Latou Te Le Vaʻai

mo Aperila 11th, 2014
Aso Faraile o le Vaiaso Vaiaso Lona Lima

Tusitusiga faʻa Liturgical iinei



LENEI tupulaga e pei o se tamaloa tu i luga o le matafaga, matamata i se vaa mou atu luga o le tafailagi. Na te le mafaufau i mea i talaatu o le tafa, o fea e alu i ai le vaa, pe o fea e omai ai isi vaa. I lona mafaufau, o le a le mea moni e naʻo le mea o loʻo taʻoto i le va o le matafaga ma le lagi. Ma o le mea lena.

E tusa lea ma le toʻatele e iloa le Ekalesia Katoliko i aso nei. Latou le mafai ona vaʻai i talaatu o le tafatafaʻilagi o lo latou poto faʻatapulaʻaina; latou te le malamalama i le suiga suiga o le Ekalesia i le tele o seneturi: faʻafefea ona ia faʻailoaina aʻoaʻoga, soifua maloloina, ma fesoasoani i nisi konetineta. Le auala na suia ai e le silisili ese o le Tala Lelei ata, musika, ma tusitusiga. Faʻafefea ona faʻaalia le malosi o ana upu moni i le matagofie o le fausiaina ma le fausiaina, o aia tatau a tagata ma tulafono.

What they see, rather, are only the follies of a small number of priests, only the mistakes and sins of some of her members, and the lies of revisionists who have distorted the facts of her past. And so, today’s first reading becomes more and more their crude anthem:

Terror on every side! Denounce! let us denounce him!

Indeed, Catholics are fast becoming the new “terrorists” of our time—terrorists against peace, tolerance, and diversity, so they say. Of those who do in fact admit of the Church’s contribution to the foundations of civil society, one can hear the rising chorus of “intellectuals” crying out:

We are not stoning you for a good work but for blasphemy. (Today’s Gospel)

The blasphemy of holding fast to moral absolutes; the sacrilege of having holy convictions; the audacity of believing in the existence of a Creator of the heavens and the earth. Indeed, defending family, babies, and marriage is now deemed “hateful” and “bigoted.”

… O le faʻaiuga lea, na o mai le malamalama i le lalolagi, ae na sili le fiafia o tagata i le pouliuli nai lo le malamalama, aua e leaga a latou galuega. (Ioane 3:19)

But we must not be afraid to stand our ground, for truth is not just doctrine, but a Person. To be on the side of truth is to defend Christ.

Ona o se tulaga faigata tele, ua tatou manaʻomia ai nei ia sili atu nai lo se isi lava taimi muamua ia maua le lototele e vaʻai ai le mea moni i mata ma taʻu mea i o latou igoa saʻo, e aunoa ma le gauaʻi i fetuutuunaʻi fetuʻunaʻi poʻo le faʻaosoosoga o le faʻasesēina o oe lava. I lenei itu, o le faalumaina o le Perofeta e matua tuusao lava: "Oi talofa ia i latou oe taʻua le leaga o le lelei ma le lelei leaga, oe fai le pouliuli ma malamalama ma malamalama ma pouliuli" (Is 5:20). —BLESSED JOHN PAUL II, Evangelium Vitae, "O Le Talalelei o le Ola", n. 58

The climax of the “final confrontation” of our times draws nearer. But this should be a cause, not for sadness, but joy. Because Truth will be victorious, in the end…

The breakers of death surged round about me, the destroying floods overwhelmed me… In my distress I called upon the LORD and cried out to my God; from his temple he heard my voice… he has rescued the life of the poor from the power of the wicked! (Psalm; first reading)






“Sa ou faitau Le Fetauiga Mulimuli. The end result was hope and joy! I pray that your book will serve as a clear guide and explanation for the times we are in and the ones we are rapidly heading towards.” -John LaBriola, tusitala o Agaʻi i luma le fitafita Katoliko ma Faʻatauga Tutotonu a Keriso



O la tatou auaunaga o lepa'ū puʻupuʻu”O tupe e manaʻomia tele
ma manaʻomia lau lagolago e faʻaauau.
Faʻamanuia ia oe, ma faʻafetai.

Ina ia maua le Lenei le Upu,
kiliki i luga le fuʻa i lalo e lesitala.
O lau imeli o le a le faʻasoaina i se tasi.


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