying nothing. The world was upside down. The one anchor of the people was now sinking to the bottom, cut loose from expectations, hopes, and dreams. The Messiah was disfigured, deposed, defeated.

Jew hekk deher.

In reality, a divine plan was unfolding that astonished angels and shook the thrones of principalities and powers. God was actually saving mankind through all the scandal, violence, and destruction. The Kingdom of God was near. The throne was the Cross, thorns a crown, and blood a mighty decree that would sweep away death and establish an eternal Kingdom: the Church, which is…

The kingdom of Christ already present in mystery”, “on earth, the seed and the beginning of the kingdom".-Katekiżmu tal-Knisja Kattolika, le. 669

“Christ dwells on earth in his Church.” [1]Katekiżmu tal-Knisja Kattolika, le. 669 Thus, as it was for the Head, so will it be for the Body.

Il-Knisja tidħol fil-glorja tas-saltna biss permezz ta ’din l-aħħar Qbiż, meta hi ssegwi lil Sidha fil-mewt u l-Qawmien tiegħu. -Katekiżmu tal-Knisja Kattolika, le. 677

The Church, like Jesus, will be betrayed by her own; abandoned by the justice system; and crucified by her enemies. Thus, many will turn away and flee from her, misunderstanding that her mission was never to create a politically correct utopia but save souls from eternal damnation. “The light of the world,” as Jesus called the Church, will be eklipsat. [2]cf. L-Aħħar Żewġ Eklissi

Qabel it-tieni miġja ta ’Kristu l-Knisja trid tgħaddi minn prova finali li tħawwad il-fidi ta’ ħafna twemmin. Il-persekuzzjoni li takkumpanja l-pellegrinaġġ tagħha fid-dinja se tikxef il- "misteru tal-ħażen" fil-forma ta 'qerq reliġjuż li joffri lill-irġiel soluzzjoni apparenti għall-problemi tagħhom bi prezz ta' apostasija mill-verità. -Katekiżmu tal-Knisja Kattolika, le. 675

Thus, today’s first reading is a dark icon of the paradox of Christ reigning in an imperfect Church. King David, whose throne is to last from “age to age”, commits a horrific concoction of sins: lust, betrayal, violence, deception. It is clear, then, that the eternal kingdom promised from David’s ancestry does not depend upon men, but divine providence. The scandal of the Cross already present in David’s reign was present in Peter’s denial, Judas’ betrayal, and is there today in a Church that has become wrought with scandal, tepidity, weakness, and seeming impotence.

U madankollu ... the King continues to reign, the Kingdom continues to grow, subtly, quietly—like a mustard tree, spreading its branches further and further. Throughout her history, the Tree has appeared alive, budding, spreading its fragrance and fruit to the far reaches of the earth… and at other times, its leaves have fallen, and seemingly all appeared dead; branches were pruned while others appeared dormant. And then, a rebbiegħa ġdida comes, and once again she bursts into life.

Or the Church, is like a crop…

…it is as if a man were to scatter seed on the land and would sleep and rise night and day and the seed would sprout and grow, he knows not how. (Today’s Gospel)

That is to say, generations come and go through days of glory and nights of tribulation, all the while the storms of revolution, war, disease, and famine rage about. But the crop keeps growing, along with the weeds, until at last the Divine Farmer will wield “the sickle at once, for the harvest has come.”

Will the Son of Man find faith on earth when He returns? The answer is iva. That is the secret in today’s parables: the Kingdom will prevail through nights and days, the change of seasons, the birth of kings, the fall of dynasties, the rise of empires, the collapse of orders, and reign of antichrists. Only those who have the heart of David—to recognize their sin and to trust in the promise of Christ, despite the scandal of the Cross—will have the spiritual eyes to see that, behind the veil of weakness, still lies the Bride of Christ.

Christ the Lord already reigns through the Church, but all the things of this world are not yet subjected to him. The triumph of Christ’s kingdom will not come about without one last assault by the powers of evil… The kingdom has come in the person of Christ and grows mysteriously in the hearts of those incorporated into him, until its full eschatological manifestation. -Katekiżmu tal-Knisja Kattolika, n. 680, 865

I am a sinner, but I trust in the infinite mercy and patience of our Lord Jesus Christ. —POPE FRANCIS, his words on being elected the 267th pontiff;


***IMPORTANTI*** Please note: Starting today, Il-Kelma Issa will only come out Mon-Fri. This will allow me extra time to write other “Spiritual Food for Thought” for my general readership. Thanks for understanding. (If you are new to my writings, I write a reflection, usually once a week, dealing with the “signs of the times” that helps us to live better in the present moment. You can jissottoskrivu lil dawk hawn, or simply click the “Daily Journal” on the sidebar to see the latest writings.)




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Noti f'qiegħ il-paġna

Noti f'qiegħ il-paġna
1 Katekiżmu tal-Knisja Kattolika, le. 669
2 cf. L-Aħħar Żewġ Eklissi