هر ڪلاڪ جي ڳڻپ

I محسوس ڪيو eachڻ هر ڪلاڪ هاڻ ڳڻتي آهي. انھيءَ لاءِ ته مون کي بنيادي سڌاري ڏانھن سڏيو وڃي ٿو. اها هڪ پراسرار شيءِ آهي ، ۽ اڃا تائين غير يقيني طور تي خوشگوار. مسيح اسان کي ڪجھ تيار ڪري رھيو آھي ... ڪجھه غيرمعمولي.

Yes, repentance is more than penitence. It is not remorse. It is not just admitting our mistakes. It is not self-condemnation: "What a fool I've been!" Who of us has not recited such a dismal litany? No, repentance is a moral and spiritual revolution. To repent is one of the hardest things in the world, yet it is basic to all spiritual progress. It demands the breaking down of pride, self-assurance, and the innermost citadel of self-will.(ڪيٿرين ڊي هوڪ ڊوهري ، مسيح جي چيم)

ڇاپو دوست، پي ايڇ ۽ اي ميل
۾ موڪليندڙ گهر.