Trimite-mi fiicele


POATE este pentru că are cam aceeași înălțime. Poate pentru că ordinea ei îi caută pe cei neajutorați. Orice ar fi, când am cunoscut-o pe maica Paul Marie, ea mi-a amintit de maica Tereza. Într-adevăr, teritoriul ei este „străzile noi din Calcutta”.



Mother Teresa apparently said that, had she known the spiritual poverty that existed in North America, she would have come here instead of India.

A while ago, I wrote how North American cities have become the new streets of Calcutta…

…lined with high-rises and espresso shops. The poor wear ties and the hungry don high heels. At night, they  wander the gutters of television, looking for a morsel of pleasure here, or a bite of fulfillment there. Or you’ll find them begging on the lonely streets of the Internet, with words barely audible behind the clicks of a mouse.

Or, you’ll find them hidden in the alleys of our homes—copiilor, in need of love and healing.

And that’s the charism of the Daughters of Mary of Healing Love. To welcome and embrace those little ones who have have experienced a famine of love in their homes… much the way so many of India’s children have been orphaned through disease and starvation. But not only the children… it’s Mother Paul’s goal to see the families themselves healed and restored.

The Daughters of Mary have a significant role to play in our times. The gifts and charisms God has given them are powerful. The fully-habited sisters whom I met are young, and brimming with life and authenticity. They are signs of the new evangelization.




Why am I telling you about this? Because when I visited Mother Paul’s association in Rochester, New Hampshire, I felt Our Lady telling me to write about them and "Send her daughters." And so, my dear sisters in Christ, whomever you are, here is the website and information below. Follow the Spirit. There is never compulsion. Love invites you to "come and see."

Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom. (2 Cor 3:17)

Are you one of the daughters Mary is calling? Is Mary calling you out of Bastionul to this place? Only you can answer that question, with the grace and leading of the Holy Spirit. 



  • Fiicele Mariei Mama Iubirii Vindecătoare: SITE
  • Strada Grant 19
    Rochester, NH  03867 

    Telefon: (603) 332-4768
    Fax: (603) 332-3948


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