Video - Tibżax!


IL messaġġi li poġġejna fuq Countdown to the Kingdom illum, meta kont bilqiegħda ħdejn xulxin, irrakkontaw storja tal-għaġeb tal- drabi li qed ngħixu. Dawn huma kliem minn seers minn tliet kontinenti differenti. Biex taqrahom, ikklikkja fuq l-istampa hawn fuq jew mur

But those “messages from Heaven” also make some people very anxious. In fact, my wife and I have been fielding emails and calls from fellow Christians all over the world who are gripped in fear.

With that, Professor Daniel O’Connor and I set out to address the roots of fear in these times as well as the solutions. You’ll want to watch this moving but challenging webcast that is full of reality, straight talk, and hope. A solid hour of reassurance sure to build your faith.

Biża 'Mhux!



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